Top 22 Contributing To The Community Quotes

#1. I grew up in a tradition where having ideas and contributing to the community and creating art that had an impact on the world mattered. That's part of the Jewish tradition.

Eve Ensler

Contributing To The Community Quotes #1828879
#2. Did you learn to dress that way in Leather for Bad Boys one-oh-one?

Allison Pang

Contributing To The Community Quotes #804846
#3. Corporate welfare, I think, is a disaster for this country. It's crippling our economy. It is contributing to a permanent underclass and corrupting the business community.

Charles Koch

Contributing To The Community Quotes #1725273
#4. In Europe and the United States, you've got different systems to select candidates, and no system is perfect.

Karl Rove

Contributing To The Community Quotes #1543718
#5. It takes a caring community to raise a child that will be a whole person and a contributing citizen.

Jessye Norman

Contributing To The Community Quotes #1455543
#6. Years ago nobody was elected on the economic ticket. It was either the education platform, or it was health or it was other issues. It is only recently that economic values have superceded every other human value.

Anita Roddick

Contributing To The Community Quotes #1308216
#7. Any method by which you get to see things that you haven't seen before hones your practiced ability to make connections.

Stephen Metcalf

Contributing To The Community Quotes #1163557
#8. No matter how tired or wretched I am, a pussycat sitting in a doorway can divert my mind.

Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman

Contributing To The Community Quotes #1142020
#9. She absolutely declined to be puzzled; she turned her eyes to the flame of the candle as if the question were as irrelevant, or at any rate as impersonal, as Mrs. Marcet or nine-times-nine.

Henry James

Contributing To The Community Quotes #1010339
#10. It is important to me that what Poe has to say gets across to people. I want to give people the feeling that I get from all this. I think that we are succeeding. The feedback is very warm.

John Astin

Contributing To The Community Quotes #1005487
#11. They said Bird played bebop, but Bird could still swing. I've heard a lot of guys play bebop, but they wasn't swinging.

Jay McShann

Contributing To The Community Quotes #952691
#12. For a contributing citizen to be released from the community was a final decision, a terrible punishment, an overwhelming statement of failure.

Lois Lowry

Contributing To The Community Quotes #832478
#13. Benedictine spirituality is a consistent one: live life normally, live life thouhtfully, live life profouncly, live life well. Never neglect and never exaggerate. It is a lesson that a world full of cults and fads and workaholics and short courses in difficult subjects needs dearly to learn.

Joan D. Chittister

Contributing To The Community Quotes #778799
#14. That sense of contributing to a community is never more rewarding than when you discover something that you believe can improve your readers' lives by changing what and how they think.

Wayne C. Booth

Contributing To The Community Quotes #719996
#15. If you don't know what you want, and you won't tell me specifics, then I'll tell you what I think you need. You're mine now, Ashleigh. I'm claiming you. I'm claiming Kate too. If you want to be with me then I call the shots. And I've made my first decision.

J.A. Huss

Contributing To The Community Quotes #551101
#16. The so-called sensitivity of neurotics develops along with their egotism; they cannot bear for other people to flaunt the sufferings with which they are increasingly preoccupied themselves.

Marcel Proust

Contributing To The Community Quotes #495653
#17. I am tired of the litany
of months, September October
I am tired of the way the seasons
keep changing, mimicking
the seasons of the flesh
which are real and finite.

Linda Pastan

Contributing To The Community Quotes #358741
#18. You just have to believe in yourself when you've got something, and just keep pounding on the door, because if you pound long enough, somebody is going to open it.

Cynthia Weil

Contributing To The Community Quotes #356991
#19. The most serious blow suffered by the colonized is being removed from history and from the community. Colonization usurps any free role in either war or peace, every decision contributing to his destiny and that of the world, and all cultural and social responsibility.

Albert Memmi

Contributing To The Community Quotes #318212
#20. I told him that I would give him five hundred dollars if he was to help me kidnap her ass.

Diamond Johnson

Contributing To The Community Quotes #133841
#21. I hate violence. I hate injustice more. I just want to be a fry cook, but the world demands more from me than eggs and pancakes.

Dean Koontz

Contributing To The Community Quotes #43840
#22. Having that kind of endorsement and having Paul Graham's readership coming to your site and contributing to it and building the foundation of the community was just a really invaluable way to start Reddit.

Alexis Ohanian

Contributing To The Community Quotes #4878

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