Top 26 Beautiful Bliss Quotes

#1. What is beautiful? Whatever is perceived joyfully is beautiful. Bliss is the essence of beauty.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #162133
#2. Wonder is a beautiful bliss.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #1289819
#3. Youthful life is a beautiful bliss.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #50032
#4. The most pleasant weather of all is that most difficult to even notice.

Criss Jami

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #1699751
#5. He smiled, so sensual and beautiful, it was another form of bliss just looking at him.

Jeaniene Frost

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #1655140
#6. When you deprive yourself of happiness, you deprive yourself your sense of being.

Abdulazeez Henry Musa

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #1531160
#7. People seem to have an impressive capacity to change themselves if you believe in them, if you tell them they can and give them some help in doing so.

William R. Miller

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #1508963
#8. Money,if it does not bring you happiness,it will atleast help you be miserable in comfort

Helen Gurley Brown

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #1346157
#9. I'd entered the bliss of Washington, physically and emotionally: eating huckleberries, feeling beautiful and finally in control of my self. Feeling the changing season, my self changed.

Aspen Matis

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #1283665
#10. There is a universal intelligence that we call God or Soul or Spirit or Consciousness, and it is everywhere and in all things.

Wayne Dyer

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #1006724
#11. O tender yearning, sweet hoping!
The golden time of first love!
The eye sees the open heaven,
The heart is intoxicated with bliss;
O that the beautiful time of young love
Could remain green forever.

Friedrich Schiller

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #967604
#12. Already, the Elms and the Chestnuts are gone, and the Hemlocks and the Flowering Dogwoods. And I didn't get a chance to climb them yet.

Ned Hayes

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #959400
#13. Originally, there were no man-made borders to divide and segregate lands on this beautiful planet.

Christopher Dines

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #843054
#14. The experience of bliss will give you an insight into the very phenomenon of beauty. Not only does it make you beautiful, it suddenly transforms the whole world. The whole world becomes beautiful because the world reflects you, it is a mirror.


Beautiful Bliss Quotes #836807
#15. We breathe the light, we breathe the music, we breathe the moment as it passes through us.

Anne Rice

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #670055
#16. [I]t is easier to ask forgiveness than to obtain permission.

Mary Doria Russell

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #638462
#17. I don't know about changing my perspective, because motherhood is such a glorious blessing and I am very thankful for that. It's such a beautiful experience. I so strongly recommend it. It's bliss, love and fulfillment of another level.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #586124
#18. To fall asleep in your embrace,Land of our dreams, what bliss,O you our cradle, you our grave,You the new hope we ever crave,Peninsula so beautiful,Finland for aye our all!

Aleksis Kivi

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #489371
#19. There was such a lack of modern, recognizable role models for a young girl in the 1950s. I mean, 'Leave It to Beaver' didn't speak to me. That's why I latched on to music.

Patti Scialfa

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #464934
#20. My first job is to write the characters as full and authentic people as well as I can.

Sara Zarr

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #374231
#21. Always follow your bliss; bliss is heavenly. Life will be divinely beautiful and grow spiritually. Life will be beautiful, peaceful, blissful, and divine.

Debasish Mridha

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #368766
#22. Beauty is Nature's coin, must not be hoarded, But must be current, and the good thereof Consists in mutual and partaken bliss.

John Milton

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #299078
#23. I just need to get you to the point where you can't think about anything except what I'm making you feel

Shoshanna Evers

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #272208
#24. Compassion is a beautiful grace that releases hate and fearful emotions. Through the power of compassion, when put in delicate circumstances with dysfunctional human beings, rather than loathing their behaviour, you can be compassionate to their internal suffering and love them unconditionally.

Christopher Dines

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #190197
#25. Maybe the museum [of Arts and Design ]needs to follow the advice of its acronym and not be afraid to go a little M.A.D.

Jerry Saltz

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #64263
#26. For the very reason that we expect things to be good and beautiful, they won't be. In genuine spirituality, we don't look for bliss.

Chogyam Trungpa

Beautiful Bliss Quotes #50895

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