Top 13 Dantley Davis Quotes

#1. Traffic signals in New York are just rough guidelines.

David Letterman

Dantley Davis Quotes #71099
#2. Lynch is not as strange as his films. He's a complex guy with a very interesting view of the world. But he's very accessible, with a good heart.

Kyle MacLachlan

Dantley Davis Quotes #519464
#3. If you've ever had your heart broken, it's like, once is enough - you can live a lifetime on that. Ya know? You can write a lot of records on one broken heart.

Jessie Baylin

Dantley Davis Quotes #809481
#4. That was what people did when they wanted to stop a girl from doing something - they shamed her.

Jennifer Donnelly

Dantley Davis Quotes #978681
#5. It was a humbling thought, to realize the weight of the world could not break him, but the loss of her could have.

Joey W. Hill

Dantley Davis Quotes #1006209
#6. Never admire a man by his strength; judge him in how he uses it- A way is made by walking it


Dantley Davis Quotes #1209619
#7. I would never recruit a player who yells at his teammates, disrespected his high school coach, or scores 33 points a game and his team goes 10-10.

Dean Smith

Dantley Davis Quotes #1240397
#8. The man who does not wish to be one of the mass only needs to cease to be easy on himself.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Dantley Davis Quotes #1339012
#9. Our wishes are presentiments of the abilities that lie in us, harbingers of what we will be able to accomplish.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Dantley Davis Quotes #1735895
#10. We know about man's impact on the ocean in terms of fishing and overfishing, but we don't really know much about what's happening underneath the water. And in fact, shipping has a role to play here, because shipping noise has contributed to damaging the acoustic habitats of ocean creatures.

Rose George

Dantley Davis Quotes #1748093
#11. To stand alone against all adversity is the most sacred moment of existence.

Frank Herbert

Dantley Davis Quotes #1754673
#12. They are trying to take you back from me now, and they will - but only for a brief, little while -

Maryrose Wood

Dantley Davis Quotes #1797085
#13. The fundamental sanity of Indian civilization has been due to an absence of Satan.

Romila Thapar

Dantley Davis Quotes #1875053

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