Top 8 Contemporarily Out Of Order Quotes

#1. If self-adoration were cologne, he would be the boy you couldn't stand next to without choking.

Katja Millay

Contemporarily Out Of Order Quotes #187399
#2. Do my worst, eh? Smithers, release the robotic Richard Simmons.
Mr. Burns

Matt Groening

Contemporarily Out Of Order Quotes #591772
#3. I don't care whether the person is guilty or not guilty. It's not my business to establish guilt or innocence. It's a court of law that does that and a jury does that, but not me.

Werner Herzog

Contemporarily Out Of Order Quotes #938128
#4. I think having the cancer allowed me to be able to freely talk about my faith.

Paul Henderson

Contemporarily Out Of Order Quotes #964031
#5. Most of us are now free to walk away from our marital commitments more easily than from any other contract in our lives.

William J Doherty

Contemporarily Out Of Order Quotes #1038476
#6. She imagined herself whirling breathlessly beneath the flashing lights of some impossibly chic Manhattan disco. Suddenly, a hand touches her arm. She turns. 'Pardon me,' Mick Jagger says, 'I believe this next dance is mine.

Francine Pascal

Contemporarily Out Of Order Quotes #1042509
#7. Whenever your preparations for the sea are poor; the sea worms its way in and finds the problems.

Francis Stokes

Contemporarily Out Of Order Quotes #1557909
#8. Medical experts now estimate that 80 percent of diseases are directly linked to frantic living.

Doris Janzen Longacre

Contemporarily Out Of Order Quotes #1654678

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