Top 15 Benzene Quotes

#1. If you own a chemical plant and leak a little benzene, you're in big trouble because everyone knows how carcinogenic it is. But coming out of a tailpipe? The government never does anything about that.

James Woolsey

Benzene Quotes #178410
#2. I would trade all my experimental works for the single idea of the benzene theory.

August Wilhelm Von Hofmann

Benzene Quotes #368161
#3. The story of the Western world since 1945 is that, invited to choose between freedom and government 'security,' large numbers of people vote to dump freedom every time - the freedom to make your own decisions about health care, education, property rights, and a ton of other stuff.

Mark Steyn

Benzene Quotes #146080
#4. My love is sticky, like glue. I'd kill a horse just to give you some.

Dark Jar Tin Zoo

Benzene Quotes #664489
#5. Small towns blossomed by elevators and the trains
Once every 14 miles along the prairie veins
We were born of progress, now progress will decree
That we're no longer viable, and should no long be ...
Still Standing about Canada's Prairie Elevators (The First Song album)

Phyllis Wheaton

Benzene Quotes #852094
#6. I think most religious people experience just as much doubt as they do faith; they just don't admit it. (13)

Elna Baker

Benzene Quotes #907991
#7. To know, to think, to dream. That is everything.

Victor Hugo

Benzene Quotes #967897
#8. The sky was as blue as a stupid postcard, and the islands were as green as islands.

M T Anderson

Benzene Quotes #1338553
#9. I think it's important that members of the United States Senate spend time not just on Capitol Hill but making contact with ordinary people and engaging them in the political process.

Bernie Sanders

Benzene Quotes #1409545
#10. My primary job is to choose the programs, either to co-produce them, or acquire them after they're finished. So, I read a lot of scripts, I meet with producers and I read a lot of books.

Rebecca Eaton

Benzene Quotes #1475760
#11. Declining to go to church with my parents in the morning, I would ostentatiously set out for the Monist Society in the afternoon, down an obscure street which it seemed a little improper to be walking on, as everything was closed for Sunday, upstairs through a sort of side entrance over a saloon.

Susan Glaspell

Benzene Quotes #1524521
#12. If it was not in your interests to betray me then you would have been loyal.

Philippa Gregory

Benzene Quotes #1525084
#13. In creative endeavors luck is a skill.

Twyla Tharp

Benzene Quotes #1528454
#14. It's not every day I learn I'm someone's destiny.

Rachel Harris

Benzene Quotes #1773855
#15. You look extra beautiful tonight, Ker."
"It's the collar."
"Maybe. I think it's the happiness. You wear it well."
"It's the same thing.

Sean Michael

Benzene Quotes #1866552

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