Top 69 Archive.lovingyou Quotes

#1. There is still, in fact, in Calvino's archive a drawer full of newspaper cuttings concerning scientific discoveries. As

Italo Calvino

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1169962
#2. we, as a society, archive our history. We don't want to forget where we've been and what we've seen. The past informs us, and can easily transform us, if we choose to let it. Q.

Susan Meissner

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1418387
#3. Everyone today has a story; the world's an archive.

Anne Rice

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1316189
#4. The mark of the true hero is that the most heroic of his deeds is done in secret. We never hear of it. And yet somehow, my friends, we know. - Father Tyler's Collected Sermons, FROM THE ARVATH ARCHIVE

Erika Johansen

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1268464
#5. I gave my archive to Emory University because there's a really dear friend who teaches there, Rudolph Byrd, and he's the editor.

Alice Walker

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1252086
#6. By uploading 40 years of 'Ecologist' editions online, we will be creating the world's most extensive ecological archive. 'The Ecologist' will continue to set the environmental and political agenda here and abroad.

Zac Goldsmith

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1241132
#7. I woke up one day and I was like, "I don't have anything to save for myself for the future." That's when I started archiving things. I take four or five things that are really key to each collection, and I restore them or, in some cases, remake parts of them, and archive them.

Jason Wu

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1238315
#8. A shadow archive and an archive of shadows, the literary architectonic demands a resistance to excessive illumination.

Akira Mizuta Lippit

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1233735
#9. The archive of supposed photocopies (I.E. memory) actually offers up strange creatures; the green paradise of childhood loves that Baudelaire recalled is for many a future in reverse, an obverse of hope in the face of the gray purgatory of adult loves.

Julio Cortazar

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1226415
#10. I was born very far from where I'm supposed to be, and so I'm on my way home.

Bob Dylan

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1429788
#11. I was working for Alan Lomax in the Library of Congress folk song archive, and starting to realize what a wealth of different kinds of music there was in this country that you never heard on the radio.

Pete Seeger

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1165463
#12. Everywhere I step, I find only corners," Father whispered. "Slowly, they trap me.

Brandon Sanderson

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1122724
#13. We turn our own lives into an information archive by storing all our emails, SMS, digital photos, and other digital traces of our existence.

Lev Manovich

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1102737
#14. What's unique about [4chan] is that it's anonymous, and it has no memory. There's no archive, there are no barriers, there's no registration ... That's led to this discussion that's completely raw, completely unfiltered.

Christopher Poole

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #982584
#15. All those years and their moments - Crackling bacon, slamming car doors, Poems tried out on friends, Will be one more archive, One more shaky text.

Gary Snyder

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #968624
#16. Wouldn't it be great if you could put all the published works online? The Internet Archive is trying to become useful as a modern-day digital library.

Brewster Kahle

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #952476
#17. The fondest dream of the information age is to create an archive of all knowledge. You might call it the Alexandrian fantasy, after the great library founded by Ptolemy I in 286 BC.

Gary Wolf

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #944868
#18. The Archive means that the past is never gone. Never lost. Knowing that, it's freeing. It gave me permission to always look forward. After all, we have our own Histories to write.

Victoria Schwab

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #935454
#19. I archive a lot of my clothes and have them wrapped up and in boxes. I call them 'little tombs' and keep them in a storage space ... I would never get rid of the dress I wore on the night I won my Oscar. When I die, someone can have it, but not a minute before!

Halle Berry

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1628756
#20. There's an institution here called the National Sound Archive, and there's a character who works there, Paul Wilson. He takes a very special interest in the history of the music and advised Martin Davidson of the existence of these tapes.

Evan Parker

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1878054
#21. I've always had a bazillion songs in my archive, but I want to play people stuff they know. Now that I have two albums' worth of material, that gives me freedom to compose a set that's more well-balanced and build a show rather than just a recital of some songs.

Kate Voegele

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1857149
#22. I have a website because it's an interesting tool, very - and quite unexpectedly - useful for my work. It's become an archive and a fairly complete on-line portfolio, as well as offering an opportunity to write a little.

