Top 39 Common Lies Quotes

#1. Among other common lies, we have the _silent_ lie
the deception which one conveys by simply keeping still and concealing the truth. Many obstinate truth-mongers indulge in this dissipation, imagining that if they _speak_ no lie, they lie not at all.

Mark Twain

Common Lies Quotes #1512001
#2. Many common lies and hypocrisies are like that, just out of the harmony of the moment.

Saul Bellow

Common Lies Quotes #1016047
#3. Success of democracy lies within the analytical thought of a common man.

M.H. Rakib

Common Lies Quotes #961234
#4. In real life, the truth is a rarity, while lies are common place.

Eraldo Banovac

Common Lies Quotes #1868009
#5. A partial truth is the most common path to an entire lie.

Fred Munoz

Common Lies Quotes #1019400
#6. At the root of all the various manifestations of dancing lies the common impulse to resort to movement to externalize emotional states which we cannot externalize by rational means.

Jamake Highwater

Common Lies Quotes #1047318
#7. You must try to change some things in your society and all good changes first start attacking old rotten ideas, storming common cultural stupidities and raiding spiritual lies, fearlessly and even ruthlessly! And never forget that you can defat ideas only with ideas!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Common Lies Quotes #1137811
#8. Lies and the truth both have one thing in common, Shawn," Remy said in a low, steady voice. "They both have their consequences.

Abigail Roux

Common Lies Quotes #1151615
#9. The most intense skeptics and the most intense believers of our age share a common conviction: that beneath all superficial appearances lies a deeper truth.

Mark Juergensmeyer

Common Lies Quotes #1260215
#10. Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it. No destructive lies. No ridiculous fears. No debilitating anger.

Bill Bradley

Common Lies Quotes #1315034
#11. Take hold of kettle, broom, and pan, then you'll surely get a man! Shop and office leave alone, Your true life's work lies at home. - COMMON GERMAN RHYME OF THE 1930S

David R. Gillham

Common Lies Quotes #1358305
#12. Do not shun this maxim because it is common-place. On the contrary, take the closest heed of what observant men, who would probably like to show originality, are yet constrained to repeat. Therein lies the marrow of the wisdom of the world.

Arthur Helps

Common Lies Quotes #1367642
#13. The strength of the nation lies in the well-being of the common man.

Diosdado Macapagal

Common Lies Quotes #1377994
#14. Loving Felix she'd acquired from him a certain arrogance, telling so many lies she'd acquired a zest for lies and quite preferred them to the truth. For a lie had to be invented, "truth" was common property.

Joyce Carol Oates

Common Lies Quotes #1515638
#15. To strive for the common prosperity and happiness of all nations, as well as the security and wellbeing of our subjects, is the solemn obligation which has been handed down by our imperial ancestors and which lies close to our heart,


Common Lies Quotes #1567507
#16. Mistakes makes a man wise, lies makes him common.


Common Lies Quotes #1571984
#17. Make men work together show them that beyond their differences and geographical boundaries there lies a common interest.

Jean Monnet

Common Lies Quotes #1674793
#18. When your lover is a liar, you and he have a lot in common, you're both lying to you!

Susan Forward

Common Lies Quotes #1725141
#19. The chief if not the sole cause of the enslavement of the Indian peoples by the English lies in this very absence of a religious consciousness and of the guidance for conduct which should flow from it - a lack common in our day to all nations East and West, from Japan to England and America alike.

Leo Tolstoy

Common Lies Quotes #1820876
#20. Foremost, step one could take is avoiding the cheap behaviour of compromising principles with decorated lies which assails the moral power of common sense.

Nilantha Ilangamuwa

Common Lies Quotes #1854118
#21. There are many sorts of lies. You could fill a shop with them. To be sure, lies are terribly common.

Catherynne M Valente

Common Lies Quotes #471099
#22. Always embrace the common humanity that lies at the heart of us all.

Dalai Lama

Common Lies Quotes #37161
#23. It makes more sense to find out where the middle- and long-term common ground lies.

Gerhard Schroder

Common Lies Quotes #51593
#24. In a world of full of manipulation, half-truths and lies, the conspiracy theory is often a safer bet than the official story.

Gary Hopkins

Common Lies Quotes #106142
#25. One of the hardest lessons we have to learn in this life, and one that many persons never learn, is to see the divine, the celestial, the pure, in the common, the near at hand-to see that heaven lies about us here in this world.

John Burroughs

Common Lies Quotes #197465
#26. Man is a political animal' said Aristotle telling one of the greatest lies in human history. For every man has more in common with the hills and with the stars than with other men.

William S. Burroughs

Common Lies Quotes #205693
#27. The most common lie you will ever tell God is your opportunity to do the right thing was taken from you.

Shannon L. Alder

Common Lies Quotes #249251
#28. Many years ago someone told me something that I flatly refused to accept. And I still don't accept it now, despite all the times I've seen it proved right.
"The common good and the individual good rarely coincide ... "
Sure, I know, it's true.
But some truths are probably worse than lies.

Sergei Lukyanenko

Common Lies Quotes #347821
#29. The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.

Henry Ward Beecher

Common Lies Quotes #463990
#30. Hanging may seem barbarous, but the greater barbarity lies in the slow abandonment of our common law traditions.

Michael Gove

Common Lies Quotes #463998
#31. The most common human act that writing a novel resembles is lying. The working novelist lies daily, very complexly and at great length. If not for our excessive vanity and our over-active imaginations, novelists might be unusually difficult to deceive.

William Gibson

Common Lies Quotes #914838
#32. Never listen when they tell you that Man and the animals have a common interest, that the prosperity of the one is the prosperity of the others. It is all lies. Man serves the interest of no creature except himself.

George Orwell

Common Lies Quotes #498379
#33. For about four years, I've been telling people I hate sour cream. One time I sent back nachos because they had sour cream on them. I started saying this because a friend I admire hates sour cream. I told him I hated it too so we could have a funny thing in common.

Megan Boyle

Common Lies Quotes #499383

Bryant McGill

Common Lies Quotes #613263
#35. If there's reason for hope, it lies in man's occasional binges of cooperation. To save our planet, we'll need that kind of heroic effort, in which all types of people join forces for the common good

George Meyer

Common Lies Quotes #694891
#36. The most common sort of lie is that by which a man deceives himself: the deception of others is a relatively rare offense.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Common Lies Quotes #741482
#37. The only hope lies in the fact that the American people - like people everywhere - are basically decent people with common sense.

Howard Zinn

Common Lies Quotes #808772
#38. The illusion that power lies within the hands of the common man is more important than legitimate efficiency within the government.

Evan Meekins

Common Lies Quotes #866529
#39. The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Common Lies Quotes #903701

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