Top 85 Beauty Moments Quotes

#1. Nothing lasts for long. Even moments of beauty transcend and transform.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Moments Quotes #1286384
#2. She was one of those women whose features are not perfect and who in their moments of dimness may not seem even pretty, but who, excited by the blood or the spirit, become almost supernaturally beautiful.

Edmund Wilson

Beauty Moments Quotes #1407694
#3. This-this was what made life: a moment of quiet, the water falling in the fountain, the girl's voice ... a moment of captured beauty. Those who are truly wise will never permit such moments to escape.

Louis L'Amour

Beauty Moments Quotes #1399360
#4. The melancholic breeze of another morning caressing senses tired of a brief life, yet longing for more. But my Lord, who knows the moments next, who sees the path ahead, who decides a life as delicate as a dew drop upon the tip of a grass that sways looking at the beauty of the skies?

Preeth Nambiar

Beauty Moments Quotes #1377426
#5. It's funny how, when things seem the darkest, moments of beauty present themselves in the most unexpected places.

Karen Marie Moning

Beauty Moments Quotes #1371627
#6. Light falls upon a dew drop; rewarding all who are blessed to witness the moments of its glisten.

Truth Devour

Beauty Moments Quotes #1350189
#7. And the thing about falling in love
is that no matter where you are when it happens, you can't help but to color those moments with beauty,
even if you're in a location of ugliness. He made what would have been a place of nightmares into a place
to dream.

Mia Sheridan

Beauty Moments Quotes #1349277
#8. Embrace the gift of autumn; where every flower radiates its splendor.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Beauty Moments Quotes #1344295
#9. What if all the transcendent moments of your life, the sound-track moments, the radiant detail, the gleaming thing at the center of life that loves you, that loves beauty - God or whatever you call it - what if all this were part of your illness?

Sarah Cornwell

Beauty Moments Quotes #1343555
#10. We wait, starving for moments of high magic to inspire us, but life is full of common enchantment waiting for our alchemists eyes to notice.

Jacob Nordby

Beauty Moments Quotes #1327583
#11. I want to see beauty. In the ugly, in the sink, in the suffering, in the daily, in all the days before I die, the moments before I sleep.

Ann Voskamp

Beauty Moments Quotes #1288914
#12. My mother is a big believer in being responsible for your own happiness. She always talked about finding joy in small moments and insisted that we stop and take in the beauty of an ordinary day. When I stop the car to make my kids really see a sunset, I hear my mother's voice and smile.

Jennifer Garner

Beauty Moments Quotes #1442412
#13. I have moments where I miss my old self. But I think anyone can get caught up in what we used to have. But at the same time, we can choose to focus on the beauty of now.

Steve Gleason

Beauty Moments Quotes #1270248
#14. To enjoy it again and again in those moments of joy and despair, I carry the beauty of your love in the hidden chamber of my heart.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Moments Quotes #1249047
#15. In my opinion, I think we have brief moments of great beauty and great pain, and as we journey we try to grasp one, so we can avoid the other.

Brandon Shire

Beauty Moments Quotes #1244078
#16. Soul, love, joy and natural beauty shines first from within. Make time for quiet reflective moments. Be still and know there is more than just Botox and pink martinis for women over 40.

Machel Shull

Beauty Moments Quotes #1208362
#17. In moments among my various agonies, I noticed the beauty that surrounded me, the wonder of things both small and large: the color of a desert flower that brushed against me on the trail or the grand sweep of the sky as the sun faded over the mountains.

Cheryl Strayed

Beauty Moments Quotes #1202024
#18. We plant, we nurture, we grow and we give, different flowers for different moments in time, but all for the same purpose: to say that which cannot be said, and to say it with beauty and with grace.

Mandy Kirkby

Beauty Moments Quotes #1201229
#19. When we see the greatness of God in even
our very darkest moments, then we can be free. "Even the crappiest crap we go through glorifies God," Amber likes to say, in her Amber way. "God makes beauty from ashes, and the devil hates when He does that.

Crystal McVea

Beauty Moments Quotes #1167315
#20. An enchanted life has many moments when the heart is overwhelmed with beauty and the imagination is electrified by some haunting quality in the world or by a spirit or voice speaking from deep within a thing, a place, or a person." ~ Henry Louis Mencken

H.L. Mencken

Beauty Moments Quotes #1138929
#21. At such moments, I don't think about all the misery, but about the beauty that still remains.

