Top 100 Beauty Is The Truth Quotes

#1. True beauty is the Truth of bliss.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #276859
#2. Beauty is the truth of all things.

Shauna Scheets

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #715220
#3. Divinity is not something supernatural that ever and again invades the natural order in a crashing miracle. Divinity is not in some remote heaven, seated on a throne. Divinity is love ... Wherever goodness, beauty, truth, love, are-there is the divine.

Harry Emerson Fosdick

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #7072
#4. Life is meaningless until we learn to use the power of divine love and see the divine in every event and in every beauty.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #13840
#5. The truth isn't meant to be pretty, that's for beauty pageants.

Marc Marcel

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #21574
#6. It is our will That thus enchains us to permitted ill. We might be otherwise, we might be all We dream of happy, high, majestical. Where is the love, beauty and truth we seek, But in our mind? and if we were not weak, Should we be less in deed than in desire?

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #28971
#7. It is the artist's job to revere beauty without being enchanted by it, to aim for it but also to aim for truth and goodness - just in case they, and not beauty, are the real things of value.

Eric Maisel

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #29896
#8. Life is beautiful. It's even more beautiful when you learn to see the beauty in the midst of ugliness and in and around you.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #31872
#9. Man is not a mind that thinks, but a being who knows other beings as true, who loves them as good and who enjoys them as beautiful. For all that which is, down to the humblest form of existence, exhibits the inseparable privileges of being, which are truth, goodness, and beauty.

Etienne Gilson

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #32471
#10. Why human beings despise what is beautiful and good, and seek to destroy the things they need the most

David Mitchell

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #35785
#11. Nature alone can speak to our intelligence an imperishable language, never changing, because it remains within the bounds of eternal truth and of what is absolutely noble and beautiful.

George Sand

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #44275
#12. A philosopher is a deep thinker and a meticulous observer of nature and events that reveal the beauty, truth, and meaning of existence.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #53830
#13. Smile reveals the beauty of heart, which is timeless and ageless.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #56637
#14. Your spiritual developement is a divine path that leads to truth, goodness and beauty;
it is a spiritual path reflecting the unlimited, absolute nature of the universe
and the ultimate grand design of creation.

Morihei Ueshiba

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #59345
#15. Knowledge is the value of a diamond but wisdom is the beauty and light it reflects.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #60286
#16. It is rather when
We gloriously forget ourselves, and plunge
Soul-forward, headlong, into a book's profound,
Impassioned for its beauty and salt of truth
'Tis then we get the right good from a book.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #66309
#17. The Lord is the refuge of all who seek refuge, the saviour of all who have to be saved. He is the Embodiment of Being-Awareness-Bliss (Sat-chit-ananda). He is now at Puttaparthi as the Effulgent Emperor over the region of Truth, Goodness and Beauty.

Sathya Sai Baba

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #76043
#18. Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention.

Deepak Chopra

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #76267
#19. Sometimes we are looked upon as people who speak only of prohibitions. Nothing could be further from the truth! Authentic Christian discipleship is marked by a sense of wonder. We stand before the God we know and love as a friend, the vastness of his creation, and the beauty of our Christian faith.

Pope Benedict XVI

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #78379
#20. The contemplation of truth and beauty is the proper object for which we were created, which calls forth the most intense desires of the soul, and of which it never tires.

William Hazlitt

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #78779
#21. At a time when the joy of living is more painful than imagining the beauty of eternal life, we leave our life behind.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #83998
#22. That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #92502
#23. Beauty is in the holiness of the heart and in the simplicity of mind.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #94885
#24. Real beauty is when you're centered, when our mind is with the truth. That is how every baby is beautiful because they are centered.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #106909
#25. Light of my heart is my spirit through which I created my universe,
and I see the beauty of my sun, my moon and my dazzling stars.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #107786
#26. The Bible is endlessly interesting because it is God's story, and God by nature is himself endlessly interesting. The Bible is an ever-flowing fountain. The more you read it, the more you find its truth and beauty to be inexhaustible.

