Top 100 Ayelet Quotes

#1. I think there are many ways to raise great kids. From what I can tell, Ayelet Waldman's kids are interesting, strong, and happy, and if that's the case, that's good parenting.

Amy Chua

Ayelet Quotes #534954
#2. Like the protagonist of her 2006 novel, 'Love and Other Impossible Pursuits,' Ayelet Waldman is a Jewish redhead who attended Harvard Law School and is madly in love with her husband. But the obvious similarities end there.

Katie Hafner

Ayelet Quotes #261052
#3. I am saying that I am trying to minimize the donations to these groups by talking to diplomats. The transparency bill also has the purpose of enabling the Israeli public and members of Knesset to know whose interests certain organizations represent.

Ayelet Shaked

Ayelet Quotes #1268469
#4. I went from resenting my mother-in-law to accepting her, finally to appreciating her. What appeared to be her diffidence when I was first married, I now value as serenity.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #849612
#5. [W]hatever my intentions, whatever the truth of my claim, I had no business giving a lecture to a total stranger.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1245757
#6. I've sometimes thought that it's only by recalling that desperate devotion my kids once felt for me that I can maintain my own desperate devotion in the face of their adolescent sneering.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1228808
#7. The age of 20 was all about stupid things. I did crazy things but never lost it. I was, you know, a little crazy. I once broke up with my boyfriend in London and went to an Indian guy's apartment who I didn't know and who told me he saw my aura and gave me a massage.

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #1225983
#8. I pity the young woman who will attempt to insinuate herself between my mama's boy and me. I sympathize with the monumental nature of her task. It will take a crowbar, two bulldozers and half a dozen Molotov cocktails to pry my Oedipus and me loose from one another.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1219712
#9. As if one's capacity for pain had anything to do with life's apportionment of agonies, Mr. Kimmelbrod thought. Such idiocy.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1192475
#10. I'm sure there are people who survive tragedy without humor, but I've never met any of them. Nor would I be particularly interested in writing about them if I did meet them.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1184076
#11. Your General Patton, he refused to arrest the SS because he said it would be silly to get rid of the most intelligent people in Germany. Instead, he packed the Bavarian Provincial Administration full of Nazis.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1172223
#12. Because of my bipolar disorder, I tend to these mixed states, which are depressed but loud and agitated. So I can be terribly irritable. I go to cognitive behavioral therapy in order not to yell at my children.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1137741
#13. You can take the babushka off the Jewish mother and dress her up in a pair of Seven jeans and Marc Jacobs sling-backs, but she's still going to expect a passel of grandkids.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1135660
#14. Is Valentine's Day a day to make cupcakes with your children? No, Valentine's is supposed to be a day about romantic love.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1117004
#15. Look, if you ask a child, 'Would you rather have a fulfilled mother or a stay-at-home Sylvia Plath,' they'll pick Sylvia Plath every time. But I think it's really important that children don't feel their parents' emotional lives depend on their success.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1097253
#16. My father is sure that Israel keeps the Holocaust from happening again. I worry that it might hasten its recurrence.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1074772
#17. Personally, I think four is the perfect number of children for our particular family. Four is enough to create the frenzied cacophony that my husband and I find so joyful.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1069318
#18. Roaring like a tiger turns some children into pianists who debut at Carnegie Hall but only crushes others. Coddling gives some the excuse to fail and others the chance to succeed.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1046988
#19. During the periods in my marriage when I chose to stay home with my kids rather than work as an attorney, it caused me no end of anxiety. Despite the fact that I knew I was contributing to our family by caring for our children, I still felt that my worth was less because I wasn't earning.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1040393
#20. As a parent, the only thing I am absolutely certain of is my own fallibility.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1025433
#21. I feed my kids organic food and milk, but I've also been known to buy the odd Lunchable. My kids are not allowed to watch TV during the week, but on weekends even the 2-year-old veges out to 'The Simpsons.'

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1012776
#22. I do tend to like movies that challenge me professionally. That's mostly on a smaller scale, when you have one or two or five actors, and it's all about the acting and not the camera.

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #942676
#23. We [Israel] already have two very strong democratic tools - the two basic laws of personal liberties and human rights. I think we should also provide the judiciary with another tool so that they can rely on the fact that Israel is a Jewish state in verdicts.

Ayelet Shaked

Ayelet Quotes #906860
#24. I've always had questions about how things work and why it was that way. From all kinds of perspectives, from the physical to the spiritual.

