Top 52 Appreciate Who You Are Quotes

#1. I think you just have to appreciate who you are and hopefully they can see what a superhero is about.

Lucy Liu

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1271653
#2. You have to appreciate where you have come from to know who you are in the present and whom you would like to be in the future.

Truth Devour

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1360777
#3. Appreciate your friends and loved ones. There's no way of knowing what's coming next, so appreciate those who are close to you.

Lenny Jacobson

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #920292
#4. May you realise who the "cosmos flowers" in your life are and learn to love, appreciate and notice them more often.

Jennifer Rossouw

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #981442
#5. Do not settle for people who do not appreciate you, who do not know how lucky they are. Remember it is a privilege to be loved by you or even just to be touched by you. And the warmth of another body does not define your worth.

Sade Andria Zabala

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1095418
#6. ...the only trick with friendship, I think, is to find people who are better than you are - not smarter, not cooler, but kinder, and more generous, and more forgiving - and then appreciate them for what they can teach you...

Hanya Yanagihara

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1120276
#7. My advice for other female directors is look for people who really appreciate your vision and are willing to genuinely support you. When it comes time to taking notes on various cuts, if you have a smart producer, listen to her notes!

Linda Hoaglund

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1135879
#8. You don't need too many people to be happy. Just a few real ones who appreciate you for who you are.

Wiz Khalifa

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1146816
#9. I don't have a normal job, so I really appreciate having friends who are writers and artists. It's fun to have a group of people you can call in the middle of the day to go for a hike.

Natalie Portman

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1197947
#10. I think all those artists are artists who are appreciated because you believe their words and you appreciate their honesty in their music. If you don't appreciate the honesty in the music, the beat can be fly as hell but you'll never give an emcee props.

Talib Kweli

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1224233
#11. I don't really know who you are, but I'd appreciate it if I never found out.

Babe Walker

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1249058
#12. Walk in love and you will appreciate people for who they are.

Mensah Oteh

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1271705
#13. You have to be an extremely good reader to appreciate what a good writer is. There are some people who are completely insensitive to good writing.

Robert Caro

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1282030
#14. People play the victim forever," she continued. "But who are they kidding? They are only robbing themselves. Life doesn't owe you anything. Neither does anyone else. Only you owe yourself. So the best way to make the most out of life is to appreciate the gift of it, and choose not to be a victim.

Bronnie Ware

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1318185
#15. Just be who you really are, why change for someone who doesn't even appreciate for the kind of person u've been.

Ayan Khan

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #892691
#16. It is people who pause to appreciate life and give thanks who are happiest. If we change our thoughts, we change our world! Love and peace to you all.

Brittany Maynard

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1455793
#17. Deficiency motivation doesn't work. It will lead to a life-long pursuit of try to fix me. Learn to appreciate what you have and where and who you are.

Wayne Dyer

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1480940
#18. We've learnt to appreciate and respect and love someone who's different from us. It is very easy to accept and love those who are like us, but to love someone different is very hard, and you helped us to do that.

Luis Sepulveda

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1553156
#19. When you are appreciating creation as much as the Creator, then the Creator will ask, 'Who is appreciating my creation as much as me. Let me see this person.'

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1596355
#20. I appreciate your help, but that still does not satisfy my confusion. Who are you?" she asks as she sits forward.
"I could be asking you the same thing, Mrs. Peeper," he says as he laughs.

Shanora Williams

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1621808
#21. Appreciate your personality! Celebrate who you are.You are Too-Much.

Anyaele Sam Chiyson

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1662116
#22. My interest in fragrance is really a personal thing. I've always gravitated toward them and appreciate the subtle, meaningful way they express who you are.

Erin Heatherton

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1703957
#23. I appreciate the support and anyone who takes up a position on my behalf. Especially in matches, this feeling that there are people behind you, gives me a lot of strength.

Viswanathan Anand

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1726990
#24. The Eucharist bathes the tormented soul in light and love. Then the soul appreciates these words, 'Come all you who are sick, I will restore your health.'

Bernadette Soubirous

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1815100
#25. The old Ivy feared parental reaction from each tiny act of defiance. But the new Ivy says, "Fuck 'em all!" a sentiment that Rachel will surely appreciate. My new motto? Be who you are and own that shit-because only with true self-acceptance comes peace and joy.

B.L. Berry

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1840567
#26. It's when you are trying to make something that is "authentic" as opposed to real - people who appreciate music for the wrong reasons tend to compartmentalize stuff.

James Hunter

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1867708
#27. No one makes it to the "top" by themselves. Each step you take is guided by at least one person's blood, sweat and tears. Appreciate those who stand behind you as you rise. They are the only ones who will catch you if you fall. The ladder of success is steadiest when someone's there to support it.

Carlos Wallace

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #1870895
#28. Any one who is much talked of be much maligned. This seems to be a harsh conclusion; but when you consider how much more given men are to depreciate than to appreciate, you will acknowledge that there is some truth in the saying.

