Top 100 Beatty's Quotes

#1. If there is reincarnation, I'd like to come back as Warren Beatty's fingertips.

Woody Allen

Beatty's Quotes #937495
#2. My first ideas of human in vitro fertilization (IVF) arose with my Ph.D. in Edinburgh University in the early 1950s. Supervised by Alan Beatty, my research was based on his work on altering chromosomal complements in mouse embryos.

Robert Edwards

Beatty's Quotes #905960
#3. The formulaic repetitiveness of filing and stuffing envelopes appeals to me in some fundamental life-affirming way.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #953074
#4. I'm a perfect example of the grumpy, old man. I'm really good at it.

Ned Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #905060
#5. And if an increasingly pluralistic America ever decides to commission a new motto, I'm open for business, because I've got a better one than E pluribus unum. Tu dormis, tu perdis ... You snooze, you lose.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #900372
#6. Lenin said that people vote with their feet. Well, that's what's happening. They either go, or they don't go. It's all politics. It's all demographics.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #878333
#7. You'd rather have nothing than settle for less.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #877059
#8. That's all gone, now, the old, Hollywood.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #876247
#9. Warren Beatty is a great director. I wish Warren would direct another film right now, because I'd love to do another film with Warren. I think that 'Dick Tracy' is an outstanding film in its own right.

William Forsythe

Beatty's Quotes #875329
#10. Sometimes I wish Darth Vader had been my father. I'd have been better off. I wouldn't have a right hand, but I definitely wouldn't have the burden of being black and constantly having to decide when and if I gave a shit about it. Plus, I'm left-handed.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #868685
#11. In a way, I'd rather ride down the street on a camel than give what is sometimes called an in-depth interview. I'd rather ride down the street on a camel nude. In a snowstorm. Backwards.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #812325
#12. If he was indeed an "autodidact," there's no doubt he had the world's shittiest teacher.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #806097
#13. Those people upstairs think that Karl Marx was somebody who wrote a good anti-trust law.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #794110
#14. The definition of a Schwarzenegger Republican is a Bush Republican who says he's a Schwarzenegger Republican.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #779502
#15. I'll tell you what I would do in a shot if I could. I would sing in the barbershop quartet in The Music Man.

Ned Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #773304
#16. It's like the specter of segregation has brought the city of Dickens back together again." I decided to give my new career as City Planner in Charge of Restoration and Segregation another six months. If things didn't work out, I could always fall back on being black.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #772500
#17. Man, didn't anybody ever tell you that art is propaganda? It doesn't matter whether you think it should be or it shouldn't be, it just is, and motherfucker, like or not, you're sitting on a funky Magna Carta.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #766029
#18. And she knew that her fate wasn't set by how or where she was born, but the decisions she made and the battles she fought. It didn't matter if she had eight toes or ten, amber eyes or blue. What mattered was what she set out to do.

Robert Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #754412
#19. That's the difference between most oppressed peoples of the world and American blacks. They vow never to forget, and we want everything expunged from our record, sealed and filed away for eternity.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #751365
#20. Silence can be either protest or consent, but most times it's fear.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #740829
#21. At 31 years of age, Fred West was a big man trapped in a little man's body. He thought himself to be a gynecologist and Warren Beatty look-a-like all rolled into one ... the surgeon and the stud.

Stephen Richards

Beatty's Quotes #731708
#22. And if you think about it, pretty much everything that made the twentieth century bearable was invented in a California garage: the Apple computer, the Boogie Board, and gangster rap.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #725990
#23. There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #716909
#24. My old boyfriend, Warren Beatty, used to say I was a late developer,' she reflects. 'He was right. It took me 50 years to find motherhood and unconditional love.'

Diane Keaton

Beatty's Quotes #713042
#25. There is an established tradition of actors directing films that have a particular, personal meaning for them - Warren Beatty, Clint Eastwood, Kevin Costner, and most recently George Clooney to name a few. Remarkably, their films share an unusually high percentage of being very good.

Steven Van Zandt

Beatty's Quotes #711567
#26. She'd always had a hankering for sitting quietly in dark, confined spaces.

Robert Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #704295
#27. By that time this society is going to be completely different for one thing. Your own son or your own son's son is not going to have the needs for money that you feel you have now. The society itself will be less dependent on money and currency to get along.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1263073
#28. When I saw Arnold say that he didn't need a union, because people in his position don't need it, I thought, this is a very naive way to present yourself. It's also kinda dumb about making movies. It doesn't realize how the union movement even helps the star.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1857160
#29. I think about my own silence. Silence can be either protest or consent, but most times it's fear. I guess that's why I'm so quiet and such a good whisperer,

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1854317
#30. She was a failure. That's what she thought. She had come to the forest to see the world, but all she found was wretchedness.

Robert Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1816332
#31. [T]he Supreme Court is where the country takes out its dick and tits and decides who's going to get fucked and who's getting a taste of mother's milk. It's constitutional pornography in there[.]

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1802048
#32. I think it's quite extraordinary that people cast me as if I'm Warren Beatty: until I met my present wife, at the age of 35, you could name two girlfriends.

