Top 100 Condie Quotes

#1. If a graveyard floods, nothing is lost that wasn't already gone.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #224128
#2. But we do find answers in beauty, more often then others.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #252551
#3. Its okay to wonder.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #250513
#4. Somewhere," I say out loud and hope she hears, "this water is nothing at all. It is lighter than air.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #249470
#5. But who would read them?" I ask, laughing. "I would," he says.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #249278
#6. Who am I to try to change things, to get greedy and want more? If our Society changes and things are different, who am I to tell the girl who would have enjoyed the safe protected life that now she has to have choice and danger because of me?

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #248401
#7. His tone is mild, but there is, and always has been, something a little deeper and more resonant about his voice. It has a slightly different timbre than more voices. Its the kind of thing you forget until you hear it again and remember. Oh yes, His voice has music.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #246803
#8. If you've always known how to look at someone, it's strange when that directive changes -Cassia, 'Matched

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #246505
#9. And even if you could use the sample to create someone a lot like the original person, it would never be the person themselves. You can't bring anyone back, ever.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #245602
#10. I'm not sure if it's because of us or because of the Enemy. I wonder who they think is the bigger threat.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #233202
#11. Markham," I tell him. "Ky Markham." Because that's the name she knows me by. That's my real name now.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #230873
#12. I never needed the Society to Match me.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #227983
#13. Watching Ky wake is better than a sunrise.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #225704
#14. And then, when I wouldn't give in, he wouldn't talk to me. I still wouldn't play.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #258175
#15. She is holding on tight to this talk of flowers, as I did before, when I was afraid and alone. If you sing and speak of blooms and petals that come back after a long time of being winter-still, you don't have to think about things that don't.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #217058
#16. Each word I write brings me closer to finding the right ones.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #209819
#17. Under star-dark seas and skies of gold
Live those Above and those Below
They sing and weep, both high and deep
While over and under the ocean rolls

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #209405
#18. You walked through the Carving to find me," I tell Cassia softly. "I'm going to walk through this to reach you." Cassia

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #209366
#19. My fingers smell like soil and my lips taste like sugar and I'm so awake right now I wonder if I'll be able to sleep tonight.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #206805
#20. It's good to see you jealous once in a while." He smiles, sun in the woods.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #201470
#21. Newrose, Oldrose, Quean Anne's lace.
Water, river, stone and sun
Wind over hill, under tree.
Past the border none can see.
Climbing into dark for you,
Will you climb in stars for me?

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #197129
#22. With Cassia on the Hill - only then was I truly myself.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #187679
#23. Maybe I'm making this up, but my portions seem to be smaller lately. I'm not sure why. The hiking and running on the tracker keep me fit. If anything, I should be getting more food, not less. It must be my imagination.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #177158
#24. We have things of value but you can never find them because you don't even know how to look. They

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #176779
#25. The four of us sit together in the sea of blue, the train twisting and turning like a river running, and I know it's hard to fight against a current as strong as the Society.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #173359
#26. Luck is not a word the Society encourages. And it's not something we have much of out here.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #309476
#27. The two of us hold each other's gazes for a long, unembarrassed moment and I feel that Ky knows. I'm not sure what he knows - whether he knows me, or just something about me.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #367212
#28. In the forest, I thought I'd made the wrong choice. I thought she had the Tennyson poem because it was a Rising poem, and I'd missed my chance to be in the rebellion with her.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #363582
#29. Every minute you spend with someone gives them a part of your life and takes part of theirs.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #361215
#30. I didn't point out that I'm part Chinese-American and so the odds that I would have been in England back in Shakespeare's time were highly unlikely. "And,

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #353877
#31. But I've already broken the glass; I've given the green away; I've made my choice.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #350404
#32. I run for her.
I run for them.
For me.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #349037
#33. I should be with Ky in the infirmary. i should be with Xander in prinson. I should be sorting for a cure. can only try to do all three and hope these pieces of myself are enough to find something that can make me whole

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #346750
#34. What do you think she would say about my Match?" I ask him. "About what happened today?" He's quiet, and I wait. "I think she would ask you if you wondered.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #331065
#35. For what is the point of
having something lovely if you never share it?
It would be like having a poem, a beautiful wild poem that no
one else has, and burning it.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #324989
#36. Not many people know how to make letters like this," he says. "Do you ever teach anyone?"
"Only once," I say.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #324018
#37. I close my eyes as his lips touch warm on my cheek. I think of the cottonwood seeds brushing against me that day on the air train. Soft, light, full of promise.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #323559
#38. We have things of value, but you could never find them because you don't even know how to look.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #320845
#39. No,' she says, as if the suggestion is ridiculous. 'I wouldn't go back to where I'm from. I'd go someplace I've never been.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #172046
#40. Because I can see in his eyes that he wants that kiss as much as I do.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #289503
#41. And when you're lucky, like my family always has been, it's your responsibility to do the right thing.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #288843
#42. Ky smiles then, a smile I've never seen before. It's the kind of daring, reckless smile that could make people follow him straight into a firing, a flood.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #288433
#43. I could go above ground now and then to gather food and paper, and isn't that enough to live on?

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #288207
#44. Ky is heavy in my mind, deep in my heart, his palms warm on my empty hands. I have to try to find him. Loving him gave me wings and all my work has given me the strength to move them.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #286359
#45. It's never really lost to you as long as you remember it.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #276811
#46. At first, I thought it was having the picture that made it special, but it's not even that. It's looking at something without being watched, without being told how to see. That's what the picture has given us.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #273165
#47. I climb up next to her and watch the river and all the things that float and swim along it - birds, debris from the mountains.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #269720
#48. And I laugh at myself for thinking I could touch the sky.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #267166
#49. He's in pain. I am, too. It strikes me that perhaps this is part of what we are fighting to choose. Which pain we feel.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #259752
#50. When it rains, I remember

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #258625
#51. It's so huge," I say to him, and he nods.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #37725
#52. If only it were real.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #78637
#53. I am protected, shaped and built by what is outside, what they made of me, but also by what is inside, what I made of myself.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #74686
#54. What is the point of having something lovely if you never share it?

