Top 10 Beckoningly Quotes
#1. Positano bites deep. It is a dream place that isn't quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone.
John Steinbeck
#2. A lot of the general population are wrong.
J.D. Robb
#4. People would be in hysterics if they saw that. It's like, wow, he's a superhuman moron ... So he wears lipstick, has a little bouffant, and does little circus acts as well. Oh, he's so sexy.
Robert Pattinson
#5. He had to comfort himself with the firm conviction that most of what he objected to in Mohawk and the world at large was not the result of people reading the wrong books, but rather of not reading any at all.
Richard Russo
#6. I very much hope that when my wife reads my writings so she reads it as if she is a character and not the real one. Sometimes she takes it too personally.
Sayed Kashua
#7. When you watch Canadian kids [Box Lacrosse Players] score, when you see their skill level around the cage, you wonder to yourself, 'Jeez, are we teaching kids [in the U.S.] the wrong things?
Dom Starsia
#8. No work of literature is the product of only one or two conscious ideas. A story is mysteriously dense of meaning.
Carol Bly
#9. I was all too aware of his hands resting on my lower back, their imprints like sweet flames that seemed to go through the thin fabric of my dress and onto my skin.
Markelle Grabo
#10. I'm sure I've been a toad, one time or another. With bats, weasels, worms ... I rejoice in the kinship. Even the caterpillar I can love, and the various vermin.
Theodore Roethke
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