Top 20 Different Lights Quotes

#1. Few men are of one plain, decided color; most are mixed, shaded, and blended; and vary as much, from different situations, as changeable silks do from different lights.

Lord Chesterfield

Different Lights Quotes #1356145
#2. Ever since a small boy, I have loved just to look at the mountains, to see them in different lights and from different angles, to feel their rough rock under my fingers and the breath of the winds against my feet ... I am in love with the mountains.

Wilfrid Noyce

Different Lights Quotes #1612776
#3. I have a lot of plants and fish and a pet lizard and Venus flytraps. I have a whole ecosystem in my room, like a running waterfall and different lights and sensors set on digital timers.

Chris Pratt

Different Lights Quotes #1682218
#4. All her words to him are like staying in a hotel, new and curious and tentatively fumbling for switches on the wall, repeatedly turning on different lights that those she wanted to turn on.

Fredrik Backman

Different Lights Quotes #969094
#5. Brits and Americans have hundreds of different phrases for the same thing. Luckily, it's usually a source of amusement rather than frustration. A flashlight by any other name is still a torch. My personal favourite is 'fairy lights,' which we boringly refer to as 'Christmas lights.'

Sloane Crosley

Different Lights Quotes #1801493
#6. I'm really proud of 'Bright Lights' because I was still in the mind frame of my first album when I was putting it together, but next time I want to display something different. I don't want to be as young, immature and all about boys!

Ellie Goulding

Different Lights Quotes #1713821
#7. He's in his circle, and I'm in mine, and we just go around and around.

Jen Calonita

Different Lights Quotes #1645534
#8. The racing is no different if it is day or night except you see the lights and the sparks. You run the race the same. The day or night doesn't really affect the race.

Ken Schrader

Different Lights Quotes #1582119
#9. Gratitude is like a flashlight. It lights up what is already there. You don't necessarily have anything more or different, but suddenly you can actually see what it is. And because you can see, you no longer take it for granted.

M.J. Ryan

Different Lights Quotes #1298837
#10. As the woods are the same, the trees standing in their places, the rocks and the earth ... they are always different too, as lights and shadows and seasons and moods pass through them.

Emily Carr

Different Lights Quotes #1213198
#11. Plays are wonderfully different than short stories, first because it's a story that's on a stage, but there's a different sort of tension that appears on stage - you get to see your characters in a different way - like with lights.

Amy Bloom

Different Lights Quotes #1119169
#12. You will notice the phenomena of meditation. You may see dazzling lights, feel energy coursing through different parts of your body, feel as if you are floating, hear sounds, or smell fragrances.

Frederick Lenz

Different Lights Quotes #1074280
#13. Brainstorming, for me, takes place in my bed at night between the time I turn out my lights and I finally fall asleep. It is not a very violent storm, but what's happening is I am just thinking about different ideas and maybe things I've seen that day that I think might make a good story.

Chris Van Allsburg

Different Lights Quotes #807585
#14. It seems obvious that colors vary according to lights, because when any color is placed in the shade, it appears to be different from the same color which is located in light. Shade makes color dark, whereas light makes color bright where it strikes.

Leon Battista Alberti

Different Lights Quotes #646477
#15. The nervous system functions in a fourth, unique way, as different as dreaming is from sleeping as sleeping is from waking. When you transcend, it's the only experience that lights the full brain on an EEG machine. It's the only experience that utilizes the full brain.

David Lynch

Different Lights Quotes #626327
#16. But by shining these lights in different places, they really have uncovered things that companies in their own interest are trying to clean up. We're not going to get rid of the realities of global competition. But these companies, like Nike or Gap, have global brands that they want to protect.

Pietra Rivoli

Different Lights Quotes #616370
#17. If you're setting up lights and tripods, and you've got three assistants running around, people will want to get you out as fast as they can. But if you go the opposite way, if you make the camera the least important thing in the room, then it's different.

D. A. Pennebaker

Different Lights Quotes #372198
#18. Each neighborhood of the city appeared to be made of a different substance, each seemed to have a different air pressure, a different psychic weight: the bright lights and shuttered shops, the housing projects and luxury hotels, the fire escapes and city parks.

Teju Cole

Different Lights Quotes #260817
#19. Lights and moods and seasons was to see it a thousand different ways and to keep it shut in the dark - a thing made of light, that only lived in light - was wrong in more ways than I knew how to explain. More than wrong: it was crazy.

Donna Tartt

Different Lights Quotes #139037
#20. The stadium here in Munich is the best of the lot for me. It is absolutely fantastic, especially the way it lights up a different colour according to who is playing. It's superb.

Claudia Schiffer

Different Lights Quotes #42686

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