D. A. Carson

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #111378
#27. As all Nature's thousands changes But one changeless God proclaim; So in Art's wide kingdom ranges One sole meaning still the same: This is Truth, eternal Reason, Which from Beauty takes its dress, And serene through time and season Stands aye in loveliness.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #112206
#28. The beauty of being a woman, as the French say, "of a certain age", is that I can be invisible. Young people, both men and women, look right through me, unless I make the effort to be noticed.

Nanci Rathbun

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #118763
#29. Niagaras of beauty are flowing by untapped by ordinary consciousness ... Would that we could send robots who could film these psychedelic realities ... The presence of so much beauty is an argument to me that truth cannot be far away.

Terence McKenna

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #128803
#30. A flower is symbol of beauty for eyes, but music is the expression of beauty for ears.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #132391
#31. Nothing: a landscape, a glass of wine, a little loveless love, and the vague sadness caused by our understanding nothing and having lost the little we're given.

Alvaro De Campos

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #134852
#32. Beauty is the wilderness of sensual perception where we always want to get lost.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #140295
#33. A woman whom Providence has provided with beauty of spirit and body is a truth, at the same time both open and secret, which we can understand only by love, and touch only by virtue.

Khalil Gibran

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #140518
#34. A general definition of civilization: a civilized society is exhibiting the fine qualities of truth, beauty, adventure, art, peace.

Alfred North Whitehead

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #141281
#35. There are truths, that are beyond us, transcendent truths, about beauty, truth, honor, etc. There are truths that man knows exist, but they cannot be seen - they are immaterial, but no less real, to us. It is only through the language of myth that we can speak of these truths.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #143132
#36. Love is the beauty; love is the truth. Love is the creative and sustaining energy of life

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #150683
#37. Love is spontaneous and craves expression through joy, through beauty, through truth, even through tears. Love lives the moment; it's neither lost in yesteryear nor does it crave for tomorrow. Love is NOW!

Leo Buscaglia

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #163806
#38. Families have a citizenship which is divine. The identity card they have is given to them by God. So that within the heart of the family, truth, goodness and beauty may truly grow.

Pope Francis

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #177443
#39. Beauty is the brilliance of truth.

Saint Augustine

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #177883
#40. Make her smile, make her laugh and make her happy; because this is the only Truth, Meaning & Beauty act any human can ever achieve.

Sameh Elsayed

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #186998
#41. Beauty is an ultimate value - something that we pursue for its own sake, and for the pursuit of which no further reason need be given. Beauty should therefore be compared to truth and goodness, one member of a trio of ultimate values which justify our rational inclinations.

Roger Scruton

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #187552
#42. Listen to your inner voice... for it is a deep and powerful source of wisdom, beauty and truth, ever flowing through you... Learn to trust it, trust your intuition, and in good time, answers to all you seek to know will come, and the path will open before you.

Caroline Joy Adams

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #195569
#43. Truth is like beauty; it lies in the mind of the beholder

Bangambiki Habyarimana

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #216758
#44. All high truth is poetry. Take the results of science: they glow with beauty, cold and hard as are the methods of reaching them.

Charles Buxton

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #220197
#45. There is music in the noise, beauty in the chaos, truth in the lies, light in the void. He who has eyes, let him see.

Jonathan Maberry

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #220444
#46. Strangeness which is the essence of beauty is the essence of truth, and the essence of the world. I have often felt that; when the ascent of a long hill brought me to the summit of an undiscovered height in London; and I looked down on a new land.

Arthur Machen

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #221015
#47. All you need in life is truth and beauty and you can find both at the Public Library.

Studs Terkel

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #224352
#48. The hero of my tale, whom I love with all the power of my soul, whom I have tried to portray in all his beauty, who has been, is, and will be beautiful, is Truth.

Leo Tolstoy

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #237501
#49. The nature is my god and flowers are my angels. They taught me how to love unconditionally and how to appreciate beauty.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #243334
#50. The eye which can appreciate the naked and absolute beauty of a scientific truth is far more rare than that which is attracted by a moral one.

Henry David Thoreau

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #246687
#51. Now abideth beauty, truth, and intensity; but the greatest of these is intensity.

Michel Houellebecq

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #255928
#52. If beauty is truth, and truth is beauty, they are defined by each other, so how do we know the meaning of either?

