Top 13 Butlerlike Quotes

#1. And atop the wolf, looking as dignified and butlerlike as might be possible for a man riding a werewolf, was Floote. Alexia

Gail Carriger

Butlerlike Quotes #1857813
#2. Case in point: Take adversity and make it an asset.

Donald Trump

Butlerlike Quotes #375047
#3. Every act you have ever performed since the day you were born was performed because you wanted something.

Andrew Carnegie

Butlerlike Quotes #504914
#4. Consciousness after death demonstrates the possibility of consciousness operating independently of the body.

Stanislav Grof

Butlerlike Quotes #612485
#5. A wine shop was open and I went in for some coffee. It smelled of early morning, of swept dust, spoons in coffee-glasses and the wet circles left by wine glasses.

Ernest Hemingway,

Butlerlike Quotes #774028
#6. In life, if one wants seriously to understand how the world works, he must die at least once.

Giorgio Bassani

Butlerlike Quotes #854211
#7. I am sorry my decisions do not meet with your approval, but nevertheless, they are mine, and the consequences are also mine.

Rachel Caine

Butlerlike Quotes #1080415
#8. History, history! We fools, what do we know or care.

William Carlos Williams

Butlerlike Quotes #1086473
#9. and now I laugh at how the world changed me, and I think life chose me . . . after all.

Dar Williams

Butlerlike Quotes #1241723
#10. I think the last book I cried in was Patti Smith's 'Just Kids.' I don't shy away from crying, though. I actually really enjoy being moved like that.

Albert Hammond Jr.

Butlerlike Quotes #1336410
#11. Egypt! from whose all dateless tombs arose Forgotten Pharaohs from their long repose, And shook within their pyramids to hear A new Cambyses thundering in their ear; While the dark shades of forty ages stood Like startled giants by Nile's famous flood.

Lord Byron

Butlerlike Quotes #1405575
#12. Everybody else shares the same cloudy sky.

Joe Walsh

Butlerlike Quotes #1701210
#13. The proper study of Mankind is Everything.

Margaret Atwood

Butlerlike Quotes #1852167

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