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #894968
#25. There are so many directors that I want to work with, but I can't tell you that there's one role. If I knew it, I would write it for myself.

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #874068
#26. If I get lucky and I can choose, I would always choose a really good story and screenplay, even if I don't know the director. If there's a good screenplay, there's a chance that something good is going to happen.

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #853330
#27. I love reader mail, and I do read it, but I won't read hate mail.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1728982
#28. You know, I feel like my job is to write a book. Then filmmakers come and they make a movie. And they're two really different art forms.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1478871
#29. One of the darkest, deepest shames so many of us mothers feel nowadays is our fear that we are Bad Mothers, that we are failing our children and falling far short of our own ideals.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1722079
#30. With prodigious bravery and eviscerating humor, Roxane Gay takes on culture and politics in Bad Feminist-and gets it right, time and time again. We should all be lucky enough to be such a bad feminist.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1720148
#31. Everyone knows now how early a fetus becomes a baby. Women who have been pregnant have seen their babies on ultrasounds. They know that there is a terrible truth to those horrific pictures the anti-choice fanatics hold up in front of abortion clinics.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1704053
#32. Why is it that loving something provides such little protection from betrayal?

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1640912
#33. My kids are incredibly secure. More and more of their friends' parents are divorcing, but my kids have absolute confidence that we'll stay together forever. That goes a long, long way.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1638770
#34. I love the novel of 'The English Patient'; I think it's a profoundly beautiful novel. I love the movie of 'The English Patient'; I think it's a profoundly beautiful movie. And they're totally different. You accept each on its own terms, and that's kind of the ideal.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1638096
#35. They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists ... are all our enemies and their blood should be on our hands. This also applies to the mothers of the dead terrorists.

Ayelet Shaked

Ayelet Quotes #1552161
#36. I think it's worth trying to be a mother who delights in who her children are, in their knock-knock jokes and earnest questions. A mother who spends less time obsessing about what will happen, or what has happened, and more time reveling in what is.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1550194
#37. Zeev Feinberg parted from his own obligation and left Yaffa on the sofa, blushing about something he had just wispered to her. Now Zeev wanted to see what the goddess of luck had given his friend, and once again noted that the bitch invariably gives nuts to people who have no teeth.

Ayelet Gundar-Goshen

Ayelet Quotes #1546816
#38. So many women today have become so focused on their children, they've developed these romantic entanglements with their children's lives, and the husbands are secondary. They're left out. And the romantic focus is on the children.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1508888
#39. I think the gap between Israelis and Palestinians is too deep to be bridged in our generation. Politically, we are in favor of a regional solution. A part of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) should be annexed by Israel, and the other parts should be incorporated in a confederation with Jordan.

Ayelet Shaked

Ayelet Quotes #1501505
#40. How many straight men maintain inappropriately intimate relationships with their mothers? How many shop with them? I want a gay son. People laugh, but they assume I'm kidding. I'm not.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1269104
#41. I have made so many mistakes as a mother. But the one thing that I know I do is I make sure my children know how much I love them and they are absolutely secure in that.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1459843
#42. If a good mother is one who loves her child more than anyone else in the world, I am not a good mother. I am in fact a bad mother. I love my husband more than I love my children.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1451740
#43. If you focus all of your emotional passion on your children and you neglect the relationship that brought that family into existence ... eventually, things can go really, really wrong,

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1427437
#44. The only difference between a writer and someone who wants to be a writer is discipline.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1365100
#45. By presenting a faithful and honest record of my experience as a mother, I hope to show both my readers and my children how truth can redeem even what you fear might be the gravest of sins.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1364773
#46. I tell myself that after four children my belly is already so stretched and flabby that I have to do origami to get my pants buttoned. One more pregnancy and I'd be doomed to elastic waists for the rest of my life.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1339503
#47. Courage is impulsive; it is narcissism tempered with nihilism.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1338900
#48. In every union roles are assumed, some traditional, some not. My husband used to pay his own bills, I used to call my own repairman. But as marriages progress, you surrender areas of your own competence, often without even knowing it.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1307461
#49. If producing a regular column is living out loud, then keeping a daily blog is living at the top of your lungs. For a couple of months there, I was shrieking like a banshee.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1304933
#50. The more furious he became at the perverse machinery of the military, the more his belt buckle gleamed, as if to prove that it wasn't he who was unfit for the service but the service that was unfit for him. When

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1293751
#51. I always tell my kids that as soon as you have a secret, something about you that you are ashamed to have others find out, you have given other people the power to hurt you by exposing you.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #1275923
#52. I mean, I absolutely call myself a feminist. And by that, I mean a woman who believes that your opportunities should not be constrained by your gender, that women should be entitled to the same opportunities as men.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #191230
#53. The Q I loathe and despise, the Q every single writer I know loathes and despises, is this one: 'Where,' the reader asks, 'do you get your ideas?' It's a simple question, and my usual response is a kind of helpless, 'I don't know.'

