Top 88 Bowler Quotes
#1. I feel like I swallowed a Magritte. Like on the inside, I'm made of clouds and floating eyes, green apples, and slowly rising men in bowler hats.
Libba Bray
#2. I build myself up with confidence with aggression, and confidence to control the game. If you're the bowler and you've got the ball in your hand you're controlling the game, so you've got to make sure the batsmen knows who's boss.
Brett Lee
#3. For recreation, Lincoln took up bowling with his fellow boarders. Though a clumsy bowler, according to Dr. Busey, Lincoln "played the game with great zest and spirit" and "accepted success and defeat with like good nature and humor.
Doris Kearns Goodwin
#4. I was a really avid bowler when I was a teenager. I had about a 210-220 average. I had blisters on my fingers.
Dennis Quaid
#5. I forget it's Shane Warne and just think of him as any old bowler lobbing down a lump of leather.
Brian Lara
#6. When people say 'Charlie Chaplin' I still think now of the guy in the moustache and bowler hat and funny walk - I don't think of an old man who was my grandfather.
Oona Chaplin
#7. I even had the illusion, for a very short time, that I could become a medium pace bowler.
Perry Christie
#8. I would say I am an ordinary bowler but one with a really big heart, and that's what has stood me in good stead in all these years.
Harbhajan Singh
#9. How many diamonds can you retrieve from one single mine; there has to be an end somewhere. I don't see any natural fast bowler after me.
Shoaib Akhtar
#10. When I opened my first shop, city gents were still carrying tightly furled umbrellas and wearing bowler hats. It was into this world that I launched my new ideas about fashion.
Mary Quant
#11. In fact, as a spin bowler, you have to work on the batsman over after over.
Richie Benaud
#12. I headed out to have a breather at the stage door, dressed in my tramp costume. I had my bowler hat between my feet and there were passers-by, and one of them turned back and said, 'Do you need help, brother?' And $1 fell into my hat!
Ian McKellen
#13. I do not believe so implicitly, as some cricketers and writers upon cricket do, in watching the bowler's hand.I prefer to watch the ball, and not anticipate events.
W. G. Grace
#14. My turn . . ." Ron peered into Harry's teacup, his forehead wrinkled with effort. "There's a blob a bit like a bowler hat," he said. "Maybe you're going to work for the Ministry of Magic. . . ." He
J.K. Rowling
#15. The bowler approached the wicket at a lope, a trot, and then a run. He suddenly exploded in a flurry of arms and legs, out of which flew a ball.
Douglas Adams
#16. My dad was opening fast bowler for Yorkshire's second team and I couldn't believe he could die. He wasn't going to get better for at least six months, so I left school early to become the family breadwinner.
Brian Blessed
#17. They asked me what I wanted to call my autobiography. I suggested: The Definitive Volume on the Finest Bloody Fast Bowler That Ever Drew Breath.
Fred Trueman
#18. A bowler is his own captain. I know what needs to be done, what the ball is doing. If you don't know where you are going to bowl and where you think the batsman will hit, then how can you tell the captain what you want? You are the judge.
Harbhajan Singh
#19. While the liberal media elite depict the bowler as a chubby guy with a comb-over and polyester pants, the reality is that bowling is one of the most tech-heavy sports today. Robotic pinsetters and computerized scoring were just the beginning.
Chris Hardwick
#20. Diana wore a men's bowler with the intials H. W. S. sewn into the lining and an old French army coat.
Anna Godbersen
#22. Even Mahatma Gandhi - hardly a comfortable character - always wore a bowler hat with his loin cloth when practising as a barrister in London.
William Donaldson
#23. Marco knows he does not have the time to push her away, so he pulls her close, burying his face in her hair, his bowler hat torn from his head by the wind ... "Trust me," Celia whispers in his ear, and he stops fighting it, forgetting everything but her.
Erin Morgenstern
#24. I am the batsman and the bat, / I am the bowler and the ball, / The umpire, the pavilion cat, / The roller, pitch, and stumps, and all.
Andrew Lang
#26. To escape jury duty in England, wear a bowler hat and carry a copy of the Daily telegraph.
John Mortimer
#27. And do I look like the kind of man that can be intimidated?" barked Uncle Vernon.
