Top 15 Ciarrai Kerry Quotes

#1. Love is what carries you, for it is always there, even in the dark, or most in the dark, but shining out at times like gold stitches in a piece of embroidery.

Wendell Berry

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #12560
#2. I can erase all misperceptions from your mind if you will bring it under my guidance. Only your misperceptions stand in your way. Without them your choice is certain.

Foundation For Inner Peace

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #50743
#3. But I have to add - and this answers your other question - this catholicity in time and in space is only meaningful for me if there is, at the same time, a concentration on the Gospel.

Hans Kung

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #146980
#4. I like the British public. There is something in this country called tall poppy syndrome. You're good but you're not that good, pal, OK? The natural state of our nation is slightly miserable, and probably the healthier for it. In America you don't get a key down the side of your Bentley ...

Steve Coogan

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #502865
#5. Scientific advancement should aim to affirm and to improve human life.

Nathan Deal

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #612245
#6. Princess," he whispered against her ear. "My beautiful, beautiful princess. I want to spoil you. Pamper you. Indulge you.

Teresa Medeiros

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #673245
#7. In the mind there is no absolute or free will.

Baruch Spinoza

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #743563
#8. The opposite of interpersonal trust is not mistrust. It is despair. This is because we have given up on believing that trustworthiness and fulfillment are possible from others. We have lost our hope in our fellow humans.

David Richo

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #923626
#9. I found the bank robbery getaway car but was scolded over the FBI radio. Why?"

~ From Walking the Corporate Beat: Police School for Business People.

Michael Tabman

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #1161192
#10. Peace is not only the purpose of life; it is also the pathway of life

Debasish Mridha

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #1399662
#11. Our minds should not be empty because if they are not preoccupied by good, evil will break in upon them.

Samuel Johnson

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #1466975
#12. Sometimes surviving is all you can do

Emilee King

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #1489630
#13. My favorites growing up were always Billy Joel, Michael Jackson ... and Placido Domingo.

Josh Young

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #1516748
#14. John Kerry's service did not end in Vietnam. It began there.

Max Cleland

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #1677703
#15. If America is at war, I won't speak a word without measuring how it'll sound to the guys doing the fighting when they're listening to their radios in the desert.

John F. Kerry

Ciarrai Kerry Quotes #1712809

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