Top 19 Clamps Quotes

#1. He was held together by cotter pins, hose clamps, nuts, bolts, and magnets. Salo's tangerine-colored skin, which was so expressive when he was emotionally disturbed, could be put on or taken off like an Earthling wind-breaker. A magnetic zipper held it shut.

Kurt Vonnegut

Clamps Quotes #1200705
#2. hand clamps around my shoulder. "What's the hurry? You don't have anywhere to be, do you?" Ever possessive Gabriel frowns at me. "No. But you probably do." "I don't have anything scheduled

Magda Alexander

Clamps Quotes #1263987
#3. He just clamps his lips over mine and sticks his tongue so far into my mouth I feel like I'm being examined by the ENT gynae


Clamps Quotes #1284836
#4. Toys like handcuffs, paddles, and nipple clamps?" Andrew arched a brow. "Or flavored lube, anal plugs, and edible panties?

Alicia White

Clamps Quotes #1623291
#5. Sanctified cyanide
Super-quick arsenic
Into the Soup.
Put out the mourning lamps
Call for coffin clamps
Teach them to trifle with
Flavia de Luce!

Alan Bradley

Clamps Quotes #1761625
#6. She has learned that she can control her emotions by thinking of her chest cavity as an enormous box with a chain lock. She opens the box and stuffs in any stray unmanageable feelings, any wayward sadness or regret, and clamps it shut.

Christina Baker Kline

Clamps Quotes #789518
#7. When your chips are down remember they are in God's hands.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Clamps Quotes #1539031
#8. When you're launching a business, you just really want to know somebody deeply to help in how you do it.

Alex Blumberg

Clamps Quotes #1370006
#9. All of life is an announcement of who we are. The only question is whether this proclamation will be made by choice or by chance.

Neale Donald Walsch

Clamps Quotes #1323468
#10. A half-hour before bedtime, I remind myself that I now deserve to prepare myself for a good night's sleep. You can't focus on your work if you're sleep-deprived even if you have a fascinating job.

Marty Nemko

Clamps Quotes #1133030
#11. Sleep is when all the unsorted stuff comes flying out as from a dustbin upset in a high wind.

William Golding

Clamps Quotes #963444
#12. Isn't it a little suspicious that the only true religion is the one with which we happened to grow up?

Rachel Held Evans

Clamps Quotes #885219
#13. We want to see Israel withdraw from our territory. But we don't want to be accountable vis-a-vis Israel on the security basis, because we don't see, in the absence of a peace agreement, that Lebanon can really be accountable to Israel if anything happens.

Rafik Hariri

Clamps Quotes #840624
#14. The pain in his chest grew so intense it took his breath away. So this is what a broken heart feels like.

Melanie Dickerson

Clamps Quotes #650285
#15. Apart from the added efficiency, the willingness to be ruthless helps innovation. Past experience and relationships are of little value in driving radical innovation: indeed,

Raghuram G. Rajan

Clamps Quotes #627360
#16. We are already eating less animal foods since a few years ago, but we are still eating 8-9 billion animals per year.

Mark Bittman

Clamps Quotes #544462
#17. No one has the right to detract the attention of the nation from the defence of the country.

Ivica Dacic

Clamps Quotes #465579
#18. are evil, evil beings!

Kathryn Perez

Clamps Quotes #193285
#19. Design isn't just about making things beautiful; it's also about making things work beautifully.

Roger Martin

Clamps Quotes #96349

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