Top 15 Audaces Fortuna Quotes

#1. Audaces fortuna iuvat (latin)- Fortune favors the bold.


Audaces Fortuna Quotes #1339445
#2. I don't want to know what your favorite color is
but I do want to know what color you bleed
when you're with me.

Shinji Moon

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #52067
#3. I would rather be disliked for who I am than to be respected for who I'm not.

Cecil Murphey

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #184941
#4. I've had a great experience with pretty much everybody I've worked with.

Mia Wasikowska

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #495299
#5. I was walking down the street the other day and these construction workers were working on the roof hammering away. One of them told me I was a paranoid lunatic ... in morse code.

Emo Philips

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #901213
#6. We had the skirts with the slits up the side, sort of tough, sort of Spanish Harlem cool, but sweet too.

Ronnie Spector

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #921210
#7. Everybody knows pretty much everything about me. I emptied all the skeletons out of my closet a long time ago.

David Feherty

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #938808
#8. The only absolutely and unapproachably heroic element in the soldier's work seems to be-that he is paid little for it-and regularly.

John Ruskin

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #1102508
#9. He[John Cassavetes] was just being an actor. A very successful actor, especially in live TV. He did many wonderful performances.

Gena Rowlands

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #1136389
#10. You either master money, or, on some level, money masters you.

Tony Robbins

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #1217759
#11. Comedians still make fun of Bill's out-of-control appetites, but with Hillary, the mockery is about how she lets nothing be out of control.

Rich Lowry

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #1275461
#12. I'm about to turn 48, and I think that the closer I get to 50, the more I might be interested in fatherhood. But honestly, I'm not grown up yet myself.

John Benjamin Hickey

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #1353406
#13. I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation.

Matt Lucas

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #1753197
#14. At the world's end, a hero did not rise. So the people set out to make one.

Ali Billedeaux

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #1772666
#15. When you speak, speak the truth; perform when you promise; discharge your trust ... Withhold your hands from striking, and from taking that which is unlawful and bad ...

Abdul Kalam

Audaces Fortuna Quotes #1865844

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