Colin Firth

Beatty's Quotes #1800599
#33. You know, you left without saying good-bye. That's not like you, not that I have the slightest idea what you're like.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1592527
#34. Not surprisingly, there's nothing to do at the Pentagon except start a war.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1579050
#35. When I produce a movie - and I've produced a number of movies, unlike Arnold - yes, I'm frustrated when the union says you can't do this, you can't work past that hour, you've got to break for lunch. But ultimately, they're right. What they do is for everyone's benefit.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1504823
#36. I don't want to run for governor, but I don't think anyone should put public service out of the question because that's not what a good citizen does.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1481035
#37. If New York is the City That Never Sleeps, then Los Angeles is the City That's Always Passed Out on the Couch.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1410197
#38. I don't know what to do with Warren Beatty. All I know is that he wasn't attracted to me. That's all right.

Elaine Stritch

Beatty's Quotes #1403289
#39. I don't try to be satirical. I just try to get what's in my head on the page. And that part is hard for me to do. It takes a long, long time to make it poetic, somewhat essayistic.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1401204
#40. I think everybody focuses on race, but it's about a ton of things, and I just see these things as all interrelated and all interwoven in a weird way.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #691914
#41. Because I knew that racist Negro Archetypes, like Bebe's Kids, don't die. They multiply.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1233495
#42. Warren Beatty once told me that if someone's really stuck on you, find them their next boyfriend. But I could never do that.

Val Kilmer

Beatty's Quotes #1212500
#43. That's the problem with this generation; they don't know their history.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1182309
#44. Bad movies: they can be tatty classics of crazed ineptitude, like Edward D. Wood's 'Glen or Glenda' and 'Plan 9 from Outer Space,' or big-budget misfires like the 1987 'Ishtar,' a would-be comedy that sent Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman on a Hope-Crosby Road to Dystopia.

Richard Corliss

Beatty's Quotes #1108428
#45. It's very clear you have to engage the public and say: You have to vote no on 74, no on 75, no on 76, no on 77. Those are the issues that Arnold pushing. And those are reactionary, Republican initiatives.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1077351
#46. There's no point in making a movie just to be making a movie.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #1059827
#47. Every single director-actor I talked to, from Warren Beatty to Clint Eastwood to George Clooney, said the biggest mistake they made is not shooting enough footage of themselves.

Ben Affleck

Beatty's Quotes #987595
#48. Even the promiscuous feel pain.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #976021
#49. it is not an easy matter to change suddenly from the butterfly to the busy bee.

Laura Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #975701
#50. If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #969515
#51. The way I like to describe Hollywood today is this: everyone wants to make 'Deliverance,' but no one wants to be Ned Beatty.

Christopher McQuarrie

Beatty's Quotes #969123
#52. But the Republican right-wing agenda, these people - Arnold and his patrons - felt it could be accomplished by circumventing the Legislature and spending money and organizing and giving sound bites.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #153826
#53. Unmitigated Blackness is coming to the realization that as fucked up and meaningless as it all is, sometimes it's the nihilism that makes life worth living.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #385401
#54. One of the many sad ironies of African-American life is that every banal dysfunctional social gathering is called a "function.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #365135
#55. Although Ronald Reagan was somebody I disagreed with on most ideological things, he was a friend of mine, and he was a very, very likable man. Ronald Reagan, for instance, was maybe more able to get the very rich to do the right thing sometimes.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #363881
#56. I've had this problem since I was in my 20s. They don't call it manic depression anymore. They call it a bipolar disorder, and I'm a Type 2.

Ned Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #338711
#57. The meetings consisted mostly of the members who showed up every other week arguing with the ones who came every other month about what exactly "bimonthly" means. I

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #297733
#58. This traffic-court jester did more than tell jokes; he plucked out your subconscious and beat you silly with it, not until you were unrecognizable, but until you were recognizable.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #272730
#59. I was friends with President Ronald Reagan and he once said to me, 'I don't know how anybody can serve in public office without being an actor.'

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #260208
#60. Washington, D.C., with its wide streets, confounding roundabouts, marble statues, Doric columns, and domes, is supposed to feel like ancient Rome (that is, if the streets of ancient Rome were lined with homeless black people, bomb-sniffing dogs, tour buses, and cherry blossoms).

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #248754
#61. I believe if a private citizen is able to affect public opinion in a constructive way he doesn't have to be an elected public servant to perform a public service.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #220102
#62. And like that black president, you'd think that after two terms of looking at a dude in a suit deliver the State of the Union address, you'd get used to square watermelons, but somehow you never do.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #197526
#63. My mother and my father were teachers. My grandmother and my grandfather were teachers. This is something I really know about. Even when I was a kid, it was a profession my father couldn't stay in, because he couldn't make enough money.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #177931
#64. She was thinking about how her middle-school alma mater was now 75 percent Latino, when in her day it was 80 percent black. Thinking

