Top 8 Deeann Blumberg Quotes

#1. been bored is not a crime but one must have someting to do for a living


Deeann Blumberg Quotes #2971
#2. You grab at any sign of hope. You grab it with both hands and breathe life into it, day after day. You do anything to keep it alive.

Melina Marchetta

Deeann Blumberg Quotes #76270
#3. I've read science fiction my whole life. I never really dreamed that I'd be a published science fiction writer myself, but a short story I started years ago sort of demanded to be turned into a novel.

Ramez Naam

Deeann Blumberg Quotes #267899
#4. my personal life philosophy is always to assume the worst, then you're never disappointed.

Felicia Day

Deeann Blumberg Quotes #640164
#5. I warn the marauder dragging plunder, chaotic, rich beyond all rights: he'll strike his sails, harried at long last, stunned when the squalls of torment break his spars to bits.


Deeann Blumberg Quotes #686022
#6. Don't wear bacon cologne. If you put on ... you know what? Screw it. Wear it. If you are the type of guy who is tempted to wear bacon cologne, it's not like you could get laid any less.

Bill Maher

Deeann Blumberg Quotes #1178756
#7. It's for this reason that, however counterintuitive it may seem, psychologists actually recommend that we fail early and often.

Shawn Achor

Deeann Blumberg Quotes #1226385
#8. When we are young ... we often experience things in the present with a nostalgia-in-advance, but we seldom guess what we will truly prize years from now.

Edmund White

Deeann Blumberg Quotes #1438753

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