Top 29 Capitalism Evil Quotes

#1. Since capitalism is a system based of the love of money,
doesn't that make it the root of all evil?

Alan VanMeter

Capitalism Evil Quotes #876934
#2. Normally I would have been the first to go in search of cannibal monks, particularly as I had heard of a similar tradition at a nunnery in the Philippines. It's the sort of quest I can't resist.

Tahir Shah

Capitalism Evil Quotes #1806955
#3. The capitalist system was termed "capitalism" not by a friend of the system, but by an individual who considered it to be the worst of all historical systems, the greatest evil that had ever befallen mankind. That man was Karl Marx.

Ludwig Von Mises

Capitalism Evil Quotes #1744234
#4. All those evils which the [liberals] interpret as evidence of the failure of capitalism, are the necessary outcome of interference with the market.

Ludwig Von Mises

Capitalism Evil Quotes #1730253
#5. To believe that Russia has got rid of the evils of capitalism takes a special kind of mind. It is the same kind of mind that believes that a Holy Roller has got rid of sin.

H.L. Mencken

Capitalism Evil Quotes #1636228
#6. Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil. You have to eliminate it and replace it with something that is good for all people and that something is democracy.

Michael Moore

Capitalism Evil Quotes #1516725
#7. Every man should be considered as having a right to the character which he deserves; that is, to be spoken of according to his actions.

James Mill

Capitalism Evil Quotes #1358739
#8. All the evils, abuses, and iniquities, popularly ascribed to businessmen and to capitalism, were not caused by an unregulated economy or by a free market, but by government intervention into the economy.

Ayn Rand

Capitalism Evil Quotes #1215851
#9. Socialism is not panacea and capitalism is not entirely evil.

Girdhar Joshi

Capitalism Evil Quotes #1046604
#10. Incendiary capitalism is carrying its out evil works more dangerously than ever, and is doing so in the increasingly dangerous neighborhood of the powder kegs that are the great European military powers.

Karl Liebknecht

Capitalism Evil Quotes #1017470
#11. a universe where things are less as they are and more like people imagine them to be,

Terry Pratchett

Capitalism Evil Quotes #1000086
#12. It is bad to suppress laughter. It goes back down and spreads to your hips.

Fred Allen

Capitalism Evil Quotes #974149
#13. The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism.

Martin Luther

Capitalism Evil Quotes #945872
#14. The evil of predatory global capitalism and empire has spawned the evil of terrorism

Chris Hedges

Capitalism Evil Quotes #934803
#15. So ... am I to understand that you're mine"" I asked teasingly.
"I can be yours if you want me to be, Taryn," he whispered.

Tina Reber

Capitalism Evil Quotes #905185
#16. This planet was a marketplace where evil tugged murderously at its chains. Its spies were everywhere. At windy corners where young girls with knowing children's faces were selling flowers and matches, on the operating tables at the hospitals, in the slums, at railway stations, under viaducts.

Paul Leppin

Capitalism Evil Quotes #42365
#17. The Hollywood left insists on painting business persons as arch criminals, even though it's ridiculous. They like to depict free enterprise, capitalism and business leaders as a source of evil and criminality. Somehow they think that will influence enough people to further their left-wing agenda.

James Cook

Capitalism Evil Quotes #792915
#18. Without ifs & buts, I've had to dispense with a lot of my luxuries since I realized their fake existence.

Moutasem Algharati

Capitalism Evil Quotes #652017
#19. This crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future.

Albert Einstein

Capitalism Evil Quotes #601883
#20. The Catholic Church ... upheld feudalism, then monarchism, warning of growing evils and possible revolutions. In the same manner, and under the same reservations, she now upholds capitalism; but, above all things and forever, she upholds the Catholic Church.

Daniel De Leon

Capitalism Evil Quotes #596444
#21. Deep inside us all, there is a perpetual conflict between our urge to succeed and the fear of taking action. The trouble is, taking action almost always precedes success.

Majid Kazmi

Capitalism Evil Quotes #549503
#22. We cannot remove the evils of capitalism without taking its source of power: ownership.

Neil Kinnock

Capitalism Evil Quotes #542815
#23. Our position should not be on how to eliminate the competition at all expenses, but we should focus on what we're going to do in order to make sure that Americans turn to the road of prosperity with the trajectory of capitalism, because making a profit is not an evil.

Tim Scott

Capitalism Evil Quotes #487138
#24. The word "Capitalism" expresses, for our age, the sum of all evil. Even the opponents of Socialism are dominated by socialist ideas.

Ludwig Von Mises

Capitalism Evil Quotes #472459
#25. Is it logical to ask how far away are we from the pope explaining that abortion can be justified, "in certain circumstances, in certain regions," and if it might be related to the evils of American capitalism and our immigration policy?

Rush Limbaugh

Capitalism Evil Quotes #462428
#26. Whatever you know in your heart, live at the expense of anything else.

John De Ruiter

Capitalism Evil Quotes #442588
#27. Antiliberals endlessly berate their enemies for "instrumental thinking." But they do not clearly explain the evil of producing better goods at a lower cost.

Stephen Holmes

Capitalism Evil Quotes #434767
#28. The alienation of man thus appeared as the fundamental evil of capitalist society.

Karl Marx

Capitalism Evil Quotes #414820
#29. I didn't know zombies could eat demons," admitted Paul.
"Oh, dey can't, really," said the Baron. "But you know, dey just keep trying anyway.

Jon Skovron

Capitalism Evil Quotes #239803

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