Top 12 Borglum Rushmore Quotes

#1. Close your eyes and you will see.

Joseph Joubert

Borglum Rushmore Quotes #333486
#2. I glanced out the window at the signs of spring. The sky was almost blue, the trees were almost budding, the sun was almost bright.

Millard Kaufman

Borglum Rushmore Quotes #473475
#3. By means of tracing-paper I transfer my design to the wood and draw on that.

John Tenniel

Borglum Rushmore Quotes #539031
#4. Originally I wanted to be a diplomat, and by attrition I started giving up that idea.

John Gimlette

Borglum Rushmore Quotes #580375
#5. Life is a dream; life is a journey. Life is a miracle, a search for destiny.

Debasish Mridha

Borglum Rushmore Quotes #630976
#6. I've spent most of my life trying to think my way to happiness, and my failure to achieve that goal only proves, in my mind, that I am not a good enough thinker. It never occurred to me that the source of my unhappiness is not flawed thinking but thinking itself.

Eric Weiner

Borglum Rushmore Quotes #686360
#7. I couldn't really see the point of having lunch unless it started at 1:00 and ended a week later in Monte Carlo.

Arthur Smith

Borglum Rushmore Quotes #891875
#8. The first time Haiti had free and fair democratic elections was 1990, when I was elected.

Jean-Bertrand Aristide

Borglum Rushmore Quotes #1401252
#9. If you don't have a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true?

Oscar Hammerstein

Borglum Rushmore Quotes #1416512
#10. She has a serene, glowing disposition. She looks at you and the rest of the world through the eyes of a lynx and is always mysterious, possibly because she always harbours those hidden laughs just beneath her lips. She's always ready to laugh.

C. JoyBell C.

Borglum Rushmore Quotes #1705137
#11. His dreams were getting more frightful - rising black swirls of water, cars floating by like river bugs - but he didn't know much about how to build a boat. The steam box was a start, even if he couldn't tell Annie, even though the line between faith and becoming unhinged seemed perilously narrow.

Rae Meadows

Borglum Rushmore Quotes #1728213
#12. Children in the 21st (century) have been transformed from net producers of their own toy and play culture, to net consumers of play culture imposed by adults.

David Elkind

Borglum Rushmore Quotes #1745956

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