Top 26 Creative Sex Quotes

#1. Crime is a job. Sex is a job. Growing up is a job. School is a job. Going to parties is a job. Religion is a job. Being creative is a job

David Byrne

Creative Sex Quotes #857441
#2. Erotic role-play is a powerful sexual outlet which can orgasmically release us from the shackles of convention and normality to express a side of ourselves we otherwise would not have opportunity to convey.

Miya Yamanouchi

Creative Sex Quotes #1813492
#3. A person who can, within a year, solve x2 - 92y2 = 1 is a mathematician.


Creative Sex Quotes #1767719
#4. The creative process taps into our deepest subconscious, and we are each of us sex-crazed - products of a shame-based Judeo-Christian culture that has irrevocably warped us all to varying degrees.

Lynn Coady

Creative Sex Quotes #1709678
#5. In every company, there is not only the active and passive sex, but, in both men and women, a deeper and more important sex of mind, namely, the inventive or creative class of both men and women, and the uninventive or accepting class.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Creative Sex Quotes #1679943
#6. The family is the key of Christmas.

Scott Hahn

Creative Sex Quotes #1447701
#7. To relinquish your typical everyday character for a brief while, in pursuit of uninhibited sexual pleasure can be an incredibly cathartic experience.......Why not try it some time?

Miya Yamanouchi

Creative Sex Quotes #1402423
#8. The daimonic is any natural function which has the power to take over the whole person. Sex and eros, anger and rage, and the craving for power are examples. The daimonic can be either creative or destructive and is normally both.

Rollo May

Creative Sex Quotes #1234935
#9. A bit of conversational sex makes a pleasant climate for creative effort ...

Anita Loos

Creative Sex Quotes #1218287
#10. Literature - creative literature - unconcerned with sex, is inconceivable.

Gertrude Stein

Creative Sex Quotes #1152372
#11. You can't throw your ego away, but you can use its innate desire to experience that which is beyond itself to give you the impetus to meditate.

Frederick Lenz

Creative Sex Quotes #1092306
#12. THE SEX & CASH THEORY - The creative person basically has two kinds of jobs: One is the sexy, creative kind. Second is the kind that pays the bills. Sometimes the task in hand covers both bases, but not often. This tense duality will always play center stage. It will never be transcended.

Hugh MacLeod

Creative Sex Quotes #1041743
#13. Sex energy is the creative energy of all geniuses. There never has been, and never will be a great leader, builder or artist lacking in the driving force of sex.

Napoleon Hill

Creative Sex Quotes #980073
#14. Sexual role play provides a creative platform for us to safely express certain aspects of our shadow self.

Miya Yamanouchi

Creative Sex Quotes #19132
#15. That guy punched me in the face for not liking what I said. I thought this was a country where you can say what you think, eh?

Sai Marie Johnson

Creative Sex Quotes #749369
#16. The sexual stage invites lovers to become whoever they want, enticed with endless possibilities of characters, roles, situations and scenarios to play-act. It is a chance for us to trade in our self-imposed labels and everyday identity for something a little more adventurous.

Miya Yamanouchi

Creative Sex Quotes #669838
#17. Sexual role play is a pleasurable and erotic means of validating parts of ourselves which we may have previously dismissed, ignored, split off from, or even shunned.

Miya Yamanouchi

Creative Sex Quotes #616193
#18. Sex, creativity, music, art, family, love, beauty, and creative imagination are all part of the spiritual path in the tantric traditions. So I think that for today that has a lot to say to us about not dividing ourselves from ourselves.

Surya Das

Creative Sex Quotes #565696
#19. On a whitely cloudy day I get sad, almost afraid,
And I begin to meditate about problems I make up.

Alberto Caeiro

Creative Sex Quotes #523080
#20. He wishes he had never entered the funhouse. But he has. Then he wishes he were dead. But he's not. Therefore he will construct funhouses for others and be their secret operator
though he would rather be among the lovers for whom funhouses are designed.

John Barth

Creative Sex Quotes #477073
#21. I think it's a blessing that the show [Dracula] is on a network because it forces everyone to use their imaginations and be creative. The power of suggestion comes back. So, in the sex scenes, no one is ever fully naked, but I feel the suggestion is so much sexier.

Oliver Jackson-Cohen

Creative Sex Quotes #210147
#22. In defense of geeks," Justine said, "they're great in bed. They fantasize a lot, so they're really creative. And they love to play with gadgets.

Lisa Kleypas

Creative Sex Quotes #188052
#23. Trolls simply detest the very sight of dwarves (uncooked).

J.R.R. Tolkien

Creative Sex Quotes #104867
#24. If you're a nobody, if your work has no impact, then it deserves to be praised. If, however, you climb out of that state of mediocrity and are a success, then your defying 'the law' and deserve to be punished.

Paulo Coelho

Creative Sex Quotes #78210
#25. If you have fathered a child, if you have given birth, if sex is a source of healthy pleasure, thank your pelvis and your reproductive organs for allowing you to feel the creative rhythms of life.

Elizabeth Lesser

Creative Sex Quotes #35297
#26. Everyone used to want to be star architects. That's no longer the case.

Shigeru Ban

Creative Sex Quotes #30153

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