Anne Frank

Beauty Moments Quotes #1108663
#22. With Mrs. Morel it was one of those still moments when the small frets vanish, and the beauty of things stands out, and she had the peace and the strength to see herself.

D.H. Lawrence

Beauty Moments Quotes #1079954
#23. I find beauty in every sacred moment.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Beauty Moments Quotes #1553405
#24. Beautiful things like nature inspire me. Sunrise is my favorite time of the day. A sky full of stars can be very inspiring. Quiet moments where you're alone with yourself and the beauty, nature, and majesty that God has created. That is pretty inspiring.

Brooke Burns

Beauty Moments Quotes #1803204
#25. And so, overcome by remorse and the beauty of all that, I should let her go," Alana purred. "Family and church and puppies and flowers - how lovely your world must be, Sergeant. But it's somewhat darker than that for the rest of us." She looked at Samantha. "Of course, it does have its moments.

Jeff Lindsay

Beauty Moments Quotes #1782312
#26. Sometimes, though only in my most unguarded moments, I can still think of Annette Winters as my first love. At fifteen, she was tall, slender, very dark: an intelligent, sly girl possessed of what I think of now, though I didn't think of then, as a kind of debatable beauty.

John Burnside

Beauty Moments Quotes #1729029
#27. From time to time, in the moments when you need it most, God will speak to you to remind you of your beauty.

Bryant McGill

Beauty Moments Quotes #1700315
#28. She was astonished to see that the boy with the handgun was crying, his face wet. If she could only speak to August. We traveled so far and your friendship meant everything. It was very difficult, but there were moments of beauty. Everything ends. I am not afraid.

Emily St. John Mandel

Beauty Moments Quotes #1699340
#29. In the most surreal, the most joyful, the most beautiful, the most intense, the most alive moments of life, you are absorbed into the horizon which is at its most invisible, elusive, perfect blend of sky and sea.

Connie Kerbs

Beauty Moments Quotes #1622106
#30. The real world reveals itself like surprise gifts on our doorstep, special moments that seem above and beyond the reality of others. These times are full, beautiful and meaningful beyond words, even when wrapped in pain.

Christopher Hawke

Beauty Moments Quotes #1614046
#31. How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true;
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face.


Beauty Moments Quotes #1582838
#32. I wonder why our life must quiver between beauty and guilt, consummation and sadness, desire and regret, immortality and tattered moments unknowable, truth and beautiful meaningful lies.

Jack Kerouac

Beauty Moments Quotes #1581775
#33. I am breathing in and out. Realizing this, I began to notice that each moment was not without its beauty.

Julia Cameron

Beauty Moments Quotes #1575323
#34. I believe that even in the darkest of moments, a rose can bloom, and its beauty can make us hope again. I want to take you on a wild, dark journey of fear, despair, and pain, on to ultimate redemption and love.

Carole Gill

Beauty Moments Quotes #996377
#35. You know a moment is important when it is making your mind go numb with beauty.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Beauty Moments Quotes #1550400
#36. It was a relationship with occasional moments of beauty, but one that had never found it's balance.

Guillaume Musso

Beauty Moments Quotes #1541894
#37. The little boy nodded at the peony and the peony seemed to nod back. The little boy was neat, clean and pretty. The peony was unchaste, dishevelled as peonies must be, and at the height of its beauty.( ... ) Every hour is filled with such moments, big with significance for someone.

Robertson Davies

Beauty Moments Quotes #1535092
#38. Don't worry Renee, I won't commit suicide and I won't burn a thing. Because from now on, for you, I'll be searching for those moments of always within never. Beauty, in this world.

Muriel Barbery

Beauty Moments Quotes #1520168
#39. The happiest people I know are not those who find their golden ticket; they are those who, while in pursuit of worthy goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of the everyday moments.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Beauty Moments Quotes #1518368
#40. I'll be searching for those moments of always within never. Beauty, in this world. - Paloma

Muriel Barbery

Beauty Moments Quotes #1517531
#41. A trout is a moment of beauty known only to those who seek it.

