Top 22 Band Director Quotes

#1. A Tip from Bonnie Sue: God is the ultimate band director. Pay close attention, because you don't want to get ahead of him. Stick with him in perfect timing, and he will make a beautiful melody out of your life.

Janice Thompson

Band Director Quotes #407924
#2. I had no idea whether I could play 'em or not, but I wanted to and I was very determined ... but the band director said #That's not really normal.' Of course, all you have to tell me is that something's not normal and I'll go for it!!

Karen Carpenter

Band Director Quotes #752405
#3. a good recipe in the hands of a bad chef is still distasteful! A good chef must have a discriminating palate, and a good band director must have a discerning ear

Mary Ellen Cavitt

Band Director Quotes #1293704
#4. I think if I wasn't a musician, I would be a high-school band director or orchestra director. I like working with large groups of musicians and bringing out the dynamics and accomplishing something as a team.

Rivers Cuomo

Band Director Quotes #1555805
#5. When I auditioned for my high school band the band director was excited because my father was known to be a great musician. When he heard me, he said 'Are you sure you're Ellis's son?'

Wynton Marsalis

Band Director Quotes #283494
#6. There was something peculiarly gratifying about shouting in a blind rage until your words ran out.

Cassandra Clare

Band Director Quotes #1680969
#7. In truth, 2007 was the hardest year of my life. I lost my best friend. I lost my father.

Hope Solo

Band Director Quotes #1673308
#8. The family is the most important unit in time and in eternity and is ordained of God.

Quentin L. Cook

Band Director Quotes #1568393
#9. When I was playing piano, it was like, 'I'm going to write a song using all the white keys.' My music director, who knew my jazz background, suggested I try big-band music, so we spent a year experimenting with it in concert, and the audience reaction was really good.

John Tesh

Band Director Quotes #1474981
#10. The wonderful thing about writing fiction is that no one is stopping you. There's no one saying, 'You can't do that.'

Rebecca Stead

Band Director Quotes #1190775
#11. I like the old school heavy metal bands like AC/DC and Aeromith. I like that type of music. As the director, I tried to influence the type of music the bands in the movie would play.

Dolph Lundgren

Band Director Quotes #1109198
#12. It was my band. I organized the band and Dizzy was in the band. Dizzy was the first musical director with the band. Charlie Parker was in the band. But, no, no, that was my band.

Billy Eckstine

Band Director Quotes #890414
#13. To know the future absolutely it to be trapped into that future absolutely. It collapses time. Present becomes future.

Frank Herbert

Band Director Quotes #886813
#14. Because it's in and about New York City, I knew 'Ex Machina' was going to have to continually mix the mundane and the fantastic.

Brian K. Vaughan

Band Director Quotes #794730
#15. My wifes cooking is so bad the flys fix our screens

Rodney Dangerfield

Band Director Quotes #782858
#16. Mr.Tasker worshipped pigs, and a great many of his gods, fat and lean, were always in the fields round his house. He killed his gods himself, and with great unction he would have crucified them if he could have bled them better that way and so have obtained a larger price.

T.F. Powys

Band Director Quotes #733535
#17. Scattershot friendly to me over the years, with occasional bursts of intensity, especially when he was

Walter Isaacson

Band Director Quotes #695292
#18. Jason [Nash] is just someone that I've known socially and through his stand-up, seeing him do different comedy shows, and I just really like him. I think he's a funny guy and he has a unique perspective on being a dad and a husband.

Busy Philipps

Band Director Quotes #646518
#19. If Rob Ford decided he wanted to run for the Liberal Party in 2015, we'd say, 'No, sorry, the way you approach things, the way you govern, the way you behave is not suitable to the kind of Liberal team we want to build.'

Justin Trudeau

Band Director Quotes #555318
#20. I play the guitar. This year at the Sundance film festival, I joined the band from 'The Guitar' on stage. We warmed up for Patti Smith, and then the director Michel Gondry got on the drums to play some songs from the soundtrack to his film Be Kind Rewind with Mos Def. It was pretty mad.

Saffron Burrows

Band Director Quotes #421150
#21. I've sort of mellowed out. It used to be: I want to be a star, do big movies. Now, being married, it's like the reasons I wanted to do that seem the wrong reasons. I want to have kids.

Josie Bissett

Band Director Quotes #307747
#22. I keep working because I am quite sure that no particle of goodness or truth is ever really lost, however appearances may be to the contrary.

Lydia M. Child

Band Director Quotes #304257

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