John Howe

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1805708
#23. Online media is the future, and younger feminists are already instrumental in using social media and multi-media platforms on the web to document street harassment, archive and critique the media, and create art.

Jennifer Baumgardner

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1785038
#24. I want to create the largest archive of great God debates in existence: a Web site that becomes a great resource for both Christians and atheists.

Dinesh D'Souza

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1732818
#25. Another scandal for Hillary Clinton - they're saying she used a private email address when she was secretary of state, which means the government couldn't archive and preserve her emails. Then Obama said, 'Don't worry, we saw them. We see everyone's emails.'

Jimmy Fallon

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1712957
#26. You don't need the 'voice of God' commentary. Instead, by juxtaposing contradictory or confirmatory witnesses and archive material, your point of view becomes obvious.

Marcel Ophuls

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1666094
#27. My library is an archive of longings.

Susan Sontag

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1662628
#28. It is an archive ... You probably get rooms like this in even the most modern of offices, like a rusty anchor chained to the past and with no purpose in life.

Jose Saramago

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #929992
#29. Everything about Wesley Ayers is messy. My three worlds are kept apart by walls and doors and locks, and yet here he is, tracking the Archive into my life like mud. I know what Da would say, I know, I know, I know. But the strange new overlap is scary and messy and welcome. I can be careful.

Victoria Schwab

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1627419
#30. We may observe in some of the abrupt grounds we meet with, sections of great masses of strata, where it is as easy to read the history of the sea, as it is to read the history of Man in the archives of any nation.

Jean-Andre De Luc

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1622681
#31. Typically your work will end up in a museum [after] you're dead. And maybe that's the function of a museum. It's an archive of your work after you're dead.

Eric Drooker

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1598872
#32. We're all creating an archive of our own lives, whether we're aware of it or not.

Hasan M. Elahi

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1594931
#33. One of DC's strengths is our archive of storylines ranging from 'Watchmen' to 'Arkham Asylum' to 'Sandman.'

Jim Lee

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1461288
#34. A sociologist without an archive is like a person without a memory.

Raisa Gorbacheva

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1461018
#35. I can't predict how reading habits will change. But I will say that the greatest loss is the paper archive - no more a great stack of manuscripts, letters, and notebooks from a writer's life, but only a tiny pile of disks, little plastic cookies where once were calligraphic marvels.

Paul Theroux

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #1459395
#36. I'm a person who always wanted to turn my life into an archive. Social media made my dream come true.

Dara Horn

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #182432
#37. Of a terrible, the incomprehensible way one's most banal, incidental, even comical choices archive the most disproportionate result.

Philip Roth

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #372251
#38. Pretty soon, I'll be decomposing into phosphorous, calcium, and so on. Who else will you find to tell you the truth? All that's left are the archives. Pieces of paper. And the truth is... I worked at an archive myself, I can tell you first hand: paper lies even more than people do.

Svetlana Alexievich

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #319640
#39. I'm often reassured in a bizarre - perhaps perverse - way when I find in the archive stuff that contradicts what my assumptions have been. That's interesting and exciting.

Antony Beevor

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #311203
#40. My first job was to run a concessions cart. Later, I found a position at the Pacific Film Archive. Thus began a long series of jobs, each one slightly better than the last, that continued for a decade, until I sold my first novel, and still goes on, even now.

Mona Simpson

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #310940
#41. In a sense our brains are like an archive, where material is well-preserved and properly catalogued, but also dissolves, or becomes re-shelved or misplaced, or in some cases never makes it there to begin with.

Clifton Crais

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #283203
#42. What's an archive, son? Is that anything like a closet?

Redd Foxx

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #280319
#43. Folklore used to be passed by word of mouth, from one generation to the next; that's what makes it folklore, as opposed to, say, history, which is written down and stored in an archive.

Jill Lepore

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #240091
#44. People like to be shown around archives. I don't know why. I'm in the business, but one row of shelves stuffed with manila files looks much like another.

V.T. Davy

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #205088
#45. I depended on you....You're older, you're supposed to be archive. That's what sisters do, remember for each other.

