Top 56 Conversation Is An Art Quotes

#1. Conversation is an art in which a man has all mankind for his competitors, for it is that which all are practising every day while they live.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1351325
#2. I had a conversation with a biologist in an art gallery, and he persuaded me that it was possible to grow a dress from microbes. It was the craziest thing I had ever heard, but I'm a bit of a science fiction fan and I thought it sounded like an interesting challenge.

Suzanne Lee

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1085905
#3. It has always seemed to me the real art in this business is not so much moving information or guidance or policy five or 10,000 miles. That is an electronic problem. The real art is to move it the last three feet in face to face conversation.

Edward R. Murrow

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #696203
#4. Our experience of any painting is always the latest line in a long conversation we've been having with painting. There's no way of looking at art as though you hadn't seen art before.

Brian Eno

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #731734
#5. Conversation is a gentle art that requires a degree of kindness sometimes. If this seems difficult don't forget that there are probably times when someone patiently and graciously let you ramble on about something that had no interest to them. Sometimes

Gary Allman

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #742568
#6. Silence is one great art of conversation.

William Hazlitt

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #778809
#7. Other than conversation, no other art form can give the satisfaction of spontaneous interaction like Jazz.

Stan Getz

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #852184
#8. When you're at dinner with somebody and they are on their phone. I think there's that lost art of conversation and so I just always try to keep my phone far away from me when I'm with people.

Austin Butler

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #878712
#9. The real amateur of wine can only enjoy it along with friends, sharing with them the art of conversation and the art of drinking. Wine is indeed essentially a sign of civilization, a factor of sociability, friendship.

Jean Drapeau

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #937639
#10. Eloquence is a republican art, as conversation is an aristocratic one.

George Santayana

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #993538
#11. Without leisure there can be neither art nor science nor fine conversation, nor any ceremonious performance of the offices of love and friendship.

Lewis Mumford

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #993700
#12. Look at all those unattractive people talking about depraved things all day long on TV talk shows. People can talk about themselves, yet the art of conversation, which has to do with sharing, is disappearing. I feel as though I am chasing a runaway locomotive.

Letitia Baldrige

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1033125
#13. As a work of art, it reminds me of a long conversation between two drunks

Clive James

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1039381
#14. Conversation. What is it? A Mystery! It's the art of never seeming bored, of touching everything with interest, of pleasing with trifles, of being fascinating with nothing at all.

Guy De Maupassant

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1065801
#15. Conversation may be compared to a lyre with seven chords - philosophy, art, poetry, love, scandal, and the weather.

Anna Jameson

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1067575
#16. She had lost the art of conversation, but not, unfortunately, the power of speech.

George Bernard Shaw

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #647111
#17. There's a radical change in the relationship with the human being and society. Art now is an open conversation with the society. Previously there was a necessity for a little bit of screaming and shouting just to get it into the conversation.

Lawrence Weiner

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1088421
#18. Hosting is an art form. Like acting, singing, or comedy hosting is a craft. It's a delicate dance of timing, the ability to read the room, and the art of conversation.

Todd Newton

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1181562
#19. Among the Igbo the art of conversation is regarded very highly, and proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten.

Chinua Achebe

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1199699
#20. The irrepressible spirit that made his playing seem like good conversation is the Rubinstein legacy for pianists, if they can pick up their heads from the keyboard long enough to claim it.

Donal Henahan

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1212388
#21. In a way, producing, experiencing, and interacting with art is like participating in a long-running conversation that artists have been having and will keep having in the future. Themes

Derek Yu

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1214988
#22. That amenity which the French have developed into a great art ... conversation.

Cornelia Otis Skinner

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1216453
#23. To listen closely and reply well is the highest perfection we are able to attain in the art of conversation.

Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1225774
#24. Everyone has their own ways of expression. I believe we all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more than half the battle.

Criss Jami

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1246009
#25. I would make my job a work of art. I would like whatever it is that I'm doing - everyone's experience of me, everyone's interaction with me, everyone's discussion, conversation, relationship with me - [to be] an event within which they get to see who they are. I would make of my life a work of art.

John Denver

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1254586
#26. If conversation be an art, like painting, sculpture, and literature, it owes its most power charm to nature; and the least shade of formality or artifice destroys the effect of the best collection of words.

Henry Theodore Tuckerman

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1283950
#27. Art is supposed to spark conversation and make people think

Nick Cannon

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1308559
#28. That silence is one of the great arts of conversation is allowed by Cicero himself, who says, there is not only an art, but even an eloquence in it

Hannah More

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1321746
#29. Art is a social object, books and films and records and television shows, they're social objects that bring people together in conversation. I love the notion that I could write something that two people could share. That's the goal.

