Top 46 Bestow Upon Me Quotes

#1. Take back the beauty and wit you bestow upon me; leave me my own mediocrity of agreeableness and genius, but leave me also my sincerity, my constancy, and my plain dealing; 'Tis all I have to recommend me to the esteem either of others or myself.

Mary Wortley Montagu

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #258930
#2. Bestow upon me, O Lord my God, understanding to know thee, diligence to seek thee, wisdom to find thee, and a faithfulness that may finally embrace thee.

Thomas Aquinas

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #431780
#3. Please allow me the honour of allowing you to bestow upon me a blowjob.

Daniel Clowes

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #1790058
#4. Now utter (this supplication, and then prepare yourself to migrate to Medina), "My Lord! Let my entrance be an honest entrance, let my exit be an honest exit, and bestow upon me power from You to help me." [80]


Bestow Upon Me Quotes #188507
#5. The good we do.
How much we create.
The respect we bestow.
How hard we love - no one gets to vote on these.

Alexandra Silber

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #249005
#6. I know not whether, in the eyes of the world, a brilliant death is not preferred to an obscure life of rectitude. Most men are remembered as they died, and not as they lived. We gaze with admiration upon the glories of the setting sun, yet scarcely bestow a passing glance upon its noonday splendor.

Davy Crockett

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #1877960
#7. My mother was a good mistress to her servants, taking care of them in their sicknesses, not sparing any cost she was able to bestow for their recovery.

Margaret Cavendish

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #250827
#8. To be content with life or to live merrily, rather all that is required is that we bestow on all things only a fleeting, superficial glance; the more thoughtful we become the more earnest we grow.

Georg C. Lichtenberg

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #255134
#9. Truth should not be forced; it should simply manifest itself, like a woman who has in her privacy reflected and coolly decided to bestow herself upon a certain man.

John Updike

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #260879
#10. Self-acceptance begets acceptance from others, which begets even deeper, more genuine self-acceptance. It can be done. But no one is going to bestow it on you. It is a gift only you can give yourself.

Camryn Manheim

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #261672
#11. The common people are but ill judges of a man's merits; they are slaves to fame, and their eyes are dazzled with the pomp of titles and large retinue. No wonder, then, that they bestow their honors on those who least deserve them.


Bestow Upon Me Quotes #266149
#12. It is the institutions of society, not parental genes, that bestow the blessings of ownership of productive capital.

Louis O. Kelso

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #284166
#13. Our grandsire, Adam, ere of Eve possesst,
Alone, and e'en in Paradise unblest,
With mournful looks the blissful scenes survey'd,
And wander'd in the solitary shade.
The Maker say, took pity, and bestow'd
Woman, the last, the best reserv'd of God.

Alexander Pope

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #291459
#14. If japa is maintained, no useless talk during work will be possible. The mind will always remain peaceful. Modern day diseases are mostly psychosomatic. Japa will bestow good health to both mind and body.

Mata Amritanandamayi

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #305006
#15. The good king delighted in noticing and promoting good men to positions of responsibility in his kingdom. He held audience, primarily, not to be seen, but to see, admire, and delight in his subjects, to reward them and to bestow honors upon them. [the King]

Robert Moore

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #306008
#16. Schools in the future will be judged less because of the credentials that they bestow, and more because of the experiences that they offer.

Roger Schank

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #323848
#17. only a woman has the power to choose whether or not to bestow.

Amos Oz

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #332499
#18. Because we often think of bias as a function of overt acts of bigotry, we can sometimes remain blind to the invisible structures, systems, and behaviors that bestow and reinforce that power and privilege on a daily basis.

Howard J. Ross

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #339054
#19. Some of us realize the self-evident truth that no election, no constitution, no legislation, and no other pseudo-religious political ritual can bestow upon anyone the right to rule another. Nothing can make a man into a rightful master; nothing can make a man into a rightful slave.

Larken Rose

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #341791
#20. Gift better than Himself God doth not know,
Gift better than God no man can see;
This gift doth here the giver given bestow
Gift to this gift let each receiver be;
God is my gift, Himself He freely gave me,
God's gift am I, and none but God shall have me.

Robert Southwell

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #342650
#21. Ah, happy hills! ah, pleasing shade! Ah, fields beloved in vain! Where once my careless childhood stray'd, A stranger yet to pain! I feel the gales that from ye blow A momentary bliss bestow.

