Top 6 Celsus Blog Quotes

#1. I found myself doing this same thing - playing a role of having greater certainty and greater competence than I really possess. I can't tell you how disgusted with myself I felt as I realized what I was doing: I was not being me, I was playing a part.

Carl R. Rogers

Celsus Blog Quotes #137391
#2. If there is any religion that could respond to the needs of modern science, it would be Buddhism.

Albert Einstein

Celsus Blog Quotes #440136
#3. I understand what rappers are talking about. I think rap is less about educating people about the black community and more about making money.

Dennis Rodman

Celsus Blog Quotes #786516
#4. All writers, musicians, artists, choreographers/dancers, etc., work with the stuff of their experiences. It's the translation of it, the conversion of it, the shaping of it that makes for the drama.

Toni Cade Bambara

Celsus Blog Quotes #1012205
#5. Buildings - faded brick buildings enclosed by a faded brick wall. A school, perhaps, or the estate of a dull family. The buildings had once been elegant, but many of the windows were shattered

Lemony Snicket

Celsus Blog Quotes #1247267
#6. If you tell Congress everything about the world situation, they get hysterical. If you tell them nothing, they go fishing.

Harry S. Truman

Celsus Blog Quotes #1335321

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