Top 16 Confusingly Quotes

#1. In a nutshell, we are shocked by cybercrime, but also expect to be shocked by it because we expect it to be there, but - confusingly - we appear to be shocked if we are not shocked (if we don't find it)!

David S. Wall

Confusingly Quotes #134152
#2. My Lord, we wish to resign. Her smile, confusingly, crept wider, as if she just said something delightful.

Lois McMaster Bujold

Confusingly Quotes #712744
#3. Clad not exactly as a boy but, rather confusingly, as the boy I would have been, had I been more of a girl

Sarah Waters

Confusingly Quotes #1019579
#4. We see things by the way we can see, that is, confusingly, and so we almost always see them as they are not.

Mathias Aires

Confusingly Quotes #1184727
#5. She sat at the dining table, a steaming mug of tea in front of her, a distant look in her eyes. Holden couldn't tell if she was melancholy or solving a complex engineering problem in her head. Those looks were confusingly similar.

James S.A. Corey

Confusingly Quotes #1369670
#6. Sin may result from activities that begin innocently or that are perfectly legitimate in moderation, but in excess they can cause us to veer from the straight and narrow path to our destruction.

Joseph B. Wirthlin

Confusingly Quotes #222996
#7. I definitely try to play a common man in my roles so people can identify with my characters, but the truth of the matter is that it doesn't really matter what I do or my lines are, I'm still Zach Braff, and people know I'm better than them.

Zach Braff

Confusingly Quotes #350560
#8. In the end, we know God as unknown.

Thomas Aquinas

Confusingly Quotes #374147
#9. Misanthropy is a suit of armor lined with thorns.

Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach

Confusingly Quotes #940374
#10. Dying is also an art and just like any other art it must be learned.

Alireza Salehi Nejad

Confusingly Quotes #1227056
#11. For a time I hovered in that peaceful dreamland where nothing at all works properly but everything is okay.

William Giraldi

Confusingly Quotes #1247592
#12. For the first time in a while, I must be honest, I really genuinely look forward to coming to work every day.

Treat Williams

Confusingly Quotes #1277029
#13. Taking care of children has nothing to do with politics. I think perhaps with time, instead of there being a politicization of humanitarian aid, there will be a humanization of politics.

Audrey Hepburn

Confusingly Quotes #1318737
#14. Survival of all or none.
One raindrop raises the sea.
Weapons are enemies even to their owners.
Give more, take less.
Others first, self last.
Observe, listen, and learn.
Do one thing at a time.
Sing every day.
Exercise imagination.
Eat to live, don't live to eat.

James Gurney

Confusingly Quotes #1367727
#15. Men who marry for gratification, propagation or the matter of buttons or socks, must expect to cope with and deal in a certain amount of quibble, subterfuge, concealments, and double, deep-dyed prevarication.

Elbert Hubbard

Confusingly Quotes #1545090
#16. One who can move mountains start with the little stones.


Confusingly Quotes #1606859

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