"Well ... " said Moody, pushing back his bowler hat to reveal his sinisterly revolving eye. Uncle Vernon lept backward in horror and collided painfully with a luggage trolley. "Yes, I'd have to say you do, Dursley.
J.K. Rowling
#28. If this bloke's a Test match bowler, then my backside is a fire engine
David Lloyd
#29. I'm a great bowler. I was in a couple of leagues as a kid.
Matthew Morrison
#30. Like the periwig and the bowler hat, the plus-four and the bow-tie, the blazer is on the way out, and those who persist in wearing it do so with a smattering of self-consciousness, a touch of obstinacy, even a pinch of camp.
Craig Brown
#31. The trouble with you, dear, is that you think an angel of the Lord as a creature with wings, whereas he is probably a scruffy little man with a bowler hat.
Josephine Tey
#32. To be a great fast bowler, you need a big heart and a big bottom.
Fred Trueman
#33. I'm about a 160, 170 bowler so I feel like I'm pretty good - I'm average, but I don't stink, you know?
Warren Moon
#34. Watching me play, Stormy had once said that if I were to become a regular bowler, I would spend far more time in the gutter than would the average alcoholic hobo.
Dean Koontz
#35. Harmy is a class bowler and I think he's one of the main reasons why England have improved over the last 18 months.
Glenn McGrath
#36. I like to be a bowler because I can't bat properly. After 17 years of cricket I have got the opportunities and made the wickets fall.
Muttiah Muralitharan
#37. Cricket is a most precarious profession; it is called a team game but, in fact, no one is so lonely as a batsman facing a bowler supported by ten fieldsmen and observed by two umpires to ensure that his error does not go unpunished.
John Arlott
#38. Sabina was now by herself. She went back to the mirror, still in her underwear. She put the bowler hat back on her head and had a long look at herself. She was amazed at the number of years she had spent pursuing one lost moment.
Milan Kundera
#39. As a cure for the cold, take your toddy to bed, put one bowler hat at the foot, and drink until you see two.
R. H. Bruce Lockhart
#41. If I had a bowler hat, I'd take it off to the author of this beautifully crafted steampunk novel.
Chris D'Lacey
#42. Shoaib Akhtar has been playing for 5, 6 years and is an experienced bowler.
Sachin Tendulkar
#43. Now I do bowling, golf, and tennis. I want to be a good bowler.
Andy Lau
#44. I seem to be incapable of playing that guy that always does the right thing, who always responds well in any circumstance.
Grant Bowler
#46. I feel apart from everything and a part of everything.
Tim Bowler
#47. Haftor was the Easer to the Easers. This was the most powerful man in Creation. Peder knew trouble was coming, but knew not what it was or how to deal with it.
Paul W.S. Bowler
#48. I get lost inside my stories. Reality doesn't exist inside the worlds I create.
Laurie Bowler
#49. I never talk about a job before the contract is signed and I've shot the first three days.
Grant Bowler
#50. The game finished when we heard a woman's anguished screams from the cell that Lorr had chosen for one of his damsels. It wasn't fun after that and we allowed the characters to die. Though we granted them much quicker deaths than the cells promised.
Paul W.S. Bowler
#51. I am to die steeped in treasonous guilt, my name cursed, my memory unmourned and my service to The Kingdom blotted from history.
Paul W.S. Bowler
#52. I love motion capture. I think it's the best thing, ever. It's wonderful. It gives you an incredible freedom to just play things out.
Grant Bowler
#53. Looking back is a form of insanity, given that I could really never understand what everybody else was thinking. I find these days that I'm much more efficient when I just focus on what I need to do in order to move my family forward and get the focus off me.
Grant Bowler
#54. I grew up in Queensland, and my dad was a tradesman and my mum an insurance agent, both self-employed.
Grant Bowler
#55. Zanuta looked into the face of the faithful courier. "I have conquered the world, but I have never killed a man.
Paul W.S. Bowler
#56. I think that the way of bringing realism into fantasy is to treat it as the commonplace.
Grant Bowler
#57. I was born in New Zealand, so I have a lot of family there.
Grant Bowler
#58. I love playing bad guys; they're always much more fun than the good guy.
Grant Bowler
#59. The cell door opened. My hands went to my eyes. Why was the door opened? I wasn't dead yet. I think.
