Top 23 Armed To The Teeth Quotes

#1. To penetrate one's being, one must go armed to the teeth.

Paul Valery

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #356094
#2. Lightly armed nations can move toward war just as easily as those which are armed to the teeth, and they will do so if the usual causes of war are not removed.

Ludwig Quidde

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1879430
#3. I had rather have everybody on my side than be armed to the teeth.

Woodrow Wilson

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1844115
#4. Thwarted by the British and French on the world stage, Berlin decided in 1913 to concentrate Germany's military objectives in Europe. That year Germany grew into a singularly dangerous continental presence: besieged, paranoid and armed to the teeth.

Paul Ham

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1836479
#5. Your grandma always was an advocate of thorough preparedness. She would strongly advise staying not only armed to the teeth, but well equipped in the computational department. You've been taught you should really carry no less than 5 computers on you at all times, like a sensible person.

Andrew Hussie

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1820722
#6. She was armed to the teeth for any onslaught of sympathy.

Alice Sebold

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1797356
#7. In a world filled with mistrust, armed to the teeth and ready to explode, a realistic attitude might be to consider love as an imperative need.

Dominique De Menil

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1648745
#8. We are on the path toward becoming the Sparta of the 21st century, armed to the teeth and without the capacity to care for our own people.

Dennis Kucinich

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1589259
#9. I thought you two might be up against it. Benedict Lightwood's parties have a reputation for danger. When I heard you were here - "
"We're well equipped to handle danger," Tessa said.
Magnus eyed her bosom openly.
"I can see that," he said.
"Armed to the teeth, as it were.

Cassandra Clare

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1423844
#10. You have a drawer full of dull butter knives and an old pair of kitchen shears. You are hardly armed to the teeth.

Kingfisher Pink

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1389747
#11. One of the most insane environments I have ever spent time in is a gun range. There we are, all in a line, armed to the teeth, firing away.

Henry Rollins

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1356143
#12. Armed to the teeth?" "He had not even a knitting-needle.

Alexandre Dumas

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1324943
#13. This country is armed to the teeth, and none of these African states could begin to attack South Africa.

Helen Suzman

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1244286
#14. My rock candy passion is bittersweet
And armed to the teeth
Cuz she would rather fall in chocolate
Than fall in love.. Especially with me!

Owl City

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1129871
#15. We in the West walked away from Afghanistan at the end of the Cold War and left it as a country devastated socially and armed to the teeth. If we do that again, there will be consequences.

Bob Ainsworth

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #568495
#16. To enter into your own mind you need to be armed to the teeth.

Paul Valery

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #444390
#17. I don't worry about superpower confrontation. You know, I lived through the Cold War days, and where everybody was worried about a Soviet Union armed to the teeth. I think we're going to get along fine with Russia, and I don't see them as internationally ambitious.

George H. W. Bush

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #364495
#18. One moment and bright the next. When the manager, escorted by the pilgrims, all of them armed to the teeth, had gone to the house, this chap came on board. 'I say, I don't like this. These natives are in the bush,' I said. He assured me earnestly it was all right. 'They are simple

Joseph Conrad

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #103045
#19. After all, if you're going to kick authority in the teeth, it helps to have a manic smile on your face and a middle finger outstretched. Or, at the very least, armed with an ironic turn of phrase. Just ask any well meaning punk. Or Bob Dylan.


Armed To The Teeth Quotes #443867
#20. No onslaught more fierce was ever seen in the savage world of beasts, where some desperate small creature armed with little teeth, alone, will spring upon a tower of horn and hide that stands above its fallen mate.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1417161
#21. In a world which is armed to its teeth with nuclear weapons, every quarrel or difference of opinion may lead to violence of a kind quite different from what is possible today.

Herman Kahn

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1582349
#22. Our fathers and ourselves sowed dragon's teeth. Our children know and suffer the armed men.

Stephen Vincent Benet

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1632062
#23. Books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a potency of life in them ... I know they are as lively and as vigorously productive as those fabulous dragon's teeth and being sown up and down, may chance to spring up armed men.

John Milton

Armed To The Teeth Quotes #1867340

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