Arnold Gingrich

Beauty Moments Quotes #1467182
#42. In a few moments all the stars came out above the intense blackness of the earth and the great lagoon gleaming suddenly with reflected lights resembled an oval patch of night sky flung down into the hopeless and abysmal night of the wilderness.

Joseph Conrad

Beauty Moments Quotes #1463539
#43. But it happens, and I am thankful enough for that, for those fleeting, wakeful moments of beauty and truth. They are the real joy of being human, brief matches that flare in the dark.

Roger Housden

Beauty Moments Quotes #1453064
#44. It struck me tonight how music mirrors life. Fleeting ephemeral moments, made up of beauty, sadness, joy, hope and despair. Melodies which are written in both major and minor keys. Flowing and fleeting. You can't hold onto it, or keep it from changing. Our emotions possess the evanescence of a note.

Virginia Burges

Beauty Moments Quotes #326463
#45. And any small moments of intense, flaring beauty such as this morning's will be utterly forgotten, dissolved by time like a super-8 film left out in the rain, without sound, and quickly replaced by thousands of silently growing trees.

Douglas Coupland

Beauty Moments Quotes #457677
#46. For me, life offers so many complexly appealing moments that two beautiful objects may be equally beautiful for different reasons and at different times. How can one choose?

Diane Ackerman

Beauty Moments Quotes #445250
#47. Let each moment be guided by positive purpose. And let your whole life express the beauty of who you truly are.

Ralph Marston

Beauty Moments Quotes #433220
#48. Our fragile, perishable bodies are not who we are. We are the sum of fleeting moments that belong to us for eternity. It is our choice and responsibility to create moments of beauty and grace, instead of despair and suffering.

Dorit Brauer

Beauty Moments Quotes #414867
#49. He could be distracted, still, by beauty, by the wonder of a stroke of sunlight. Perhaps at such times he made himself open to wizardry-or conversely, was as warded and safe at such moments as Ynefel at its strongest. Perhaps threats simply slid past his attention and he made himself immune.

C.J. Cherryh

Beauty Moments Quotes #414522
#50. And I thought to myself, even though life could be horrifying and earth-shattering, terrible and tragic, it was also filled with moments of breathtaking beauty. And sometimes you just had to laugh.

Mia Sheridan

Beauty Moments Quotes #412238
#51. Her life was a scattering of small moments, bits of meaningful conversations, and bright dashes of beauty where least expected.

Robin Jones Gunn

Beauty Moments Quotes #405879
#52. It's not easy. It's never easy. Love isn't easy. But you carry the memory of those happy times with you and those moments remind you of the beauty of life.

T.K. Leigh

Beauty Moments Quotes #389269
#53. Though there were moments of beauty, Mariam knew for the most part that life had been unkind to her.

Khaled Hosseini

Beauty Moments Quotes #361315
#54. Life is about cherishing memories, getting lost in moments of beauty, and enjoying profound joy and happiness.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Moments Quotes #356901
#55. That was what counted, she told herself: those unexpected moments of appreciation, unanticipated glimpses of beauty or kindness - any of the things that attached us to this world, that made us forget, even for a moment, its pain and its transience.

Alexander McCall Smith

Beauty Moments Quotes #481910
#56. Embrace the beauty of good moment.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Beauty Moments Quotes #266228
#57. There were moments when he looked on evil simply as a mode through which he could realize his conception of the beautiful.

Oscar Wilde

Beauty Moments Quotes #250088
#58. That's the beauty of this great sport (track), though-it's such a fine line between success or not, which makes the sweet moments that much more worth savoring.

Nick Willis

Beauty Moments Quotes #238924
#59. I guess it's like seeing beauty in simplicity and nature. In fleeting moments and even in decay.

Emery Lord

Beauty Moments Quotes #218615
#60. Success is every minute you live. It's the process of living. It's stopping for the moments of beauty, of pleasure; the moments of peace. Success is not a destination that you ever reach. Success is the quality of the journey.

Jennifer James

Beauty Moments Quotes #203697
#61. Don't disguise your tears, don't hide your sadness, don't be afraid to find out who you really are. Because in those fleeting moments you'll summon such beauty and strength that, in no time at all, you'll fully grasp exactly why you're so gossiped about here in the unseen

Mike Dooley

Beauty Moments Quotes #169310
#62. Because if the manifestations that happen in the present moment are beautiful and good, their continuation in the future will be also good and beautiful.

