Top 17 Contributing To The Team Quotes

#1. I never think about my own stats, as long as I'm contributing to the team.

Derek Jeter

Contributing To The Team Quotes #1807221
#2. Fortunately, when I was in the palace, I got some practice stabbing him in the heart. This time, I was much better at it. And did it ten times instead of once. Then cut off his head." "I always thought the secret of your success was your thoroughness.

Edward W. Robertson

Contributing To The Team Quotes #1212188
#3. We're still getting better as a team. We're still learning how to play basketball as a team and how to win tough games.

Carmelo Anthony

Contributing To The Team Quotes #1872512
#4. A resourceful person will always make opportunity fit his or her needs.

Napoleon Hill

Contributing To The Team Quotes #1834470
#5. There is nothing more irreligious than self-absorbed religion.

J.I. Packer

Contributing To The Team Quotes #1767608
#6. Step beyond the scopes and limits because a narrow minded person has such boundaries of thinking "I cannot , but I must

Sunday Adelaja

Contributing To The Team Quotes #1743444
#7. Our habits are our friends. Even our bad habits.
Diary of a Country Priest

Georges Bernanos

Contributing To The Team Quotes #1715397
#8. Dreams are evidence that we are creatures who produce more meaning than we can ourselves understand.

Mark Kingwell

Contributing To The Team Quotes #1648025
#9. If Quality were dropped, only rationality would remain unchanged.

Robert M. Pirsig

Contributing To The Team Quotes #1493176
#10. In war, resources lead to success: in business, success leads to resources. This is a fundamental difference between the processes of war and competition.

John Kay

Contributing To The Team Quotes #1451706
#11. For the team to be successful, we've got to set team goals. I go out every game and make sure that I'm contributing, whether that's defensively or offensively.

Phil Hill

Contributing To The Team Quotes #1106833
#12. Our sentimentality toward animals is a sure sign of the disdain in which we hold them. Sentimentality is nothing but the infinitely degraded form of bestiality, the racist commiseration.

Jean Baudrillard

Contributing To The Team Quotes #964041
#13. Some leaders expect the team to read their minds on priorities, so they never provide the written and verbal guidance that we all need to feel we are contributing. Others can be heard shouting new priorities on an hourly basis. Both habits are very demotivating.

Martin Zwilling

Contributing To The Team Quotes #805965
#14. Modern Americans suffer from a fear of judging. Passing judgment on the behavior of fellow human beings is considered an act of medieval, undemocratic intolerance.

Lewis B. Smedes

Contributing To The Team Quotes #569446
#15. Lack of candor blocks smart ideas, fast action, and good people contributing all the stuff they've got. It's a killer.

Jack Welch

Contributing To The Team Quotes #194882
#16. I have found so much joy and so much pride in contributing and being a team member, and then stepping back and watching someone else get the applause. That has been really satisfying in a way that I wouldn't have probably imagined.

Sara Bareilles

Contributing To The Team Quotes #178487
#17. No one person can take credit for the success of a motion picture. It's strictly a team effort. From the time the story is written to the time the final release print comes off the printer, hundreds of people are involved - each one doing a job - each job contributing to the final product.

Walt Disney

Contributing To The Team Quotes #129490

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