Top 14 Bernardo Houssay Quotes

#1. The constancy of the blood sugar level is maintained by a complex physiological mechanism, a homeostatic mechanism of the same order as those which maintain the body temperature, the blood pressure or the heart rate at normal levels and control many other functions.

Bernardo Houssay

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #297027
#2. Technology's allowing the phone to start to see and understand much like how the human brain does.

Matt Mills

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #334188
#3. Your job is to meet the right people and read the right books.

Jeffrey Gitomer

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #349288
#4. Many men have too much Free-will, and take to themselves too free liberty now a days to advance and maintain free will.

Daniel Featley

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #454086
#5. The nutritive substances used in greatest quantities by mammals are carbohydrates.

Bernardo Houssay

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #466659
#6. Production and consumption of carbohydrates is so well regulated that there is a constant blood sugar level; any accidental increase or fall in blood sugar is rapidly compensated.

Bernardo Houssay

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #662357
#7. My love for her is beyond any love I have ever heard described. It is a love that is beyond love; a soul connection in which no seam is visible.

Steve Maraboli

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #679978
#8. Differences were meant not to divide but to enrich.

J. H. Oldham

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #895325
#9. Mathematics is one of the most basic
and most ancient
types of knowledge. Yet the details of its historical development remain obscure to all but a few specialists.

Ivor Grattan-Guinness

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #918999
#10. Was there ever something not known before it was recognized?

Sorin Cerin

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #1060210
#11. Canadians are the best, they're the best.

Brody Jenner

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #1121733
#12. They talk on about death, about boredom, they drink wine, they laugh, they have a good time, they are happy.

Milan Kundera

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #1215428
#13. The production and consumption of glucose, and hence, the blood sugar level, are controlled by a functional endocrine equilibrium.

Bernardo Houssay

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #1258407
#14. When I met Nathan, I told my tour manager he was too good-looking for me. I don't have a history of dating good-looking men. I've always complained that girls don't get male groupies, and now I've married the first groupie I've ever had. (on her first impression of husband, Nathan Larson)

Nina Persson

Bernardo Houssay Quotes #1463746

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