Top 15 Balistreri Quotes

#1. If brains were money, you'd need to take out a loan to buy a cup of coffee.

Shelley Long

Balistreri Quotes #104215
#2. I do not believe there is a problem in this country or the world today which could not be settled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount.

Harry S. Truman

Balistreri Quotes #140596
#3. When truth is divided, errors multiply.

Eli Siegel

Balistreri Quotes #293659
#4. Went with one (Assassin) for a while ... lovely lass, but she couldn't keep her mouth shut, even in bed. Sometimes I wonder if any profession really guards its secrets as closely as they claim.

Robert Asprin

Balistreri Quotes #335977

Caitlin Moran

Balistreri Quotes #380036
#6. Honest people, mistakenly believing in the justice of their cause, are led to support injustice.

Elihu Root

Balistreri Quotes #575817

Jake Estrada

Balistreri Quotes #860011
#8. I could not ask for more than the love you give me ... Cause it's all I've waited for ... and I could not ask for more.

Edwin McCain

Balistreri Quotes #928122
#9. One must find one's natural home, not try to construct it.

Nancy Hale

Balistreri Quotes #965416
#10. So I became a producer because I knew one of the reasons was they didn't do them the way I thought was right.

Lee Hazlewood

Balistreri Quotes #1003657
#11. Because I care about human beings, I want them to be free to do what is right for them. Isn't that more important than mere peace on earth? Isn't freedom, even dangerous freedom, preferable to the safest slavery, to peace bought with ignorance, cowardice, and submission?


Balistreri Quotes #1047965
#12. But Dr. Erland said nothing else, only smiled at her with mischievous eyes that filled her with suspicion.

Marissa Meyer

Balistreri Quotes #1149290
#13. Marlon Brando. The finest actor who ever lived. He was my idol when I was 13. He's done enough work to last two lifetimes. Everything I do, I think: Can Brando play this with me?

Barbra Streisand

Balistreri Quotes #1356409
#14. Coming back like this to hunt for details for my stories feels a bit like poaching on land that used to be mine. But I've never lost the need to tell of my Alabama, to reveal it, lush and green and full of death. So I return, knowing what I've learned.

Tom Franklin

Balistreri Quotes #1385696
#15. And I'm sure than in Poland, or somewhere, it is considered cool to drive a Porsche and wear necklaces and black silk, but at least back in Brooklyn if you did those things you were either a drug dealer or from New Jersey.

Meg Cabot

Balistreri Quotes #1670969

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