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #381365
#54. I expend far too much of my maternal energies on guilt and regret.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #381231
#55. I am consumed, or I have been consumed, with these issues of motherhood and the way we act out societal expectations and roles. So both my nonfiction and my fiction have been pretty much exclusively about that.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #379691
#56. There are many times as a parent when you realize that your job is not to be the parent you always imagined you'd be, the parent you always wished you had. Your job is to be the parent your child needs, given the particulars of his or her own life and nature.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #376204
#57. Well, you know, I was raised by a 1970s feminist. My mom had a consciousness-raising group. I used to sit at the top of the stairs and listen to them.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #372214
#58. The first inkling my husband had that I was thinking about suicide was when he checked my blog.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #364782
#59. Why are the architects of the family-values agenda so eager to punish into the next generation? What is being served by seeking, quite literally, a tooth for a tooth?

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #346890
#60. Aborting my baby is the most serious of the many maternal crimes I tally in my head when I am at my lowest, when the Bad Mother label seems to fit best. Rocketship was my baby. And I killed him.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #345428
#61. But I really feel strongly that our kids do way too much homework. The research is on my side. It's easy to make a fuss when you're right. That can be the tagline of my life: 'It's Easy To Make A Fuss When You're Right.'

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #281723
#62. Let's all commit ourselves to the basic civility of minding our own business. Failing that, let's go back to a time when we were nasty and judgmental, but only behind one another's backs.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #245458
#63. The biggest challenge for any craft person or artist is to accept the constraints of their medium and make something beautiful despite them. That's kind of fun, actually.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #213501
#64. I got 'Munich' after I had done 'In Treatment' in Israel, which was very successful. But, when I actually shot it, nobody knew it was going to be sold all over the world and be so successful.

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #200994
#65. In a perfect world, probably we'd never yell, we'd just be firm and dispassionate. But of course, everyone yells at their children.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #400861
#66. I'd written personal essays before, but never on this scale
never so often and with such, er, honesty. (If by honesty I mean slashing my wrists and hemorrhaging all over the computer screen).

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #188162
#67. We see nation-states collapsing all around us: Libya, Syria, Iraq. We do not want another failed state in our neighborhood, which would rapidly turn into a stronghold for terrorists, as we have seen in Gaza. We do not want tunnels to suburbs of Tel Aviv or missiles pointed at Jerusalem.

Ayelet Shaked

Ayelet Quotes #184305
#68. Even in the big movies, if the scenes are very big, I'm not fond of them as much as I'm fond of small actor scenes.

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #182652
#69. By the time the children go to bed, I am as drained as any mother who has spent her day working, car pooling, building Lego castles and shopping for the precisely correct soccer cleat.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #165845
#70. I can't imagine the reading is still going on. He's written about Canada, for God's sake. How much can there be to say?

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #162332
#71. People never bothered to pay attention to those who served them. Waiters and drivers were the most invisible people in the world.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #116505
#72. When we choose to have an abortion, we must do so understanding the full ramifications of what we are doing. Anything less feels to me to be hypocritical, a selfish abnegation of reality and responsibility.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #95780
#73. I wrote three novels in six months, with a clarity of focus and attention to detail that I had never before experienced. This type of sublime creative energy is characteristic of the elevated and productive mood state known as hypomania.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #72416
#74. Where would the memoir be without bipolar writers? I mean, that's what - that whole oversharing thing is really a very clear symptom of bipolar disorder. And I'm not saying that every, you know, I'm not accusing every memoirist of being bipolar. But I think in a way it's kind of a gift.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #71601
#75. I think in Israel there is so much talent in the TV world because there's less movies done.

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #11500
#76. I am an adamant feminist. It never occurred to me to take my husband's name when we married. I am a supporter of abortion rights, of equal pay for equal work, of the rights of women prisoners, of all the time-honored feminist causes, and then some.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #10171
#77. I do not take things to the heart. I calculate and I do what needs to be done. If I were to start acting emotionally, it would destroy my work.

