Top 20 Birthplaces Quotes

#1. At Harvard, I worked for some time as a researcher in a lab for computer graphics and spatial analysis, which is one of the birthplaces for what we do.

Jack Dangermond

Birthplaces Quotes #416512
#2. Looking at the big things that had shaped the nation. Battlefields, factories, declarations, revolutions. Looking for the small things. Birthplaces, clubs, roads, legends. The big things and the small things which were supposed to represent home. I'd found some of them. I

Lee Child

Birthplaces Quotes #972881
#3. Americanism is a question of spirit, of conviction and purpose, not creed or birthplaces. The test of our worth is the service we render.

Theodore Roosevelt

Birthplaces Quotes #973492
#4. I realized that I might be a lonely Indian boy, but I was not alone in the loneliness. There were millions of other Americans who had left their birthplaces in search of a dream. (217)

Sherman Alexie

Birthplaces Quotes #1111669
#5. What if the things that have caused the most hurt in your life became the birthplaces of your deepest passions?

Jennie Allen

Birthplaces Quotes #1151895
#6. Then you begin to give up the very idea of belonging. Suddenly this thing, this belonging,it seems like some long, dirty lie ... and I begin to believe that birthplaces are accidents, that everything is an accident. But if you believe that, where do you go? What do you do? What does anything matter?

Zadie Smith

Birthplaces Quotes #1152020
#7. New Hampshire is one of the birthplaces of American freedom and independence - a place with a love and a passion for liberty.

Marsha Blackburn

Birthplaces Quotes #1781015
#8. Human nature will not flourish, any more than a potato, if it be planted and replanted, for too long a series of generations, in the same worn-out soil. My children have had other birthplaces, and, so far as their fortunes may be within my control, shall strike their roots into unaccustomed earth.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Birthplaces Quotes #230323
#9. That was in nineteen and thirty-one and if I live to be a hunnerd year old I don't think I'll ever see anything as pretty as that train on fire goin up that mountain and around that bend and then flames lightin up the snow and the trees and the night.

Cormac McCarthy

Birthplaces Quotes #1672626
#10. Better to remain always self-reliant. Self-reliance means you're in control. Don't ever think you need a man for happiness.

Bella Forrest

Birthplaces Quotes #1553437
#11. Soccer is a game for 22 people that run around, play the ball, and one referee who makes a slew of mistakes, and in the end Germany always wins.

Gary Lineker

Birthplaces Quotes #1475356
#12. Red beans and ricely yours.

Louis Armstrong

Birthplaces Quotes #1295572
#13. (On one estimate, the adult human brain stores about one billion bits - a couple of orders of magnitude less than a low-end smartphone.

Nick Bostrom

Birthplaces Quotes #1264711
#14. After 19 years of experimenting, a thousand mistakes, over 400 books, at least 200 bad diets ... and a partridge in a pear tree, I have found what I believe are the best answers this planet has to offer about living a healthy, happy, and balanced life.

Marilu Henner

Birthplaces Quotes #1084480
#15. I put myself in the place of the listener when editing my writing. The last thing that I want to do is be preached at and told who to be or what to think when listening to an artist. However, I do want to be inspired. There's a fine line.


Birthplaces Quotes #962377
#16. When we reached the sidewalk, a lovely teen-age girl wearing pink eyelashes asked me for my autograph. "I don't know who you are," she said, "but I'm sure you must be somebody.

Don DeLillo

Birthplaces Quotes #511500
#17. It is sometimes said that we should never believe a scientific theory until it is verified by experiment. But a famous astronomer has also stated that we should never believe an observation until it is confirmed by a theory.

Joao Magueijo

Birthplaces Quotes #498174
#18. When you see a woman in silks and sables and diamonds speak to a little errand girl or a footman or a scullery maid as though they were the dirt under her feet, you may be sure of one thing; she hasn't come a very long way from the ground herself.

Emily Post

Birthplaces Quotes #242221
#19. Nobody wants to be interrogated in his brothel suit

Lindsay Buroker

Birthplaces Quotes #38851
#20. A great pinot chases its own tail. You drink it and you just keep finding new tastes that go with it, my dream was to make a world-class pinot and learn more about other wines as well.

Kurt Russell

Birthplaces Quotes #35773

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