Thomas Gray

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #354904
#22. The Lord said, 'If ye love me, keep my commandments.' (John 14:15.) Our obedience to the laws, ordinances, and commandments is the greatest expression of love and gratitude that we can bestow upon him.

Robert D. Hales

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #892490
#23. Whom to invite? Upon which gallant young men should I bestow the honor of walking me across a ballroom three time?
Such a hot ticket. I don't want to start a riot.

Kathy Reichs

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #1175641
#24. The honor I feel today being inducted into the Hall of Fame is beyond what words can describe. My thanks to the Hall of Fame committee, who saw fit to bestow this great honor upon me today.

Hank Stram

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #1303786
#25. Personally, no matter how tempting it might be, I make it a policy not to surgically bestow near invincibility upon the people who would most like to see me dead.

Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #1511055
#26. The power of material things, to bestow happiness, to bring joy into the life is tremendously exaggerated. The right mental attitude, the trained mind, will bring to us the best there is in the universe.

Orison Swett Marden

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #119854
#27. Subsidies and mandates are just two of the privileges that government can bestow on politically connected friends. Others include grants, loans, tax credits, favorable regulations, bailouts, loan guarantees, targeted tax breaks and no-bid contracts.

Charles Koch

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #532
#28. The greatest honor history can bestow is that of peacemaker.

Richard M. Nixon

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #8383
#29. What Can be Promised. - Actions can be promised, but not feelings, for these are involuntary. Whoever promises somebody to love him always, or to hate him always, or to be ever true to him, promises something that it is out of his power to bestow.


Bestow Upon Me Quotes #41696
#30. O goddess, bestow on my words an immortal charm.


Bestow Upon Me Quotes #47072
#31. Music has no effect on research work, but both are born of the same source and complement each other through the satisfaction they bestow

Albert Einstein

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #57169
#32. At the outer door to bestow the greetings of the season on the clerk, who, cold as he was, was warmer than Scrooge; for he returned them cordially. "There's another fellow," muttered Scrooge; who overheard him: "my clerk, with fifteen

Charles Dickens

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #81208
#33. The world has little to bestow Where two fond hearts in equal love are joined.

Anna Letitia Barbauld

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #90732
#34. Glory seems to bestow herself like a whore on those least worthy.

Scott Oden

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #92144
#35. I had no genius, no mission to fulfill, no great heart to bestow. I had nothing and I deserved nothing. But all the same I desired some sort of reward.

Henri Barbusse

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #99766
#36. Since the Gods of hangovers ignore you I hope the Deities of STD's bestow you with rotten crotch.

Sherri Desbois

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #103947
#37. If water won't smother the blaze
Father, take my tears and bestow them on the fire
see if the fires will wither.

Zakariya Amataya

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #219065
#38. We bestow on others praise in which we do not believe, on condition that in return they bestow upon us praise in which we do.

Jean Rostand

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #146121
#39. Oh, Lord, bestow me with the power, that as much as I love her, I extinguish the need of loving her within me.

Alireza Salehi Nejad

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #157345
#40. Grace ceases to be grace if God is compelled to bestow it in the presence of human merit.

Sam Storms

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #162921
#41. As a brother, a landlord, a master, she considered how many people's happiness were in his guardianship!
How much of pleasure or pain it was in his power to bestow!
How much of good or evil must be done by him!

Jane Austen

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #170674
#42. It was about grace, she decides, something that has been missing from her own life ... She wants to be the kind of person who can bestow unearned kindness on another, replace bitterness with empathy, forgive only for the sake of forgiving.

Emily Giffin

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #177669
#43. My Shoes. Black Chuck Taylor All Stars. They bestow their wearer with both speed and flight.

Ernest Cline

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #181123
#44. Our delight in any particular study, art, or science rises and improves in proportion to the application which we bestow upon it. Thus, what was at first an exercise becomes at length an entertainment.

Joseph Addison

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #185533
#45. The rich man who gives to the poor does not bestow alms but pays a debt.


Bestow Upon Me Quotes #202325
#46. I had rather never receive a kindness than never bestow one.

Seneca The Younger

Bestow Upon Me Quotes #216398

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