Top 6 Chuck Finley Quotes
#1. Every now and then life sold you an illusion of design. A coincidence, a parallel, a sledgehammer symbol. The goods were always faulty. You forked over the cash only to discover they'd fallen apart by the time you got home. But life kept at it. Life couldn't help it. Life was a compulsive salesman.
Glen Duncan
#2. New Hampshire polling data are unreliable because, when you call the Granite State's registered Republicans and independents in the middle of dinner and ask them who they're going to vote for, they have a mouth full of mashed potatoes and you can't understand what they say.
P. J. O'Rourke
#3. The true way to be humble is not to stoop until you are smaller than yourself but to stand at your real height against some higher nature that will show you what the real smallness of your greatest greatness is.
Phillip Brooks
#4. Ask yourself why a red carpet is red. It could be any colour.
Jake Gyllenhaal
#5. You need people around you who will tell you the truth and not hold anything back.
Nev Schulman
#6. [W]hen people are ashamed they hold aloof, above all from those nearest to them, and are unreserved with strangers
Anton Chekhov
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