Top 12 Changeless God Quotes

#1. As all Nature's thousands changes But one changeless God proclaim; So in Art's wide kingdom ranges One sole meaning still the same: This is Truth, eternal Reason, Which from Beauty takes its dress, And serene through time and season Stands aye in loveliness.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Changeless God Quotes #112206
#2. When there's no other name to call, you can call on the Lord. He's the One who is always listening. Even in the darkness.

Dorothy Love

Changeless God Quotes #267535
#3. The eye cannot see it; the mind cannot grasp it. The deathless Self (the Supreme Soul or God) has neither caste nor race, Neither eyes, nor ears, nor hands, nor feet, Sages, this Self is infinite, present in the great and in the small, Everlasting and changeless, the source of life.

Eknath Easwaran

Changeless God Quotes #436068
#4. Is a diamond less valuable because it is covered with mud? God sees the changeless beauty of our souls. He knows we are not our mistakes.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Changeless God Quotes #796495
#5. If our emotional stability is based on what other people do or do not do, then we have no stability. If our emotional stability is based on love that is changeless and unalterable, then we attain the stability of God.

Marianne Williamson

Changeless God Quotes #1097311
#6. Isabella and Ben starting spending a lot of time together, but he never really wanted to do anything.

Jennifer Close

Changeless God Quotes #1185931
#7. One lamp - thy mother's love - amid the stars Shall lift its pure flame changeless, and before The throne of God, burn through eternity - Holy - as it was lit and lent thee here.

Nathaniel Parker Willis

Changeless God Quotes #1231302
#8. The Word of God is a treasure map. That treasure map is the most valuable thing you have until you get to that treasure.

Eric Ludy

Changeless God Quotes #1275444
#9. A heart expands exactly as much as her owner allows.

Glennon Doyle Melton

Changeless God Quotes #1450642
#10. In sleep, you do not know whether you are a man or a woman, he said. "Just as a man, impersonating a woman, does not become one, so the soul, impersonating both man and woman, has no sex. The soul is the pure, changeless image of God.

Paramahamsa Yogananda

Changeless God Quotes #1461836
#11. There are distinct health benefits to choosing farm fresh eggs over store bought too. The fresh eggs have as much as a third less of the bad cholesterol than store bought. They are lower in saturated fats and had more vitamin A and E and contained more beta carotene and omega-3 fatty acids.

Mel Jeffreys

Changeless God Quotes #1780442
#12. I envied those who could believe in a God and I distrusted them. I felt they were keeping their courage up with a fable of the changeless and the permanent. Death was far more certain than God, and with death there would be no longer the possibility of love dying.

Graham Greene

Changeless God Quotes #1874111

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