Top 16 Barbarizes Quotes

#1. Against war one might say that it makes the victor stupid and the vanquished malicious. In its favor, that in producing these two effects it barbarizes, and so makes the combatants more natural. For culture it is a sleep or a wintertime, and man emerges from it stronger for good and for evil.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Barbarizes Quotes #1840158
#2. Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work done.

Linus Torvalds

Barbarizes Quotes #93888
#3. For knowledge, too, is itself power.

Francis Bacon

Barbarizes Quotes #111934
#4. I wouldn't apply myself at school. I was quite bright, but I didn't do much with it, and I thought acting was dressing up and shouting for a living.

Michelle Gomez

Barbarizes Quotes #166245
#5. The only person I have regrets about is Miles Davis. He and I had become good friends after we did a photo shoot, and coincidentally, we kept running into each other at parties and stuff. I regret not having written a hit for Miles Davis.

Nile Rodgers

Barbarizes Quotes #191668
#6. Sin is dark and loves the dark, still hides from itself in gloom, and in the darkest hell is still itself the darkest hell and the severest woe.

Robert Pollok

Barbarizes Quotes #340065
#7. (27) And what could make thee conceive what hell-fire is? (28) It does not allow to live, and neither leaves [to die],


Barbarizes Quotes #663888
#8. Musically, I want to graduate and become one of the greatest. You can't do that just spitting punchlines. I respect those people who say they love that old style, but it would be greedy of them to want me to stay that same person.


Barbarizes Quotes #767902
#9. I never thought I'd find peace until I give peace a place in my life!

LaFreddie B

Barbarizes Quotes #1021671
#10. We were lining up and counting off nice and easy till you came stumbling through like a doped-up bull,' Minho responded.

James Dashner

Barbarizes Quotes #1026777
#11. But mostly because he could be himself - never needing to bend.

Niki Alling

Barbarizes Quotes #1086979
#12. You got lucky with the moon. Tonight there won't be one, or it'll be so new that you'll still have all the darkness you want. Because right now you're thinking two words: unlawful entry.

Michael Jarvis

Barbarizes Quotes #1238111
#13. Will you stop meddling in my love life?" I growled.
"I'm not meddling. I'm offering commentary.

Ilona Andrews

Barbarizes Quotes #1618450
#14. Pardon the deserter; he is weak and will return to the lesson later on.

Chico Xavier

Barbarizes Quotes #1643184
#15. In heaven I'll be shocked by those who aren't there, those I didn't think would be there but are. And the fact I'm there at all.


Barbarizes Quotes #1681132
#16. You see, books had been happening to me.

Langston Hughes

Barbarizes Quotes #1871176

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