Ava Dellaira

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #266571
#53. In science, reason is the guide; in poetry, taste. The object of the one is truth, which is uniform and indivisible; the object of the other is beauty, which is multiform and varied.

Charles Caleb Colton

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #267264
#54. Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of man, the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth.

Menachem Begin

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #274878
#55. That thing over there was more there than it's there!
Yes, sometimes I cry about the perfect body that doesn't exist.
But the perfect body is the bodiest body there can be,
And the rest are the dreams men have,
The myopia of someone who doesn't look very much,

Alberto Caeiro

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #278120
#56. An optimist sees the miracles and beauty of life and a pessimist sees the sufferings and wonders, where is the life?

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #288404
#57. The clean truth of light can sometimes flow through its blackness, beauty seen dimly through darkness, and like life, it is terribly fragile, with edges that can be dangerously sharp.

George R R Martin

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #302808
#58. Beauty is but the sensible image of the Infinite. Like truth and justice it lives within us; like virtue and the moral law it is a companion of the soul.

George Bancroft

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #315112
#59. Truth is congenial to man. Moral truth is then most consummate when, like beauty, it commends itself without argument. The righteous not only does right, but loves to do right.

Francis William Newman

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #318044
#60. Within the holy circle of the stage, geometrical principles are used to organize physical energy so that the beauty of the human form reveals a web of drama and truth---that is the essence of dance as I have come to know it.

Gelsey Kirkland

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #325763
#61. The sun shone through the green of the trees. The sky was a blue only a deity could paint. Beauty always found refuge in the ugly. Truth be told, beauty couldn't really exist without the ugly. How can there be light if there is no dark? Gerard

Harlan Coben

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #326801
#62. This is beauty, love, and truth all rolled into one. This is joy. And now that I've found it, how can I give it up? Life and work are the most wonderful things a man can have.

Daniel Keyes

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #328390
#63. Beauty is the expression of the hearts truth.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #330377
#64. This world in which we live needs beauty in order not to sink into despair. It is beauty, like truth, which brings joy to the heart of man and is that precious fruit which resists the year and tear of time, which unites generations and makes them share things in admiration.

Pope Paul VI

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #331760
#65. By beauty of course I mean truth, for the one involves the other; it is only the false in art which is ugly, and it is only the ugly that is universal.

William Dean Howells

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #332331
#66. The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.

Albert Einstein

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #361999
#67. Simplicity is indeed often the sign of truth and a criterion of beauty.

Mahlon Hoagland

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #380891
#68. It is an undoubted truth that the neck and throat of a highbred woman are incomparably more beautiful than in the woman of lower origin. Blood will tell; there is no disputing it.

Harriet Hubbard Ayer

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #385481
#69. "Ju" means being natural or in other words the way which is natural and in accords with the truth of the universe and the one that human beings have to follow. Also, "Ju" may mean anything reasonable, just and honorable, accordingly noble: namely the realization of Truth , Good and Beauty.

Kyuzo Mifune

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #394548
#70. There is no man on this earth that has the right to tell you how beautiful you are, for no words we use has enough power to tell that truth. Your beauty can only be describe by the heavens above in a language none of us know.

Vincent Edwards

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #394927
#71. We also maintain - again with perfect truth - that mystery is more than half of beauty, the element of strangeness that stirs the senses through the imagination.

Richard Le Gallienne

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #397423
#72. I have not attempted to try to relive or recreate the past; but I have sought guidance from those timeless elements in the past which remain valid and vital to the future ... The purpose of my art is to seek beauty and truth, and to explore and glorify the human being and the universe.

Frederick Hart

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #406105
#73. Life is an endless journey. I travel just to unfold the beauty of my life.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #416236
#74. We know truth for the cruel instrument it is. Beauty is infinitely preferable to truth.

George R R Martin

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #432463
#75. The beauty of a metaphor is it doesn't have to be real to ring true. The instant a metaphor becomes true it ceases to be a metaphor, which suggests a disconnect between truth and what's commonly referred to as reality.

