Top 9 Dialogar Sinonimo Quotes

#1. I'm a writer more than I am a talker.

Wendell Berry

Dialogar Sinonimo Quotes #44448
#2. We needn't talk about Tessa if you don't want to, you know."
"It's not Tessa." This was true. Will hadn't been thinking of Tessa. He was getting good at not thinking about her, really; all it took was determination and practice.

Cassandra Clare

Dialogar Sinonimo Quotes #296677
#3. Some people are born to fandom, others have fandom thrust upon them.

Nenia Campbell

Dialogar Sinonimo Quotes #335531
#4. Ageing is not easy, Senhora Castro. It's a terrible, incurable pathology. And great love is another pathology.

Yann Martel

Dialogar Sinonimo Quotes #341726
#5. I loved living with my parents - that's probably why I did it for so long. But it was almost too easy to live there. I had to force myself to get out, had to challenge myself. I had to start a new chapter.

King Tuff

Dialogar Sinonimo Quotes #1079230
#6. Some days they confuse the walls of their cage with their skin.

Traci Brimhall

Dialogar Sinonimo Quotes #1333373
#7. I could use a little monotony in my life. Spontaneity is exhausting.

A Meredith Walters

Dialogar Sinonimo Quotes #1545699
#8. Your heart has a powerful little antenna and its vibrations can be felt throughout the universe.

Suzy Kassem

Dialogar Sinonimo Quotes #1711993
#9. Its home is in the world; and to know what it is, we must seek it in the world, and hear the world's witness of it.

John Henry Newman

Dialogar Sinonimo Quotes #1847559

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