Top 5 Carbajal Quotes

#1. I'm not about to suck your dick so you'll make a call for me."
"And I'm not making the call so you'll suck my dick. So, now that we've cleared that up, can you get on with it?

C.D. Reiss

Carbajal Quotes #395880
#2. I want a sword not a knitting needle

David Eddings

Carbajal Quotes #800450
#3. There was no way she was staying trapped with tea at a time like this.

Gail Carriger

Carbajal Quotes #1047048
#4. Spoken word teaches that if you have the ability to express yourself and the courage to present those stories and opinions, you could be rewarded with a room full of your peers or your community who will listen.

Sarah Kay

Carbajal Quotes #1420760
#5. In 1973 we moved to the British Isle of Man, and I put my first band together for one year, named Melody Fair.

Andy Gibb

Carbajal Quotes #1799108

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