Top 14 Cultish Quotes

#1. For whatever reason, every project I do becomes sort of a cult, or a cultish show, you know, like 'Battlestar,' or even a film I did years ago, 'Kalifornia,' people refer to it as a cult film.

Michelle Forbes

Cultish Quotes #112345
#2. Libertarianism is "cultish," say the sophisticates. Of course, there's nothing cultish at all about allegiance to the state, with its flags, its songs, its mass murders, its little children saluting and paying homage to pictures of their dear leaders on the wall, etc.

Thomas E. Woods Jr.

Cultish Quotes #428312
#3. In the nineteenth century, poetry was a bestselling genre rather than the cultish phenomenon it is now.

John McWhorter

Cultish Quotes #1112608
#4. I don't think it takes much for a cult to be a cult. Many parts of our society are cultish, and you only need a charismatic leader and some teachings, and before you know it, you have a cult.

Jerome Flynn

Cultish Quotes #1275149
#5. He was wondering if there was some cryptic, cultish mark on his door that told all the crazy people he'd have trouble saying no.

Anne Tyler

Cultish Quotes #1427688
#6. There is an irrational, cultish tendency in many intellectual movements, and Objectivism, alas, is no exception. Ayn Rand's personal obsession with loyalty did little to discourage this trend ... Rand had often protested, 'Protect me from my followers!'

Nathaniel Branden

Cultish Quotes #1648091
#7. Poetry has always been made to seem kind of cultish. But the truth is, everybody really loves it! It's much more mainstream than anyone thought.

Maria Shriver

Cultish Quotes #1840120
#8. An echo makes good company, Old Margaret said. Whenever I'm lonely, I always try to find one to talk to. They're much better than mirrors. Mirrors say nasty things about you. Echoes are far more supportive. They think whatever you say is completely brilliant.

Gabrielle Zevin

Cultish Quotes #363667
#9. I spend a lot of time trying to convince myself that nothing really matters except being alive.

Sarah Miller

Cultish Quotes #678770
#10. It has been said that life's winners don't always have the best of everything but they make the best of everything they have.

Hazel McCallion

Cultish Quotes #799089
#11. You only live once, so off with them pants. Hell ain't for sure, it's only a chance.

Mojo Nixon

Cultish Quotes #917280
#12. The forehead is the gate of the mind.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Cultish Quotes #1138945
#13. I don't kiss girls that I don't find hot as heck or beautiful.

J. Lynn

Cultish Quotes #1288570
#14. Every article on these islands has an almost personal character, which gives this simple life, where all art is unknown, something of the artistic beauty of medieval life.

John Millington Synge

Cultish Quotes #1719692

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