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #174624
#65. That's the problem with history, we like to think it's a book - that we can turn the page and move the fuck on. But history isn't the paper it's printed on. It's memory, and memory is time, emotions, and song. History is the things that stay with you.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #406259
#66. The wretched of the Earth, he calls us. People too poor to afford cable and too stupid to know that they aren't missing anything.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #148195
#67. There's this line between propriety and how we really speak and how we really think. And I'm just trying to have fun with that stuff.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #144885
#68. And although like most black males raised in Los Angeles, I'm bilingual only to the extent that I can sexually harass women of all ethnicities in their native languages, I understood the gist of the message.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #129817
#69. I have a day job. I can make movies when I want to.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #96517
#70. No one has, because even in this middle age, he's sensitive, and if you say the wrong thing, he'll show the world just how sensitive he is by crying at your funeral.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #87258
#71. I don't think you should talk while the movie was going on and say, 'Oh, look at that - look how smart I was' or 'What a brilliant shot that is!' I don't believe in that.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #68221
#72. My wife always says that I will be stuck with this forever: I am the difficult one. With Jack Nicholson they always said it was drugs. Warren Beatty is supposed to have screwed everything that jumped off the curve. I'll tell you, in reality a few of us had as many girls as Warren.

Dustin Hoffman

Beatty's Quotes #64320
#73. I want to see the writers strike because the writers, god bless them, are the only true commies we have in Hollywood.

Ned Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #46783
#74. Marriage requires a special talent, like acting. Monogamy requires genius.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #31230
#75. One's self-worth comes from how one chooses to navigate that space.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #29770
#76. It makes you feel good when a movie works. Usually when I see an old movie I've made, I say to myself, 'Oh God, why did I do this?' and 'Why didn't I change that?' and things like that.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #19133
#77. It's illegal to yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater, right?" "It is." "Well, I've whispered 'Racism' in a post-racial world.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #530715
#78. No," Joan vowed. She grabbed Bash's shirt. "I don't want this. Didn't want this to happen."
Screams resonated.
Bash continued quietly, "None of us do. That's not up to us. We have to decide what we're going to do with what we're given. Play the cards dealt to us.

Cate Campbell Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #668056
#79. Sometimes just making yourself at home is revolutionary.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #649446
#80. Warren Beatty took an interest in my career at one point.

Courtney Love

Beatty's Quotes #637364
#81. Most couples have songs they call their own. We had books. Authors. Artists. Silent movies.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #632608
#82. I'm blessed with eight children - though I'm talking about eight adults now.

Ned Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #631904
#83. And then the conditions of safety - or lack of safety - for teachers in public schools, and the disparity between public schools and private schools is shameful.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #616262
#84. Government is not show business.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #614426
#85. Our character isn't defined by the battles we win or lose, but by the battles we dare to fight.

Robert Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #606450
#86. Congratulations, you may already be a winner! Your case has been selected from hundreds of other appellate cases to be heard by the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #546702
#87. I understand now that the only time black people don't feel guilty is when we've actually done something wrong, because that relieves us of the cognitive dissonance of being black and innocent, and in a way the prospect of going to jail becomes a relief.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #544190
#88. Like Nazis at a Ku Klux Klan rally, they were comfortable ideologically, but not in terms of corporate culture.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #541932
#89. Sit down, Montag. Watch. Delicately, like the petals of a flower. Light the first page, light the second page. Each becomes a black butterfly. Beautiful, eh?' ... There sat Beatty, perspiring gently, the floor littered with swarms of black moths that had died in a single storm.

Ray Bradbury

Beatty's Quotes #673233
#90. All this angst, all this stuff we all feel, is just tied to making art. It's so ancient.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #527273
#91. The face that feigns acknowledgment that the better man got the promotion, even though deep down you and they both know that you really are the better man and that the best man is the woman on the second floor.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #513281
#92. My only complaints are two:
that I didn't make myself ready
for you sooner in life, that
I can't give you better,
Love you more.

Jan Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #491630
#93. The Beatties were always arguing, it gave them an interest in life ...

Elspeth Huxley

Beatty's Quotes #490380
#94. I don't think there's anything to be admired in lying, cheating or philandering. But there might be something to be admired in not burning people at the stake because they have those weaknesses.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #489281
#95. Organized labor, if they're doing a responsible job, is going to organize the pooling of small amounts of money to protect the interests of the people who are not rich.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #476973
#96. He wants to believe that Shakespeare wrote all those books, that Lincoln fought the Civil War to free the slaves and the United States fought World War II to rescue the Jews and keep the world safe for democracy, that Jesus and the double feature are coming back. But I'm no Panglossian American.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #460896
#97. Warren Beatty has always acted like a Movie Star even when no one knew who he was.

Dwayne Hickman

Beatty's Quotes #456379
#98. Weary and stuffed from being force-fed the falsehood that when one of your kind makes it, it means that you've all made it.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #453831
#99. Hereos. Idols. They're never who you think they are. Shorter. Nastier. Smellier. And when you finally meet them, there's something that makes you want to choke the shit out of them.

Paul Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #416202
#100. I'm old, I'm young, I'm intelligent, I'm stupid. My tide goes in and out.

Warren Beatty

Beatty's Quotes #406598

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