Top 9 Berlusconis Son Quotes

#1. I hate seeing fat girls on TV or in movies, because the only way the world seems to be okay with putting a fat person on camera is if they're miserable with themselves or if they're the jolly best friend. Well, I'm neither of those things.

Julie Murphy

Berlusconis Son Quotes #3860
#2. I still didn't know quite what the witches were capable of. The threshold could be booby-trapped or enchanted. I could be walking into a cage fight with a demon. Hell, she could open the door with a Glock 9 in her hand and put a bullet in my ear, or throw a cat at me, or call me a damn hippie.

Kevin Hearne

Berlusconis Son Quotes #356479
#3. I suppose I started writing seriously at 16 years old. I thought I wrote a novel at 16 and sent it to New York! They sent it back because it wasn't novel.

Ernest Gaines

Berlusconis Son Quotes #458954
#4. When your laboratory explodes, lacing your body with a supercharged elixir, what do you do? You don't just lie there. You crawl out of the rubble, hideously scarred, and swear vengeance on the world. You keep going. You keep trying to take over the world.

Austin Grossman

Berlusconis Son Quotes #486548
#5. I think it doesn't matter if you are the best surfer in the world. I'm going to try to be the best surfer I can be. It's not all about competing and being the best. It's more about having fun and just doing what you love.

Bethany Hamilton

Berlusconis Son Quotes #516943
#6. When you create advertising, always start with the words.

George Lois

Berlusconis Son Quotes #788775
#7. Forty, sleepy, overweight, comfortable Arridi townsmen, who hadn't fought a real engagment in twenty years or more, wouldn't provide much resistance to thirty yelling, fiendish, bloodthirsty, gold crazed Skandians who would come screaming up from the beach like the hounds of hell.

John Flanagan

Berlusconis Son Quotes #1432037
#8. This is my own little rock theory: In my mind, Nirvana slayed the hair bands. They shot the top off the poodles.

Henry Rollins

Berlusconis Son Quotes #1651479
#9. How many of us feel this strange mix of busyness and lifelessness?

Kevin DeYoung

Berlusconis Son Quotes #1825636

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