Marthe Jocelyn

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #390486
#46. For me, it does not 'miss' if (the Potteries Thinkbelt study) goes into the archive, not as an example of how railway carriages can be used for teaching, but as one of the most powerful question marks ever placed against the architecture of university education.

Roy Landau

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #175774
#47. Research material can turn up anywhere - in a dusty old letter in an archive, a journal or some old photographs you find in a charity shop.

Sara Sheridan

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #152118
#48. I love this idea of the body as a trauma archive!

Heidi Julavits

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #150783
#49. Certain documents, such as the FISA court order allowing collection of telephone records and Obama's presidential directive to prepare offensive cyber-operations, were among the US government's most closely held secrets. Deciphering the archive and the NSA's language

Glenn Greenwald

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #147141
#50. The difference between an achiever and a loser is,
An achiever never gives up, never settles and lastly never forgets.

Akash Lakhotia

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #118860
#51. For the longest time, the way that I had understood 4chan was this idea that the lack of an archive made the content really ephemeral, and it took me a while, but I finally realized that that's just totally wrong.

Christopher Poole

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #55956
#52. If you're going to download an MP3, as a recording, it's sort of like an archive of something that has happened - that has a beginning and an end and can be released. The infiniteness escaped.

Tristan Perich

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #43123
#53. Social Networking that matters is helping people archive their goals. Doing it reliably and repeatability so that over time people have an interest in helping you achieve your goals.

Seth Godin

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #598634
#54. No doubt even more unforeseen denouements lie in somebody's archive, though few remain to care about them.

Anthony Heilbut

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #860982
#55. APPENDIX SOME WORDS ABOUT WAR AND PEACE (Published in Russian Archive, 1868)

Leo Tolstoy

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #823760
#56. The Archive makes us monsters. And then it breaks the ones who get too strong, and buries the ones who know too much.

Victoria Schwab

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #818946
#57. if it's not in my email archive, I don't know it

Cory Doctorow

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #812903
#58. Archive material is vital to the writer of historical fiction.

Sara Sheridan

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #750834
#59. I don't keep a diary and I throw away nearly all the paper I might have kept. I don't keep an archive. There's something worrying about my make-up that I try to leave no trace of myself apart from my plays.

Tom Stoppard

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #643975
#60. We know the secret police's methods, and the way the archive and registry were run - that's how we know. We've also found evidence from the Bolek file cited in other files.

Slawomir Cenckiewicz

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #611801
#61. It is to have a compulsive, repetitive, and nostalgic desire for the archive, an irrepressible desire to return to the origin, a homesickness, a nostalgia for the return to the most archaic place of absolute commencement

Jacques Derrida

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #602578
#62. I am excited to share my archive pictures and footage. I'll also share announcements about current events and success stories from the Sugar Ray Leonard Foundation to help fight diabetes and child obesity.

Sugar Ray Leonard

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #24393
#63. I read round the subject, I make a skeleton outline, and then I start work in the relevant archives. During the marshaling of the material, I copy the material from each archive file across to the relevant chapter in the skeleton outline.

Antony Beevor

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #588052
#64. On 'Senna,' it got to the point where there was so much footage that our first editor had the wild suggestion that we only use the archive.

Asif Kapadia

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #493940
#65. The fashion I've acquired over the years is so sacred to me - from costumes to couture, high fashion to punk wear I've collected from my secret international hot spots. I keep everything in an enormous archive in Hollywood.

Lady Gaga

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #492905
#66. Rex is 60 years old with 13 million images and 10 million in archive. It's the first time we've had a historic archive to work with, which is super interesting.

Jon Oringer

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #458021
#67. Four years of service, and the Archive is still so full of secrets - some big, like altering; some small, like this. The more of them I learn, the more I realize how little I know, and the more I wonder about the things I have been told. The rules I have been taught.

Victoria Schwab

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #416030
#68. Archive material is a fabulous starting point - individual documents are like signposted roads, heading to a variety of intriguing possibilities.

Sara Sheridan

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #401211
#69. The university is the archive of the Western mind, it's the keeper of the Western culture, ... the guardian of our heritage, the teacher of our teachers, ... the dwelling place of the free mind.

Adlai E. Stevenson

Archive.lovingyou Quotes #394661

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