Top 6 Dagobah Dobermans Quotes

#1. Photograph because you love doing it, because you absolutely have to do it, because the chief reward is going to be the process of doing it. Other rewards - recognition, financial remuneration - come to so few and are so fleeting ... Take photography on as a passion, not a career.

Alex Webb

Dagobah Dobermans Quotes #10286
#2. TV is what sells your product.

Sheryl Swoopes

Dagobah Dobermans Quotes #416638
#3. Any church that is not seriously involved in helping fulfill the Great Commission has forfeited its biblical right to exist.

Oswald J. Smith

Dagobah Dobermans Quotes #445406
#4. I don't give a damn, laddie. Until the actual moment, when they cut me down, I shall still be looking to win. And the gods of war are fickle at best.

David Gemmell

Dagobah Dobermans Quotes #589762
#5. If there is to be reconciliation, first there must be truth.

Timothy B. Tyson

Dagobah Dobermans Quotes #1043761
#6. It is impossible to repent of love. The sin of love does not exist.

Muriel Spark

Dagobah Dobermans Quotes #1573404

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