Top 8 Best Glasgow Rangers Quotes

#1. Glasgow Rangers. God I loved playing for them

Paul Gascoigne

Best Glasgow Rangers Quotes #177670
#2. Freud's theory was that when a joke opens a window and all those bats and bogeymen fly out, you get a marvellous feeling of relief and elation. The trouble with Freud is that he never had to play the old Glasgow Empire on a Saturday night after Rangers and Celtic had both lost.

Ken Dodd

Best Glasgow Rangers Quotes #240334
#3. When I went to prom, I wore my hair down. But I love the idea of a long dress with your hair up. It's just gorgeous.

Bethany Mota

Best Glasgow Rangers Quotes #380140
#4. I prefer to write and draw in the privacy of my home and with total freedom and then take it to the lion's den.

Frank Miller

Best Glasgow Rangers Quotes #710525
#5. In Scotland, I have to say I'm more fond of Glasgow Rangers - not celtc - and there is a great player who played for them, who is still alive today, Willie Henderson. I met up with him recently when Benfica played celtc again.


Best Glasgow Rangers Quotes #748272
#6. And being a husband made me helpless, because I had somebody to protect (somebody a little high-strung, who had a tough time emotionally with things like the lights going out indefinitely).

Rob Sheffield

Best Glasgow Rangers Quotes #1277851
#7. The more you connect to the Power within you, the more you can be free in all areas of your life.

Louise Hay

Best Glasgow Rangers Quotes #1282822
#8. It is the spirit of the quest which helps


Best Glasgow Rangers Quotes #1721062

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