Top 16 Demassification Quotes

#1. Never use jargon words like 'reconceptualize', 'demassification', 'attitudinally', 'judgmentally'. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ass.

David Ogilvy

Demassification Quotes #294424
#2. Opening to oneself fully is opening to the world.

Chogyam Trungpa

Demassification Quotes #9735
#3. Living apart is hardly possible if people have children together. It can also be more expensive to maintain two homes. But then, it's expensive to break up when you live in one property.

Deborah Moggach

Demassification Quotes #53213
#4. Mercy is Truth clothed; judgment is Truth naked.

Peter Kreeft

Demassification Quotes #112630
#5. When dictators feel their support slipping among adults, it is not unusual for them to alter school textbooks in the hope of enlisting impressionable youths in their cause.

Samantha Power

Demassification Quotes #120246
#6. I take chances. I don't limit myself. I don't think anybody who listens to Boston would have predicted hearing a female rapper on the beginning of the song 'Sail Away.' But that's what fit.

Tom Scholz

Demassification Quotes #457946
#7. Today we are not put up on the platforms and sold at the courthouse square. But we are forced to sell our strength, our time, our souls during almost every hour that we live. We have been freed from one kind of slavery only to be delivered into another. Is this freedom?

Carson McCullers

Demassification Quotes #535954
#8. There are many women whose lives would be immeasurably improved by widowhood, but one should not always point that out.

Alexander McCall Smith

Demassification Quotes #558252
#9. I think that the tendency for most people is to fall back on a comic interpretation of things because things are so sad, so terrible. If you didn't laugh you'd kill yourself. But the truth of the matter is that existence in general is very very tragic, very very sad, very brutal and very unhappy.

Woody Allen

Demassification Quotes #640701
#10. The system of life on this planet is so astoundingly complex that it was a long time before man even realized that it was a system at all and that it wasn't something that was just there.

Douglas Adams

Demassification Quotes #681815
#11. I never weigh myself. That's the best advice I can give - never step on a scale. You know if you're being healthy, if you're exercising. You don't need to be undermined by some crazy number.

Elaine Irwin

Demassification Quotes #805966
#12. If she were a broken girl whose life was a wreck and would never be the same, their vigor for her story would simply be unacceptable. They couldn't allow themselves to be so attracted to her narrative if it ended any way but beautifully.

Charlie Donlea

Demassification Quotes #890374
#13. The transfer is a monumental occasion as the Iraqi people take control of their government and their future and forge ahead with creating a society governed by the tenets of life, liberty and freedom.

Jim Gerlach

Demassification Quotes #933383
#14. But my dear man, reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know.

Alan W. Watts

Demassification Quotes #1589931
#15. The truth of why I used to listen to Arrested Development on my Walkman was because if I didn't, it would take me 20 minutes to walk to school. If I did, it took me 15. That's the reason I loved it. I just had more of a kick in my step, more of a bounce, so I'd walk quicker.

James Corden

Demassification Quotes #1608073
#16. Whether we call ourselves communists or capitalists, Hindus or Buddhists, Moslems or Christians, whether we are blind, lame, well or happy, this earth is ours ... not somebody else's ... it is not only the rich man's earth, but our earth ... yours and mine.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Demassification Quotes #1821105

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