Top 9 Degtyaryov Plant Quotes

#1. Only he who finds empiricism irksome is driven to method.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Degtyaryov Plant Quotes #117141
#2. He had always enjoyed Lily Bart; and his course lay so far out of her orbit that it amused him to be drawn for a moment into the sudden intimacy which her proposal implied.

Edith Wharton

Degtyaryov Plant Quotes #381858
#3. I write pre-apocalyptic fiction. In other words, I'm not interested in a future where everything is blown to hell, I'd rather write something that helps to prevent it from happening.

James Rozoff

Degtyaryov Plant Quotes #524312
#4. Control of consciousness determines the quality of life.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Degtyaryov Plant Quotes #591389
#5. People who love reading get an instantly warm feeling in their bellies when they hear others describe getting comfortable with a good book.

Carla H. Krueger

Degtyaryov Plant Quotes #957141
#6. Be kind to everyone; forgive everyone everything.

Dharma Mittra

Degtyaryov Plant Quotes #1212308
#7. I do not explain, I explore.

Marshall McLuhan

Degtyaryov Plant Quotes #1420392
#8. I'd rather dig a ditch than go to a dinner party with people I don't know.

Marian Keyes

Degtyaryov Plant Quotes #1461509
#9. My father was always very interested in space. I watch Star Trek and all those things, but I always had a different picture in my mind ... maybe closer to Alien. I don't see it in space as much as I do see it in different planets, with each having its own strange characters.

Sigourney Weaver

Degtyaryov Plant Quotes #1602393

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