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #72487
#55. Being with Ky, being with Xander -both things feel like standing in the light. Different types of light, but neither feels dark.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #71218
#56. I will be strong enough to go without the tablet. But there are other things I'm not strong enough to go without, and I intend to fight for them. (Cassia Reyes)

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #67387
#57. Perhaps this is what I learned in the canyons: What I am, what I'm not, what I'll give, and what I won't.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #67344
#58. Would I be an Archivist then?" I asked. "No," she said. "You'd be a trader." For a moment, I thought she said traitor, which of course I was, to the Society.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #65946
#59. I can't hep but smile. We are here together. In this wide, wild world, we've managed to meet again. I reach out my hand and trace my finger along the path I took to get him until my hand meets his on the map.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #63872
#60. Right then I knew we were feeling the same thing. I knew we loved Cassia, if not exactly the same way, then the same amount. And the amount was: completely.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #57048
#61. Because if she isn't angry with him, how can I be?

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #55415
#62. When we fall in love the first time, we don't know anything. We risk a lot less than we do if we choose to love again. (Xander)

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #54534
#63. Why care about a flat planet populated by flat people? Who cares about a place where there is no Ky?

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #40841
#64. I have a sense that we have not yet arrived, that we are still reaching. For each other. For who we are meant to be.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #80091
#65. But you came into the Carving to save yourself and get back to the girl you're in love with. That's all.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #34443
#66. And even in my panic, I hear the music in his deep voice, the sounds of singing. I close my eyes, imagining my breath is his own, that he is with me

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #31693
#67. Hope looks like a footprint, a half footprint where someone grew careless and stepped into soft mud that later hardened too thick to blow away in the evening and morning winds.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #31173
#68. The evening air holds the bittersweet tang of what might have been,

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #31152
#69. We don't need to understand everything.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #30809
#70. Maybe only parts of our stories can keep us safe. The whole can feel like too much to bear.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #29942
#71. I know you meant that you would always remember me, Cassia, but I'm afraid you might forget.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #26070
#72. At the same time I hear a word so soft and quiet I wonder if he said it up on the hill and the wind has just now carried it down to me.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #20409
#73. It is strange how we hold on to the pieces of the past while we wait for our futures.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #19105
#74. They're no rebellion. They're Society, with a different name,

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #11167
#75. Are you congratulating me on my life, or on my death?

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #4234
#76. But if you were Matched," I say softly, "What do you think she'd be like?"
"You," he says, almost before I've finished. "You.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #130207
#77. He unknowingly throws me a lifeline with those words. I am not drowning in worry anymore. I am neck deep and it still washes over me in cold waves, but now I can breathe.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #171545
#78. When things like this happen - when what was meant to help results in harm, when a salve brings pain instead of healing - it is clear how wrong even choices intended to be right can become.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #171233
#79. Why are some things easier to write than say?

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #169804
#80. Something in her is still drowning a little from loss.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #167718
#81. Then Xander whispers, Cassia ... if we could choose, would you ever have chosen me?

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #167115
#82. I couldn't tell anyone.
I never, ever wanted Ben to be dead.
But sometimes I wanted him gone.
And then he was.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #165638
#83. Things happen whether you deserve them or not

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #161615
#84. The Society wants us to be afraid of dying. But I'm not. I'm only afraid of dying wrong.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #159272
#85. Ky still looks at me and I wonder for a moment if he is going to ask me what I am thinking about. But of course, he doesn't. He doesn't learn things by asking questions ... He learns by watching.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #150569
#86. Only when I hold onto nothing can I be the best, only then can I be what they expect me to be.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #147248
#87. It was brave of them to love again. It made me think I could do it too.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #136766
#88. At first when the rain fell from the sky so wide and deep it smelled like sage, my favorite smell I went up on the plateau to watch it come to see the gifts it always brought but this rain changed from blue to black and left nothing.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #130816
#89. Of course, one person can be the world.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #2664
#90. I'm falling in love. I am in love. and it's not with Xander, though I do love him. I'm sure of that, as sure as I am of the fact what I feel for Ky is something different.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #128624
#91. Sometimes you can't speak, not because others won't let you, but because you are afraid of what you'll say.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #128304
#92. His lips move silently, and I know what he says: the words of a poem that only two people in the world know.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #121559
#93. The Society likes to keep things from us, but the wind doesn't care what we know. It brings hints of what has happened as we slip farther into the canyon - the smell of smoke and a white substance that falls on us. White ash. I don't for one moment think that it's snow.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #119870
#94. I could write stories; I could hide from the world and make my own instead of trying to change it or live in it. I could make paper people and I would love them too; I could make them almost real.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #108769
#95. His voice can be as cold or as warm as a stone, I realize.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #103452
#96. I had really great parents who always gave me lots of opportunity for choice, but I didn't always realize how rare that was for a girl for them to say, 'You can be a mom or have a career or do both or do something we haven't thought of yet.'

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #100390
#97. The Society made it clear: we're not to injure each other. That's for the Enemy to do.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #95393
#98. He's throwing everything he can into the air on the chance that something might take flight. And we're the smallest, weakest bird.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #86983
#99. I didn't know all that was inside of him, either. I thought I did, but people run deep and complicated like rivers, hold their shape and are carved upon like stone.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #84362
#100. And whenever you want to do something and you're not an adult, people tell you to stop. Even when there's no real reason.

Ally Condie

Condie Quotes #83508

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