Top 15 Best Scythe Quotes

#1. Fear not the waking world, my mortal,
Fear not the flat, synthetic blood,
Nor the heart in the ribbing metal.
Fear not the tread, the seeded milling,
The trigger and scythe, the bridal blade,
Nor the flint in the lover's mauling.

Dylan Thomas

Best Scythe Quotes #14558
#2. Women, on the other hand, had to wield their intellects like a scythe, hacking away against the stubborn underbrush of low expectations.

Margot Lee Shetterly

Best Scythe Quotes #308382
#3. Nothing 'gainst Times scythe can make defence.

William Shakespeare

Best Scythe Quotes #322746
#4. The village schoolmaster took us for instructive walks ('what you hear is the sound of a scythe being sharpened' ; 'that field there will be given a rest next season ';'oh, just a small special name '; 'if that peasant is drunk, it is because he is poor ') 71

Vladimir Nabokov

Best Scythe Quotes #580991
#5. You talk of the scythe of Time, and the tooth of Time: I tell you, Time is scytheless and toothless; it is we who gnaw like the worm - we who smite like the scythe. It is ourselves who abolish - ourselves who consume: we are the mildew, and the flame.

John Ruskin

Best Scythe Quotes #731590
#6. Behold, my children!" she said. "The instrument of my revenge. I will call it a scythe!"
The Titans muttered among themselves: What is that for? Why is it curved? How do you spell scythe?

Rick Riordan

Best Scythe Quotes #796015
#7. Thousands of years ago, after the big Titan-God war, the gods had sliced him into bits with his own scythe and scattered his remains in Tartarus, which is like the gods' bottomless recycling bin for their enemies.

Rick Riordan

Best Scythe Quotes #1058455
#8. Each moment has its sickle, emulous Of Time's enormous scythe, whose ample sweep Strikes empires from the root.

Edward Young

Best Scythe Quotes #1095135
#9. I want to go ahead of Father Time with a scythe of my own.


Best Scythe Quotes #1146751
#10. If Time have any wrinkle graven there; If any, be a satire to decay, And make time's spoils despised every where. Give my love fame faster than Time wastes life, So thou prevent'st his scythe and crooked knife.

William Shakespeare

Best Scythe Quotes #1283576
#11. Kronos himself paced at the top of the plaza, swinging his scythe

Rick Riordan

Best Scythe Quotes #1370813
#12. His words drifted across Death's scythe and split tidily into two ribbons of consonants and vowels.

Terry Pratchett

Best Scythe Quotes #1477079
#13. Although the scythe isn't pre-eminent among the weapons of war, anyone who has been on the wrong end of, say, a peasants' revolt will know that in skilled hands it is fearsome.

Terry Pratchett

Best Scythe Quotes #1569732
#14. Remorseless time! fierce spirit of the glass and scythe,
what power can stay him in his silent course, or melt his iron heart with pity!

George D. Prentice

Best Scythe Quotes #1609832
#15. Everyone knows that time is Death, that Death hides in clocks. Imposing another time powered by the Clock of the Imagination, however, can refuse his law. Here, freed of the Grim Reaper's scythe, we learn that pain is knowledge and all knowledge pain.

Federico Fellini

Best Scythe Quotes #1752766

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