Top 35 Creative Team Quotes

#1. With the tone of the show, like a lot of the films, the Marvel creative team has found a way to bridge really exciting stuff that has real stakes. They balance some of the action stuff that the fans of the comics really want to see with characters that people can relate to and who are very human.

Clark Gregg

Creative Team Quotes #262176
#2. Theater criticism should be visceral, at least on some level, an articulation of that fierceness and passion. I usually do a fair amount of research before I see a show - on the history of previous productions (if it's a revival) and the creative team.

Ben Brantley

Creative Team Quotes #977031
#3. I feel like I have an amazing support team, between my husband and my nanny and my parents, who are very involved with my kids. I also have an incredible creative team with my manager, agent and publicist.

Melora Hardin

Creative Team Quotes #984609
#4. And I have the support of the writers: I have a great relationship with the creative team, and they have a good hold of my character and my personality, and they come up with some great stuff, and I'm forever trying to change it up, keep it fresh.

Trish Stratus

Creative Team Quotes #986291
#5. Their argument, and I think it's a correct one, is that they'll make more money from the trades and the hardcovers if nobody messes with the creative team.

Mark Millar

Creative Team Quotes #987598
#6. Absolutely, you rise and fall based on your creative team. I have continuity across different films that I've done. I was even fortunate enough to reach back and include people that had worked on Horton with me, as well.

Christopher Meledandri

Creative Team Quotes #1008806
#7. That's why, when Alias came along, I knew I'd be OK if the show was on for five or six years because the writing was so good and the creative team was so strong.

Victor Garber

Creative Team Quotes #1423808
#8. I'm like George Lucas, bringing together a creative team that will come up with a unique, well-crafted product.

Mitch Kapor

Creative Team Quotes #1846633
#9. When I'm traveling on tour, one of my favorite things to do is to throw a baseball cap on and go to a Target. The company has always been good to me. They've got such a great creative team.

Christina Aguilera

Creative Team Quotes #154527
#10. Some people who are creative are not reliable and vice versa; some see big pictures while others see details, etc. All of them are important to have on well-orchestrated teams.

Ray Dalio

Creative Team Quotes #989646
#11. Some people have better ideas than others; some are smarter or more experienced or more creative. But everyone should be heard and respected.

Jack Welch

Creative Team Quotes #1831292
#12. Marc Jacobs is full of creative people and Louis Vuitton is again a name on the door, a name that has existed for many years but I'm a collaborator there and I bring in other people, other artists and I work with a great creative design team.

Marc Jacobs

Creative Team Quotes #994519
#13. Failed the bright promise of your early day?

Bill Vaughan

Creative Team Quotes #1033526
#14. I have a lot of respect for, always dig, the crew. Sometimes a lot more than the cast. But a good run production team is paramount to making a good film. You just can't it done without a good line producer, without creative producers, without people who are making stuff happen.

Ben Foster

Creative Team Quotes #1052706
#15. There's so much great TV and I always thought it would be such a fun little sideway to make money and then not have to worry about my films making a lot of money.

Lynn Shelton

Creative Team Quotes #1059719
#16. When I was 13, I forged my date of birth so that I could get a Saturday job at Woolworth's, earning £1 3s 6d for the day. But my real ambition was to do something in the music world - or, at least, close to it.

Richard Desmond

Creative Team Quotes #1372076
#17. The best work for creative folks on the team is when the problem is big and the solution escapes everyone.

Steven Sinofsky

Creative Team Quotes #1391764
#18. In great teams, conflict becomes productive. The free flow of conflicting ideas is critical for creative thinking, for discovering new solutions no one individual would have come to on his own.

Peter Senge

Creative Team Quotes #1418124
#19. If making movies was easier, there'd be a lot more good movies. So you kind of learn that if it's just a good script, or if it's just a good producer, that's not always enough. You need an entire team of creative people coming together.

Chris Evans

Creative Team Quotes #1444223
#20. Magical realism allows an artist like myself to inject layers of meaning without being obvious. In American culture, where there is freedom of expression, this approach may seem forced, unnecessary and misunderstood. But this system of communication has become very Iranian.

Shirin Neshat

Creative Team Quotes #1709075
#21. I had thirty weeks of prep on 'Captain America.' I have a small team of qualified, supportive, creative producers who are actually helping me achieve my vision of the film. I had a dream cast headed by Chris Evans. I had the best designers, artists, sculptors, craftspeople.

Joe Johnston

Creative Team Quotes #1740852
#22. If the work requires smart, talented, creative people, then more than anything, you want to enable folks on the team to create.

Steven Sinofsky

Creative Team Quotes #1761546
#23. I've been calling you mine. Before I'd gotten to know you, I knew I had to make you mine. It only got worse the closer we got. When Cole carried you away from me that day, I realised you weren't mine at all. I. AM. YOURS.

Kimberly Lauren

Creative Team Quotes #946421
#24. Though American scenery is destitute of many of those circumstances that give value to the European, still it has features, and glorious ones, unknown to Europe...the most distinctive, and perhaps the most impressive, characteristic of American scenery is its wildness

Thomas Cole

Creative Team Quotes #899529
#25. Cheer up and give them out there a good reason to be happy.

Diane Samuels

Creative Team Quotes #828031
#26. It could be a walk in the park, it could be a ride on your bicycle. It does not have to be an organized team activity ... Be as creative as you want, but find a way to get your exercise in.

Ron Jaworski

Creative Team Quotes #618416
#27. Efforts are meant to optimize, not to waste. The right time to optimize it is when others are open to giving their buy-ins to participate.

Ashish Patel

Creative Team Quotes #567715
#28. Who I am now is who I was before. The three years between, they were the aberration. You wouldn't recognize the person I became during that lost time. I barely do.

Nora Roberts

Creative Team Quotes #448344
#29. I guess I learned a couple of good lessons from my dad. One was when you're creating something, what you want when you're working with a team of other artists, is everybody to work with some creative freedom, so that you really get the best out of everybody.

Brian Henson

Creative Team Quotes #395593
#30. If you want a team of smart, creative people to do extraordinary things, don't put them in a drab, ordinary space.

Tom Kelley

Creative Team Quotes #304225
#31. The Macintosh having shipped, his next agenda was to turn the rest of Apple into the Mac group. He had perceived the rest of Apple wasn't as creative or motivated as the Mac team, and what you need to take over the company are managers, not innovators or technical people.

Andy Hertzfeld

Creative Team Quotes #132515
#32. As a director, you want to be really connected to every part of your set, from your actors all the way to your camera operators. Everybody is a part of the creative process, and if they feel like they're part of a team versus just being a tool, they're going to give you something special.

Eric Balfour

Creative Team Quotes #86480
#33. My team can't agree on our first design. So, your team is made up of dynamic, creative minds that think differently. Congratulations!

Greg Nudelman

Creative Team Quotes #85272
#34. And then I met Jerry and he's such a creative fiction writer, and I don't know if there's ever been a team put together the way we are - where one person does the theological way out and suggestions, and the other person goes into the cave and does the fiction writing.

Tim LaHaye

Creative Team Quotes #74046
#35. Just tasking a team to be creative won't get you to be innovative. It's having a corporate climate that gives people the space to experiment and take risks. Only then can you truly sustain it.

Steve Brown

Creative Team Quotes #61251

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