Top 10 Cybercity Music Quotes

#1. Now that your eyes are open, make the sun jealous with your burning passion to start the day. Make the sun jealous or stay in bed.

Malak El Halabi

Cybercity Music Quotes #22904
#2. I don't miss my youth. I'm glad I had one, but I wouldn't like to start over.

Umberto Eco

Cybercity Music Quotes #138744
#3. Hell is given up so reluctantly by those who don't expect to go there

Harry Leon Wilson

Cybercity Music Quotes #443976
#4. There are people who tell you to shut up because you're just a celebrity, but pundits, talking heads, they're every bit the celebrity and a lot of them aren't any more qualified than the average man on the street.

Kevin Bacon

Cybercity Music Quotes #573056
#5. I swallowed and bit my lower lip, "Maybe freedom is never truly free, as they say," I said into his green eyes, "it comes with a price, and sooner or later, time will come to collect its toll.

Julia J. Gibbs

Cybercity Music Quotes #913748
#6. The Situation's style is like super obnoxiously aggressive.

Pauly D

Cybercity Music Quotes #1024484
#7. No. It was almost impossible to electrocute someone these days, unless you were the governor of Texas.

Louise Penny

Cybercity Music Quotes #1027294
#8. Let go, allow, and it will be yours.

Deepak Chopra

Cybercity Music Quotes #1273368
#9. Before a day was over, Home comes the rover, For mother's kiss - sweeter this
Than any other thing!

William Allingham

Cybercity Music Quotes #1304765
#10. Trust those you love, and that love you in return," she said. "It will hurt more if they betray you, but at least you'll still know joy." - Zusa

David Dalglish

Cybercity Music Quotes #1394622

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