Sol Luckman

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #448848
#76. From the beginning, nothing has been more alien, repugnant, and hostile to woman than truth
her great art is the lie, her highest concern is mere appearance of beauty.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #470892
#77. The hero of my tale," Tolstoy wrote when he was just twenty-seven, "whom I love with all the power of my soul, whom I have tried to portray in all its beauty, who has been, is, and always will be beautiful - is Truth.

Leo Tolstoy

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #483270
#78. Beauty is not the reflection of your image, but the reflection of the seer's inner vision.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #501507
#79. Suppose the apprehension of beauty is itself a way to truth? Suppose that "elegance" - as the word is used by physicists to describe their discoveries - is a key to ultimate reality?

Rollo May

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #512010
#80. All the evil in the world comes from us bothering with each other,
Wanting to do good, wanting to do evil.
Our soul and the sky and the earth are enough for us.
To want more is to lose this, and be unhappy.

Alberto Caeiro

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #513371
#81. In the wilderness of life
Happiness is looking for you
In the jungles of dreams and desires,
In the beauty of shrubs and flowers,
In the span of sadness and kindness.
In the deepness of hearts and minds.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #513619
#82. Nights in white satin never reaching the end
Letters I've written never meaning to send
Beauty I'd always missed with these eyes before
Just what the truth is I can't say any more
Cause I love you
Yes I love you
Oh how I love you

Justin Hayward

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #532356
#83. When our universe is in harmony with man, the eternal, we know it as truth, we feel it as beauty.

Rabindranath Tagore

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #541847
#84. Truth is the first thing to be sought for, and Beauty and Goodness will then be added unto you.

Mahatma Gandhi

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #545102
#85. That is how they were: they spent their lives proclaiming their proud origins, the historic merits of the city, the value of its relics, its heroism, its beauty, but they were blind to the decay of its years. Dr Juvenal Urbino, on the other hand, loved it enough to see it with the eyes of truth.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #553076
#86. What is the meaning of Initiation? It is the Path to the realisation of your Self as the sole, the supreme, the absolute of all Truth, Beauty, Purity, Perfection!

Aleister Crowley

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #565468
#87. Competence, like truth, beauty, and contact lenses, is in the eye of the beholder.

Laurence J. Peter

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #586529
#88. I think falling in love is like discovering the magic of books. You think to yourself, 'how was I living before this?

Kamand Kojouri

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #591135
#89. Simplicity is the beauty of all creation.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #596601
#90. The mathematician is fascinated with the marvelous beauty of the forms he constructs, and in their beauty he finds everlasting truth.

George Bernard Shaw

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #606611
#91. The beauty of history is that it can be altered by changing ones perspective. If the interpretation varies so does the impact. Free will is the governor.

Truth Devour

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #606663
#92. My thesis in terms of all my art is finding the beauty in the ugly truth. Just find the beauty in realism and what's there.

Nikki Jean

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #611318
#93. I'm so tired of people who can't be honest. "Beauty is on the inside" Really?? Then why do rich guys & successful guys always end up with beautiful women but they have lousy personalities?.

Colin Cowherd

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #611358
#94. What more could you want? How about dominion over this 'beautiful place'? Beauty doesn't last. Friends and family decay. Power is the only thing that goes on forever."
Jack answered with his gut. "No, love goes on forever.

P.C. Cast

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #614745
#95. Family is the garden of humanity where every flower grows with love and kindness, in search of beauty, purpose and happiness.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #618997
#96. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Truth lies in the hands of its editor.

Michael Dobbs

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #634016
#97. Human relationships are about communicating. Business jargon should be banished in favor of simple English. Simplicity is a sign of truth and a criterion of beauty. Complexity can be a way of hiding the truth.

Helena Rubinstein

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #635794
#98. If the upper realm is, as Plato suggested, the sphere of perfect love, truth, justice, and beauty, then the artist seeks to call down the magic of this world and to create, by dint of labor and luck, the closest-to-sublime simulacra of those qualities that he or she can.

Steven Pressfield

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #638319
#99. There is more beauty in a harsh truth than in a pretty lie, more poetry in earthiness than in all the salons of Paris.

Irving Stone

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #646195
#100. Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is THE BEST.

Frank Zappa

Beauty Is The Truth Quotes #664270

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