Nhat Hanh

Beauty Moments Quotes #104821
#63. Beauty itself soon fades, and when a woman has beauty and nothing else, well, it's like putting all the goods in the shop window, isn't it? And the moment she loses her good looks-poor creature! what is she? Just a mere bit of faded finery to be thrown aside.

Henry Arthur Jones

Beauty Moments Quotes #91021
#64. Far too often, it is at the moment where we finally stand on the very precipice of some great thing that we turn and abandon it, for it is at these seminal moments that fear wins and greatness dies. The beauty of Christmas is that God steps over precipices.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Beauty Moments Quotes #17848
#65. Consider for a moment any beauty in the name Ralph.

Frank Zappa

Beauty Moments Quotes #725413
#66. Let us celebrate every little beauty, every little kindness, joy, love, and happiness; and let us express our deepest gratitude for those moments of joy.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Moments Quotes #960030
#67. I watched commercial ave. slide past and there in the distance were the lights of route 18. that was one of those moments that would always be Rutgers for me.

Junot Diaz

Beauty Moments Quotes #937714
#68. Maybe that's what life's all about: there's a lof of despair, but also the odd moments of beauty, where time is no longer the same ... [like] something suspended ... an elsewhere ... an always within a never.
Yes, that's is, an always within a never.

Muriel Barbery

Beauty Moments Quotes #933841
#69. Smiles from girls like you are what started the Trojan War.

Amanda Lance

Beauty Moments Quotes #903185
#70. Moments of beauty sustain us through hours of ugliness.

Brent Weeks

Beauty Moments Quotes #892767
#71. Beauty speaks to us in moments, and then we forget.

Bryant McGill

Beauty Moments Quotes #861387
#72. Moons and years pass by and are gone forever, but a beautiful moment shimmers through life a ray of light.

Franz Grillparzer

Beauty Moments Quotes #859286
#73. The most fascinating women are those that can most enrich the every day moments of existence. In a particular and attaching sense, they are those that can partake our pleasures and our pains in the liveliest and most devoted manner. Beauty is little without this; with it she is triumphant.

Leigh Hunt

Beauty Moments Quotes #821212
#74. The world does not turn without moments of grace. Who cares how small.

Colum McCann

Beauty Moments Quotes #743506
#75. Violence can be very grotesque and also intensely attractive. What interests me is how the two - beauty and violence - live side by side, and how moments can be created and erased almost simultaneously. Destruction is painful, but at times it can be very cathartic.

Ori Gersht

Beauty Moments Quotes #740601
#76. We are not taught that hardship is the anvil upon which we are beaten into beauty. We are not taught that some of our greatest moments are some of our most difficult.

Daniel Gillies

Beauty Moments Quotes #16649
#77. The view is endlessly fulfilling. It is like the answer to a lifetime of questions and vague cravings.

Don DeLillo

Beauty Moments Quotes #716798
#78. Catch the beauty of the moment!

Leo Buscaglia

Beauty Moments Quotes #687889
#79. Maybe it's not about having a beautiful day, but about finding beautiful moments. Maybe a whole day is just too much to ask. I could choose to believe that in every day, in all things, no matter how dark and ugly, there are shards of beauty if I look for them.

Anna White

Beauty Moments Quotes #679886
#80. The moments of beauty, the moments when you feel blessed, are only moments; but memory and imagination, treasuring them, can string them together ... Everything else passes away; that which you love remains.

Brian Morton

Beauty Moments Quotes #650585
#81. There really is a kind of insane beauty around us all the time. It's just a question of learning to slow down, take a deep breath and meet the moment.

Graham Nash

Beauty Moments Quotes #636071
#82. I really love that dynamic between beauty and sadness ... theres always these moments of quiet alienation, the sense of disconnect, but also, these moments of possibility.

Gregory Crewdson

Beauty Moments Quotes #600428
#83. I can't stop pointing to the beauty. Every moment and place says, 'Put this design in your carpet!


Beauty Moments Quotes #581756
#84. Never forget to stop and drink the beauty of roses to get drunk for a few moments of life.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Moments Quotes #520440
#85. The beauty of the unexpected lies within the surprise of the momentum,
not only at its tipping point, but also within all the moments waiting.

Akilnathan Logeswaran

Beauty Moments Quotes #507366

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