Arthur Helps

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #498971
#29. To those of you who are wearing ties, I think my dad would appreciate it if you took them off.

Robert Moog

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #15616
#30. Without darkness, we may never know how bright the stars shine. Without battles, we could not know what victory feels like. Without adversity, we may never appreciate the abundance in our lives. Be thankful, not only for the easy times, but for every experience that has made you who you are.


Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #67852
#31. Love isn't always a physical emotion. Sometimes it's the ones who never got to actually hold you in their arms that appreciate you for who you are

Sarah Sprague

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #76230
#32. If you really "hygger", you do not perform in any way. You will not be challenged, and you do not show up as "another", than you are. It is easiest to socialize with people who know one from several sides, and appreciate them.

Iben Dissing Sandahl

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #122540
#33. Money can't change who we are. All it does is magnify our true natures. If you're mean and selfish, you have more to be mean and selfish with. If you're grateful and loving, you have more to appreciate and give.

Anthony Robbins

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #147961
#34. What do you think of the Wilcoxes? Are they our sort? Are they likely people? Could they appreciate Helen, who is to my mind a very special sort of person? Do they care about Literature and Art? That is most important when you come to think of it. Literature and Art. Most important. How

E. M. Forster

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #187482
#35. Never waste time holding grudges for people who have wronged you.
Time waits for no one.
Apologise when you are wrong,
Express your love when you should,
Forgive the ones who wronged you,
And appreciate the one who makes efforts to see you smile.

Nomthandazo Tsembeni

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #298022
#36. Just be nice, take genuine interest in the people you meet, and keep in touch with people you like. This will create a group of people who are invested in helping you because they know you and appreciate you.

Guy Kawasaki

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #316864
#37. It's important to enjoy who you are and to appreciate things around you.

Sean Bean

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #325073
#38. I found you. I stole you. I took you from others who didn't appreciate the gift of what you are, and now I'm never letting you go. Jethro

Pepper Winters

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #382673
#39. To all of you who are Republicans of long standing, I hope you appreciate that I always tried to stand for conservative values.

Richard Mourdock

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #492974
#40. One is taught by experience to put a premium on those few people who can appreciate you for what you are.

Gail Godwin

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #494466
#41. In the process of developing an accurate assessment of who you actually are, you need to appreciate the disparity between how you appear to your own mind and how you indeed exist.

Dalai Lama XIV

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #802077
#42. A child who was born with a silver spoon is likely to not appreciate all he is provided with.
And it is likely that a child who grew up from the dust to look down on others once the floods gate of success opens up for him.
It is NOT where you come FROM that matters,
But where you are GOING.

Nomthandazo Tsembeni

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #546227
#43. To grow, to become spiritually alive, and vibrant, you really have to struggle. Without struggle, you do not move at all ... I would appreciate it if readers who come to my work would try very, very, very hard not to think narrowly as we are taught to think in America.

Alice Walker

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #577178
#44. The director is the ultimate creative arbiter of what's going to happen. And as a director myself, you really appreciate collaborating with people who are trying to help you find what you need and what you want.

Roman Coppola

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #580213
#45. You will be able to say you have done your best at selling when you satisfy your customers' needs on a steady and consistent basis. As a professional salesperson, you can't satisfy those needs unless you know what they are and appreciate the person who has them

Jack Carew

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #609399
#46. When you have to do all the more crappy jobs before, you appreciate all the good work that comes out of that. There are many girls who immediately have a top model career, and there are lots of models who are doing things that aren't as exciting as doing big campaigns and beautiful magazines.

Saskia De Brauw

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #613846
#47. Because this I know for sure: Who you're meant to be evolves from where you are right now. So learning to appreciate your lessons, mistakes, and setbacks as stepping-stones to the future is a clear sign you're moving in the right direction.

Oprah Winfrey

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #670754
#48. And what I further don't understand is how little you appreciate the nature of your departure. Think of all the poor souls who go in violent accidents. These are the nonprecognition victim. We are not permitted to forewarn them. You, Mr. Bookman, fall into the category of natural causes.

Rod Serling

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #709005
#49. Appreciate everything and everyone. Look upon every experience you've ever had, and everyone who's ever played any role in your life, as having been sent to you for your benefit. In this universe, which was created by a divine, organizing intelligence, there are simply no accidents.

Wayne Dyer

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #745705
#50. I think for us up-and-coming artists, once you're out there, once you've put stuff up, once people know who you are, once you discover who you are, we're all in the same boat: it's down to whether people appreciate the music or not.

Ella Eyre

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #750499
#51. I looked at Jonah. "I'm still learning who you are. And you're my partner, so I appreciate that you're willing to take a punch for me." I walked to Ethan and glared up at him. "But you know better than this, Ethan Sullivan.

Chloe Neill

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #772259
#52. "I don't like it" or "I like it". This sentence must go away from your tongue. Likes and dislikes are only for people who have limited vision. You should learn to appreciate.

Nirmala Srivastava

Appreciate Who You Are Quotes #783107

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