Graham Moore

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #1863273
#30. An artist's work is one long conversation with life.

Marty Rubin

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #292880
#31. The art of conversation lies in listening

Malcolm Forbes

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #10049
#32. People say conversation is a lost art; how often I have wished it were.

Edward R. Murrow

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #11470
#33. As far as playing jazz, no other art form, other than conversation, can give the satisfaction of spontaneous interaction.

Stan Getz

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #26009
#34. The art of conversation, or the qualification for a good companion, is a certain self-control, which now holds the subject, now lets it go, with a respect for the emergencies of the moment.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #118495
#35. If thou art rich, then show the greatness of thy fortune; or what is better, the greatness of thy soul, in the meekness of thy conversation; condescend to men of low estate, support the distressed, and patronize the neglected. Be great.

Laurence Sterne

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #126539
#36. Evergreen had opened up a whole new world to me. There I met many internationally celebrated people: there I was surrounded by the best art and music, as well as conversation. I knew I could never return to the life I had led before.

Billy Baldwin

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #130760
#37. Real-life discussions involve a great many bores and boors who have never learned that the art of conversation demands listening as well as talking.

Susan Jacoby

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #151638
#38. I think art, if it's meaningful at all, is a conversation with other artists. You say something, they say something, you move back and forth.

John Baldessari

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #176697
#39. The Art of Conversation could not die in Australia; it never lived. Television did not kill it; there was nothing there to kill.

George Mikes

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #193318
#40. Begin with art, because art tries to take us outside ourselves. It is a matter of trying to create an atmosphere and context so conversation can flow back and forth and we can be influenced by each other.

W.E.B. Du Bois

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #228992
#41. Among the Ibo the art of conversation is regarded very highly, and proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten. Okoye

Chinua Achebe

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #231250
#42. The point of art is not to give you what you already feel comfortable with; that's reporting, not art, that TV, not art, that's magaziney art, not art. Art gives you so personal an interpretation that it compels you to say, This here is more real than what I know is really out there.

Andre Aciman

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #241458
#43. Sometimes, our conversations remind me of a dialogue between two memories.

Osvaldo Ferrari

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #269061
#44. Surely only boring people went in for conversations consisting of questions and answers. The art of true conversation consisted in the play of minds.

Ved Mehta

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #590747
#45. Friendship is an obstetric art; it draws out our richest and deepest resources; it unfolds the wings of our dreams and hidden indeterminate thoughts; it serves as a check on our judgements, tries out our new ideas, keeps up our ardor, and inflames our enthusiasm.

Antonin Sertillanges

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #323643
#46. When I spoke, I was listened to; and I was at a loss to know how I had so easily acquired the art of commanding attention, and giving the tone to the conversation.

Adelbert Von Chamisso

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #338587
#47. Poster art was always my way of being involved in the conversation. So it wasn't just a one-way conversation with the police yelling at us or freaking us out. Street posters allowed you to have the last word.

Eric Drooker

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #340308
#48. If you should attempt to maintain that film is an art in conversation with a cultured, intelligent American, he'll just plain stop talking to you.

Ilya Ilf

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #346187
#49. Among the arts of conversation no one pleases more than mutual deference or civility, which leads us to resign our own inclinations to those of our companions, and to curb and conceal that presumption and arrogance so natural to the human mind.

David Hume

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #445509
#50. The art of conversation consist as much in listening politely, as in talking agreeably.

Hayley Atwell

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #447289
#51. There's actually a disdain for the conversation about audience in the art world. Artist to artist, if you say, "What do you think about audience?" they would probably say, "I don't think about audience, I only think about my work," yet the audience is such an important part.

Eric Fischl

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #458861
#52. Dance removes you from this construct of the world that you have, and it's a conversation that you're having with people. That's how dance grew, as an art form.

Stephen Boss

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #533376
#53. Artists are always good for conversation, so long as you want to talk about their art.

Craig Johnson

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #542843
#54. It's fun having songs about parties and gigolos, but I really wanted to use my music as a form of art. Art is supposed to spark conversation and make people think, and I wanted to do that with this song.

Nick Cannon

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #550903
#55. If art doesn't require an audience, can an intimate conversation be a work of art? Can a thought be a work of art? Maybe. I don't know. These questions are completely hypothetical for me, because I love interacting with audiences. I want my poems to be heard.

James Arthur

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #551743
#56. The noise around us determines how we speak. And how we listen. Just as a conversation suffers in a war zone, art suffers in a culture built on noise. So does our enjoyment of it.

Michael Gungor

Conversation Is An Art Quotes #579674

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