Ayelet Shaked

Ayelet Quotes #567562
#78. My new novel 'Red Hook Road' began many years ago as a short article in the newspaper.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #833936
#79. At issue here is a basic law which enables the Supreme Court to quash laws in extreme cases. Up until now, this right of the Supreme Court was not mentioned anywhere, but was just taken. At the same time, we want to enable the Knesset to overrule decisions of the Supreme Court.

Ayelet Shaked

Ayelet Quotes #811931
#80. It's hard to separate your remembered childhood and its emotional legacy from the childhoods that are being lived out in your house, by your children. If you're lucky, your kids will help you make that distinction.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #810512
#81. The thing is, my fantasies about being a parent always involved fighting for my unpopular child, doing for her what my own parents couldn't do for me when I was a girl. I am so ready to be that little girl's mother.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #807539
#82. I had a second trimester abortion. I was pregnant with a much-wanted child who was diagnosed with a genetic abnormality. I made a choice to terminate the pregnancy. It was my third pregnancy, and I was very obviously showing. More important, I could feel the baby move.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #758495
#83. How many people will die, have died, because of the wasted talents of intelligent and gifted women, forced into domestic drudgery, corseted by paternal demands, strangled by denial of opportunity?

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #751019
#84. I grew up watching a lot of Italian and French movies, so I want to have that '70s look, in my dream movie. I want that thing that's not so much happening now, that's existentialist.

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #743763
#85. Even if the dramatic scenes are really hard, if you're happy with what you have and it's been creative and you had a good time with the people you worked with, that's a good day.

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #718137
#86. Listen to the pregnant woman. Value her. She values the life growing inside her. Listen to the pregnant woman, and you cannot help but defend her right to abortion.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #703571
#87. The capacity for extravagant emotion that my husband finds so attractive in me can be exhausting, especially to a child. My moods are mercurial, and this can be terrifying. I know, because I was a daughter of a mother with a changeable temperament.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #688480
#88. I was born in Israel, to Canadian parents. My father immigrated in 1948, part of a wave of young men and women who came as pioneers, to fight for a Jewish homeland. Their motive was in large part a reaction to the Holocaust, and their slogan was 'Never Again.'

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #595312
#89. I'm an actress. In this sense, my profession is less complex than that of a model. True, they're into beauty in Hollywood, and it is age-related, but you can't put a girl with hot lips and no wrinkles and say: 'That's the mother of a 14-year-old.'

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #839599
#90. From a very young age, I would fall off the bed and wake up on the floor because of dreams. I have a memory from the age of four in which I felt God.

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #561953
#91. I used to refer to myself as a 'theoretical anorexic,' just as crazy when it came to body image, but saved by a lack of self-discipline. My daughters do everything better than I do - they're smarter, more beautiful, happier. What if they end up better at anorexia, too?

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #554860
#92. When the babies were very young, I found it difficult to write. I told myself each time that it would be different, I was used to it now, but with every child, for the first four months, I would accomplish nothing.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #524824
#93. My own husband was divorced when we met, but without kids. I don't know what I would have done if he'd had them. I got the message very early on that the worst mistake a woman can make is marrying a man with children.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #514783
#94. Most writers spend their lives standing a little apart from the crowd, watching and listening and hoping to catch that tiny hint of despair, that sliver of malice, that makes them think, 'Aha, here is the story.'

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #495128
#95. I have two daughters and I have done everything in my power to prevent them from assimilating, even being aware of, my idiocy about my weight.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #493855
#96. Or the people they call terrorists. If it's you who's in the foreign country, and the people you're waiting for arguably have more of a right to be there than you do, who's the terrorist?

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #450417
#97. You really want to make sure that you have fun, at the end of the day. If it's not fun, what's the point.

Ayelet Zurer

Ayelet Quotes #448823
#98. The economy in Gaza is declining because Gaza is controlled by a terror regime.

Ayelet Shaked

Ayelet Quotes #414323
#99. If only shame were a reliable engine for behavior modification. All it does is make me feel bad, which inspires me to bust open a bag of cheese popcorn, which then makes me feel crappy about my weight.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #408898
#100. I mean, I do actually think there is a qualitative difference between aborting in the early part of the first trimester and in, you know, the middle or later part of the second trimester, in a way that you feel about it in that you grow attached.

Ayelet Waldman

Ayelet Quotes #402984

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