Top 24 Beach Family Quotes

#1. I played a kid's game, I got to do it at the beach, and I was able to support my family. I consider myself incredibly lucky.

Karch Kiraly

Beach Family Quotes #1063553
#2. You need to have a lot of close family around you, a lot of friends to keep you honest. Take your time, take a year and just slow everything down a little bit. Get away from the success part, stay with yourself. Go off on a beach somewhere or do something to keep yourself aligned right.

George Lucas

Beach Family Quotes #1846850
#3. Miami Beach - that's where I grew up, in a middle-class Jewish family led by my maternal grandfather. Me, my great-grandmother - a Holocaust survivor, who was my roommate - my grandparents, my mom and her brother all shared a four-bedroom house.

Brett Ratner

Beach Family Quotes #1804760
#4. My family never went skiing. My dad was afraid of heights and my mom felt that a vacation was only a vacation if it involved reading at least two books on the beach.

Lisa Greenwald

Beach Family Quotes #1789964
#5. Growing up, it was about finding a way to entertain myself outdoors. We spent all the summers on the beach, camping with my family a bunch, and traveling as much as we could. My parents wouldn't let me watch too much TV growing up or play video games, or anything like that.

Stephen Colletti

Beach Family Quotes #1738117
#6. I try to keep myself busy. I always hang out with my family and friends and my dogs. Go to the beach. Go swimming. Go get exercise. Go on a hike.

Colbie Caillat

Beach Family Quotes #1679915
#7. I'm not married, and I don't have any kids, so sometimes I envy that end of things when I see a family vacation or people at the beach with their kids or at sporting events with their kids; you wonder, 'Is that a part of your life that you want to go into?'

Kevin Connolly

Beach Family Quotes #1614125
#8. My first memory of loving music happened so early. We would always go to the beach in the summer and I would run from blanket to blanket, from family to family and just sing Lion King songs acapella.

Taylor Swift

Beach Family Quotes #1597051
#9. The Beach Boys was a family hobby that we turned into a profession. We're very blessed.

Mike Love

Beach Family Quotes #1514744
#10. If I didn't have a job, I might have stayed in bed until I rotted.

Claire Cook

Beach Family Quotes #1374895
#11. You're injured." He flicks his chin at my bleeding leg.
"We need to get that cleaned up."
"It'll be fine," I wave it off. "My mom will descend upon me with a bottle of
peroxide the second I hit the door.

M.A. George

Beach Family Quotes #1335404
#12. So who has more at stake? A young man trying to get laid with the least amount of white water before he ships off to his next assignment and has nothing but a memory of a nice month on the beach, or a family that desperately needs and wants old heartaches to disappear?

Roxanne St. Claire

Beach Family Quotes #1249432
#13. As a child, we visited the San Juan Islands during the summer. Kayaking, big family meals, playing on the beach - great memories!

Zoe McLellan

Beach Family Quotes #169700
#14. I switched from indoor to beach I had been playing indoor for 12 years. And, to be honest, to make a living indoors you have to go overseas. I am such a family girl and just wanted to be home, so that didn't appeal to me.

Kerri Walsh

Beach Family Quotes #1051420
#15. I grew up in Florida in different cities. I was born in Mississippi. My parents moved a lot, so I moved to Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, Virginia, all through the South. But my family's roots were from central Florida, like Daytona Beach area, so we ended up moving there.


Beach Family Quotes #870012
#16. What is it to enjoy life? Sit at the beach? No. What it is is that you have to do something, you have be productive, make a contribution to the society, to the family, to yourself.

Frank Lowy

Beach Family Quotes #841640
#17. I was sitting in Arizona when I received Dogs on Cape Cod. Seeing the joy these dogs had playing on the beaches and in the marsh grasses on the Cape carried me back to my family visits in Harwich. The dogs are so full of life, it just made me smile.

Betsy King

Beach Family Quotes #764427
#18. I think it's a very old and deep-seated double standard that holds that when a man writes about family and feelings, it's literature with a capital L, but when a woman considers the same topics, it's romance, or a beach book - in short, it's something unworthy of a serious critic's attention.

Jennifer Weiner

Beach Family Quotes #525019
#19. I grew up in a family where everybody had a good time and we were at the lake every weekend and going to the beach and living a good life. It's been the way we always lived, and my wife's the same way - enjoy every day and have fun.

Luke Bryan

Beach Family Quotes #479965
#20. The beach is in our blood. Everyone in our family returns to the beach instinctively, just like the sea turtles.

Sandy Archibald

Beach Family Quotes #356631
#21. Money matters but less than we think and not in the way that we think. Family is important. So are friends. Envy is toxic. So is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude.

Eric Weiner

Beach Family Quotes #320299
#22. I love to get home and hang out with my family. My brothers and I love spending time at the beach. I enjoy doing all kinds of surf sports and keeping healthy.

Samantha Stosur

Beach Family Quotes #251897
#23. Parenthood doesn't improve one's character, it exposes it.

Leslie A. Gordon

Beach Family Quotes #231708
#24. My favorite place in Indonesia is Bali. I was there with my family in Nusa Dua, and my kids loved it. I'm a workaholic, so for me, Bali is a place where you can have a vacation, but you can have your own moment as well. You feel like you blend with nature - and I love the beach.

Joe Taslim

Beach Family Quotes #226139

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