Top 14 Confiscated Crossword Quotes

#1. Loser," I groaned, as I rolled my eyes.
"I may be a loser, but I fuck like a champ. You should try it sometime. Maybe you wouldn't be so cranky.

Teresa Mummert

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #105237
#2. The militant girl, in adopting new patterns of conduct, could not be judged by traditional standards. Old values, sterile and infantile phobias disappeared.

Frantz Fanon

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #161138
#3. We need to make science cool again.

Sally Ride

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #207130
#4. Escapism has value, even if I don't know what its value is, exactly. Maybe it's just part of some healthy way that we deal with the world.

Lev Grossman

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #233923
#5. I dive as much as I can.

Peter Benchley

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #402025
#6. That look, that tenderness in her eyes, made me realize for the first time what was happening to me: I was falling in love.

Christina Lauren

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #467807
#7. Work for someone who believes in you, because when they believe in you, they'll invest in you.

Marissa Meyer

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #479423
#8. I go through life accumulating possessions ... I've always done it ... and then, every once in a while, a sort of tidal wave comes along and washes them all away.

Preston Sturges

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #620857
#9. There is no more reason to believe that man descended from some inferior animal than there is to believe that a stately mansion has descended from a small cottage.

William Jennings Bryan

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #721731
#10. The best gift you can give to your kids is a happy marriage.

Ricky Shetty

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #797359
#11. If you stand up and be counted, from time to time you may get yourself knocked down. But remember this: A man flattened by an opponent can get up again. A man flattened by conformity stays down for good.

Thomas J. Watson Jr.

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #1263633
#12. The nature of love is about paying attention to the people who matter, about still giving when you are too tired to give. Be a mother who listens, a father who cuddles, a friend who calls back, a helping neighbor, a loving child.

Deborah Blum

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #1437237
#13. His climax began gathering again, rising toward a point of no return. He didn't know if he could restrain himself this time: He was too close, too near to being overwhelmed.
She cried out, trembling exclamations.
He lost all control, his release hot, violent, and endless.

Sherry Thomas

Confiscated Crossword Quotes #1511454
#14. We can now approach the mission Jesus has given us with great joy and anticipation, because we know now, like Jesus in His humanity, that the power is not within us, but within the resources that He has made available to us!


Confiscated Crossword Quotes #1613583

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