Paul W.S. Bowler
#60. London and the south-east of England are very crowded spaces. Wherever a new runway is placed, thousands will be affected. Residents in nearby Longford, Harmondsworth and Sipson, which lie to the north of Heathrow, face having their homes compulsorily purchased for land to build the new runway.
Tim Bowler
#61. Love is Timeless, Time is Heartless, and Fate is Unmerciful . . .
Michael Bowler
#62. Doesn't seem right, does it? A split second to lose him and a lifetime to grieve over him.
Tim Bowler
#63. There could never be innocence in a world without justice.
Tim Bowler
#64. It was while bent over, trying to breathe through the pain of bruised ribs, with the sensation of spit running down his cheek that Jason decided he was going to die.
Paul W.S. Bowler
#65. Making a movie with Lindsay Lohan is not for the faint of heart.
Grant Bowler
#66. The process of acting, not necessarily the business of acting, but the actual doing of it in the moment is my greatest kind of personal passion, the thing that brings me alive the most. Also, my two children.
Grant Bowler
#67. Because I'm dangerous. I don't mean to be but I am. I'm dangerous to be around, dangerous to everybody. I cause harm. I might even harm you. And I couldn't bear that.
Tim Bowler
#68. She knew it was the right decision, even though she was still scared. Doing nothing would achieve nothing.
Tim Bowler
#69. If we spent the majority of our focus just concentrating on our side of the street, not so much on what the next guy is doing, I think I'd get a lot more done - we'd all get a lot more done - and we'd probably have a lot less criticism for everybody else.
Grant Bowler
#70. Because we are now "temples" of God, we are now supposed to live differently from the rest of humanity.
Darin Bowler
#71. Comedy has to be so much cleaner than drama. You can't layer it in the way you can a dramatic performance. Which is why it's more difficult than drama - you don't have so many tricks.
Grant Bowler
#72. A character, their ability or inability to laugh at themselves should always be a very, very conscious choice. It's a very big key to the nature of a human being.
Grant Bowler
#73. No queen has had to fight an insurrection in half a millennium. And she takes it personally. But it was her fate to be a good queen that followed four poor ones
Paul W.S. Bowler
#74. I don't watch the beginnings of many series; I don't know why - maybe because I'm normally working.
Grant Bowler
#75. I pretty much always choose characters. That's what I do. That's what I look for. I look for dynamics in a script and potential.
Grant Bowler
#76. When I really get invested in something, the one thing that really disappoints me is when it breaks its own rules.
Grant Bowler
#77. I love working in New Zealand. It's just the most beautiful country I've ever been to.
Grant Bowler
#78. Days, weeks, months, years," said the boy. "Minutes and hours and seconds. I don't know about any of those things.
Tim Bowler
#79. I'm a person who doesn't necessarily enjoy feeling vulnerable, so I think my loved ones and my family make me feel vulnerable. Also, being connected with people when I'm working is a very vulnerable place to be.
Grant Bowler
#80. Fuck your honour, Kaisheen. You are the smartest man I know, yet you had me travel three days during winter to have my counsel. Are you making a move on the Emperor? If you are, you'll have my full support and the backing of the Monasteries.
Paul W.S. Bowler
#81. I've actually usually been wary of taking on science fiction as an actor because it's really tough to do. It's really difficult to execute. There's often lots of prosthetics, green screen and special effects, and it can get very technical.
Grant Bowler
#82. The truth that I know for sure is that I may have an opinion, but I do not know the truth, and the other thing I know for sure is that certainty is the root of all ignorance and the root of all evil.
Grant Bowler
#83. I said i was dying not that i wanted to live
Tim Bowler
#84. The funny thing is, the older I get, the less I enjoy talking when I act. I don't like talking anymore. I like behavior. All of the running and gunning, and the fights and the stunts, is just awesome fun.
Grant Bowler
#85. Money is tighter now, with the advertising dollar spread a lot more thinly across a whole range of media because of the Internet. It means the television networks have less power to produce shows, and TV is where most Australian actors make their money.
Grant Bowler
#86. I don't need to ring anyone. I said I'm dying. I didn't say I wanted to live.
Tim Bowler
#87. For my money, if I'm playing anything then it has to have some sharp angles on it. It's got to have some edges that you can cut yourself on, otherwise it's boring.
Grant Bowler
#88. A long-running TV series is a beast in that it demands you stick to one character over a long haul.
Grant Bowler
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